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PROPERTIES TOR SAKE. DOMINION ROAD — £1400 EASY TERMS. EXCELLENT GROOMED RESIDENCE, 'in first-class order: all conveniences. Splenili'l allotment. O-I x 130, Freehold. This property is close to trams, aud within easy distance of city. WE SUGGEST IMMEDIATE INSPECTION. SMITH ANiThALCOMBE AUCTIONEERS. .->, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. C APARTMENT HOUSE.
PONSONBY' (City Side), 1 mm. to cars— 10-roomed House, just the thing for sub-letting in suites of rooms. Could obtain from this place £8 per week. All modern coin-., p.xv.c. (2), xv.b.. x-.t. 14): con-<-rete foundation, slate roof. Splendid ontI look. Large section. DRft frontage to wide street. Easily £100 per year can be made here, after all outgoings 'pnlxl. Every apartment '-an be let within one xveeit. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price, £2100. Cash, about £1000. Cards to view. Sole Agents. DOMINION" HP (I mins to Terminus)—s Rooms, h. and c. w. tiled range, gas in every room, fruit trees, xx-orkshop, w.b.. c.t. Room for motor car. I'rice, £1250, cash £000. Bal. arranged. AVONDALE— 0 ROOMS, an convs.; fine garden, elevated, beautiful view, small creek, small patch bush. £1300. Cash i"700. PONSONBY— 6 ROOMS, 2nd section; every cony., p.w.c: vacant sec. adjoining: fruit trees, fowl house and run. The lot £1050. Cash £650. PONSONBY— <! ROOMS; perfect in and out. p.xv.c, etc. £S7's. Cash £375, balance 5 years, at O per cent. MILFORD— fi ROOMS and convs., gas cooker, etc.; large d. room and verandah 10ft wide. £050. -Cash £350. Bal. arranged. REMUERA (lOmins to Newmarket)—o ROOMS. Wants attention. Money here. Fine view. £1400. £500 cash. Bal. at 0 per cent. "jtrORNINGSIDE—6 ROOMS, h. and c. w., aaX all other convs; sec. (53 x 170, elevated. iCI3OO. £650 cash. Bal. at Hi per cent. -1 years to run. Balance above mortgage in cash! J. H. MULDOON AND CO., !W, QUEEN STREET. S
NETTLETON AND SON, PLEASE NOTE 'NEW ADDRESS: BASEMENT, N.Z. INSURANCE BLDGS. THE PROPERTIES YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY—A SMALL SELECTION OF EACH DISTRICT. REMUERA. A BSOLUTELY every mod. conv.—Bnnga-A-A- ioxv. containing 5 beautifully tasteful rooms, pore. bath, basin, califont. hullt-In xvardrohes: situated on xx-aterside, nnd magnificent water views. This is an absolute bargain, as owner .has reduced price to £1750 to effect quick sale. ISO early inspection is invited. ."jtrODERN BUNGALOW of 7 rooms, every I possible cony.. pore, bath and basin, hand c. water, built-in wardrobes, water ; views; irood level section of 50ft by 170 ft. -Price. f>?ni>. A NOTHER WATERSIDE PROPOSITION ■aX —Bungalow, containing 0 good spacious rooms, every mod. cony.. pore. bath, basin, califont. elc.. including extra section: excellently situated for tennis or croquet lawn: containing in all 100 ft frontage. Trice. £2000 for lot. BAYSWATER. QITUATED in B&yswater's best part— Mod. Bungalow of G rooms, every possible cony.. built-in xvardrohes, pore' hath, basin, h. and c. water, mod. beam ceilin-s: everything absolutely irp to date: good section, 72ft by 175 ft: good views of xxater: i only smin. to hoar, and no need to reiy on trams. Price. £IGSO. DEVONPORT. TTOUSE. built of heart kauri, consisting xif 5 uood rooms, built-in wardrobes, electric li-ht throughout: surrounded by good, xvell laid out section of 50ft by 120 ft: good tarred paths, and everything very neat, and attractive, i'rice. £1250.
