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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. MANGERE. JUST ON THE MAIRKET. 5Q A ORES AT -£J4() PER ACRE. The best sheltered and one of the I'rettiest Little Farms iv Mangere. FINE HOUSE, new outbuildings. Good pasture. Land lies nicely to the sun anxl Is beautifuly sheltered by hedges and large trees. Further particulars from ihe Agents. (11S7) TVAST rpAMAKI. Af\ ACRES RICH (FLAT LAND, all in -*" .English grasses. Fenced and subdivided. Situated centre of East Tamaki, Dn good land. Owner prepared assist purchaser in 'Building New House. PRICE, *? "j PER ACRE.
"piAKUIRANGA. A~ ACR-ES OF THE RICHEST (IRA'S V±*J AND CROPPING LAND in this lovely district. Corner Section. Saltwater frontage. Good Fishing. Cottage. Live hedges. Nicely sheltered. PRICE, -PIKf) PER ACRE. TERMS. "pArATOETOE. i}(\ ACRES STRONG VOLCANIC LAND. --U House \8 rooms, man's room, motor shed and numerous outbuildings. All in good pasture. Handy position. PRICE, x?^9oo Several Good Residential Properties, City and Suburbs. ALFRED BUCKLAND & SONS, LIMITED. AUCTIONEERS AND ESTATE AGENT?, ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. B REMUERA. T>UNOALOW of fi main rooms, every AJ convenience; sunny position. £1750. (Fol. 11) EPSOM, GLADWIN ROAD. AT FOOT ONE-Ttt'E.E HILL. "OUNGALOW of 5 main rooms, well built: AJ over 1-acre. laid out. £ISOO. (Fol. 202)
PARNELL. TTvAMILY HOUSE of 7 main rooms (heart X of kauri), every convenience; sunny verandah: good Section. £1750. (Fol. 381) PARNELL. APARTMENT HOUSE, well budlt. to■aa- gether with 'COTTAGE adjoining. Large Section, £2500. (Fol. 352) RICHARD ARTHUR LTD. AUCTIONEERS. ELLIOTT STREET, rhones 11S1A. 1925. B TTBRNE BAY WATERSlDE—Beautiful XX Home of G rooms and all conveniences, bathroom, p.w.c, wash house (c. and t.); nice level section, close to cars and 'beach. A Real Bargain; £1725. Immediate Possession. YTT. EDEN—Bungalow, 6 Rooms and aaX modern conveniences, porcelain bath and basin, hot water serx-ice, xx-ardxobes, pretty fireplai-es, washhouse (c. and t.), •fowltiousos and run. A Bargain; £1250. EPSOM —Semi-Bungalow. 5 Rooms and Kitchenette: porcel-.iin 'bath ami basin, hot water service, linen press, wardrobes, and cupboards, pantry, washhouse (c. and t.l: section. 06 x lOSft. volcanic soil, beautifully laid out. and 'Best Position- Epsom. I'rice. £1S50; terms arranged. NORDEN AND CO., LIMITED. Phone .1340. 20. FORT STREET. C REMUERA — £1700. , PRETTY UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW, replete Willi all latest improvements. 11. and c. water over sink; bath and basin: In fact, a beautiful property. Owner transferred lo Hamilton, aud Immediate possession can be given. THIS PROrEBTY IS A OIFT. SMITH AND HALCOMBI AUCTIONEERS. 5, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. ( GREY LYNN PROPERTIES
<-'IXrt CASH, bill. £315. mortgage. Im-'--*'J*-av mediate possession—1 Rooms aud kitchenette, p.w.c. Section 40 x 111). A? 1 — WILLIAMSON AVENUE — ~J.<.>\J\J Splendidly-built Residence of G rooms, fitted up xvitli every modern cony. Section backs into park. Agreeable terms. £1 1 AA~ '■'■"■UMMjF.R Id).—Terms arC^J -J-'-"-' ranged — Substantially-built House of G rooms; all conveniences. Section 112 x 115. *? 11 AA—GROSVENOR ST.—BUNGALmv „ f 0 roo „- ls ___, mo deru conveniences. Section 40 x 132. Terms. '-RUMaiEH RD.—Best House <*aA.V*JV in the street. 7 rooms and every modern convenience. Corner sectiou. PONSONBY PROPERTIES. JP'TAA UASH-lIKRNK HAY -Hal.. C 550. c~_/UU Terms. .-, K,„„„ s ami conveniences. Possession is right. pIAA CASH-Vicinity College Hill—Uai. e ""' A-Xf\J as rent.—Solid House. 4 rooms and scullery; convs. £ 1 AAA — ' SUN ' iTON ST - - Terms— -"»» J -U_'U Modern Bungalow of (i rooms, replete xvith up-to-date conveniences. H. P. CARLSEN AND CO., 1, TABERNACLE BUILDINGS, NEWTON. C MT. ALBERT BUNGALOWS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW of 5 JX rooms-and convs.. liiiilt-in wardrobes linen press: hall and living room panelled; pore. b. and b.. califont, gas ran-e -as copper, washhouse under roof; nice* corner sec. close trams. Just finished. V -rent bargain. Price £1330. Terms jyj-DERN "DUNGALOW. VERY ATTRACTIVE f> LARGE ROOMS and KitchenetteU every room gets the sun: 3 sun veran dabs; 4 fireplaces, gas range, califont norc bath, outhouse, etc.: splendid level corner section. 02 x 150 (approx.): lmin trams Pri.-e £2000. Terms arrauged. Immediate possession. OLDFIELD & HENRY, LTD 30, FORT ST., AUCKLAND. n _ MOUNT EDEN~ SPLENDID POSIT.'ON. COMMANDS MAGNIFICENT VIEWS. _\ : _ CAN NOT BE BUILT OUT. " v -- l - > " BUNGALOW, just completed (Immediate l'ossessior.) of 5 rooms and kitchenette, 2 sleeping-out porches; plaster beam and battened ceilings; open fireplaces- : porcelain bath, basin, califont, and gas ' stove, p.w.c. washhonse. gas copper and i tubs. 'SECTION, 55 x 173; 2 road frontages Price. £1650; Ist mortgage of £1.000 at G per cent for 4 years, balance of £t>.-,o ar- ! ranged. This House is built of heart of kauri, and will stand any builder or archi- ' tect's inspection. Property like this seldom comes on our books. See it at ' once. Key at our Office. SOLE AGENTS: H. R BURRETT, 4. DURHAM STREET E. U
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
Word Count
764Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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