EPSOM. "V"EAT. modern little House of 4 rooms in -*-" one of tho best parts of Epsom, every;!:ing up-to-date. norc. bath and basin, h. "nil c. water. built-in xvardrolxes. also cupboards galore in kitchen: good solid beam ceilings, art papers, picture rail: section. i Gfift by 2noff. of best volcanic land: concrete paths and garden laid out: Glnsgxrw renewrble lease, only £S per annum. This property is absolutely suitable to any person reonlring a neat modern home iii one of Auckland's best localities. Price £1255 BELMONT. riOOD. solidly-built little House of 5 v * rooms', practically every cony ■ good . level section. Gift by 132 ft: quite handy to tram ami school, also only Id minutes- x'vnlk to excellent beach. Price. OCiil: £100 cash. MOUNT ALBERT. mwO-STOREYED BUNGALOW of fi X rooms, built-in wardrobes, gas stove as xvell as range, pore, bath and basin, h. and C. water, ex-cry mod. cony.. xvas-hhoiisc under same roof: section 1-acre of finest volcanic land I'rice. £1850. CLIENTS ARE SPECIALLY NOTIFIED TO OBSERVE THAT AFTER MONDAY OUR NEW ADDRESS WILL REBASEMENT OF N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS. NETTLETON - AND SON, 'PHONE A 2.44. M "jI.TT. EDEN.—A Real Choice H'.-me, Tnrt .-"A- nolo the only £1)00.—.-.-roomed [ House and. all conveniences. A real b-tr-igain ar ihe price, £!HX>. Terms. |T>ONiSONBY — Now Empty — 5-ro..liied A- House and -"iivenicnces, iv good order. I'rice. £700. £.00 cash pONSONBY-4 Rooms in good order; nice X section. Price, flioo. f.WO cash AKKV LYNN—S-roomed House, all latest XA conveniences: h. and c. xvater, p.b.. basin, h. water over washhouse. I'rice, ! pONSONBY — Modern. 7-roomed Home. -*- clecrric light, p.b.. p.xv.e.: large section. mom lo build another house: lmin. to car. Price, £1750: terms. Sole Aleuts COUGHEY BROS., .".n. EXCHANGE LANE T'lione _____lgA_ C POINT CHEYALIER-Immedlate Possos\A- sion— HOUSE. G ROOMS, and convs I large . corner section. Price, £1300 £50> cash. Balance 3 years at 0 per cent, 'including 5 adjoining Sections, £1000. £000 cash Balance at G per cent. ~ ' "\"EW LYNN—HOUSE. G ROOMS, etc ■ T ■A-* acres 3 roods 11 perches, long frontage to main road. I'rice. £2300. £500 cash Balance 5 years at 5* per cent. A VONDALE—SI ACRES LAND, 500 links atX x 104 S. Price. £500, on very easy terms. Large Range SECTIONS on Easy Terms. F. BLUCK AND SON, 3_j__p (3 rings). AVONDALE. C HOUSES NOW VACANT. 6 -ROOMED .BUNGALOW Mornin-side £12iVi. £30(1 dep. fi-roomed YTLI *' j Surrey -Crescent. £1130, £.'!00 dep (l-roomed ■•VILLA. Parnell. £S_s £3.5 d.-p. S-roome • RESmBNCE. Mt. Eden. £' £500 den n-roomed VILLA. Mt. Eden. £Finn f-.-jn dpi' ; 7-roomed ROrniHCAST .Heme Bay £-"100 i £500 dep. 8-roomed RESIDENCE. "Grafton ■ CI.-jxi. £500 dep. fi-roomed VILLA Green , Lane. £1105. £.00 dep. 0-roomed HOfsi" I New-ton, £i,>o. £1,5 dep. S-roi*med nrv: i" | WW. Mt. Albert. £1-150. £ 4 no ,Uii s roomed VILLA. Ponsonby, £1150, £30u dep!" STURGESS AND OLNEY, S, REW'S CIIAMBS., 15, QUEEN ST, 1.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
Word Count
1,000Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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