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PROPERTIES fOS SAKE. EPSOM. JTOSSESSION IN rpwO YVEEKS. AN ARTISTIC HOME—NEW RCNC i LOW OF 5 ROOMS, reception' hall and kitchenette, beautifully arranged anil splendidly built. Will stand any test Every known convenience. Fine le.yel y_\. canlc section, and splendid position commanding tine views. Room for garage. rRICE, £2000. ( T2 ) EPSOM. "V-EAR TROYS' QRAMMAR OCHOOL. BUNGALOW HOME OF 7 ROOMS, all modem conveniences: hot and enl(J water, range, porcelain bath, electric light etc. Medium sectiou, fine elevated position! TRICE. £1550. (70) A. W. READ AND CO., ELLISON CHAMBERS, 13S, QUEEN ST. (Opp. Wyndham St.). 0
I CAN SELL. r? AAA— GREY LYNN—Howe 0f.6 room*. d**U\J\J —porcelain bath, range and gas X? AAA—stove, washhouse u-opper and owCUU_ tu || S) i„arge section. Price r-QAA—£!)OO. Terms. £300 cash. -p-M AA— GREY LYNN TERMINI.-— o-'J-LUU__Xexv Bungalow. 5 rooms; all £I 1 f|r,~ moclerll conveniences. Just finc^*—LUU__tshed, and possession can be -P1 1 (\(\~ Riven at onLP - 'P>-rms, £300 *11W_ casn _ (CI2BS) £-1-1 AA—GREY LYNN-House of 6 c^J—LUU—rooms, good order: porcelain 4?"1 "1 AA—bath, h. and c. water, washtvllUO- house (c. and t.l. p.w.c all (' "I "1 A A—under one roof. Section 40 x -jX_UxJ_i;2. Terms. £300 cash. (C 1270) <?-|OAA— TAKAPUNA—Section of two 3JX€>\J\J —Acres, xvith frontage to three r» -J O AA— roads. Very cental and ideal wIOUU,— f or cutting into sections. Easy £1300- Terms
■Pl_/_1 — TAKAPUNA — Handy to —'X_UU_T ro ins School. Beach, etc.— n-I J.AA— Modern House of 5 rooms, cSilxllU— every convenience, practically -P"|/1AA —new, aud in perfect order. Sec*X'XXiyj —tion 60 x 135. artistically laid _-* I —-OA — wif h flowers, roses, shrubs. * I ™ l '— and fruit trees of the very 4?-| _£AA— best. Terms, £500 cash. 1? "1 fi'7K— MOUNT EDEN—Good Kauri OW—-UIO Dwelling »f S rooms, recently Ar 4 ~\fY7r_ —renovated; porcelain bath and cwX\>l O —basin washhouse (c. and t.) !?-_ fJ'TK —all under one roof. Good vol3JX\Ji*J—canic section, in garden, few jp "I (Zy_~X —trees, etc. Terms, about £500 d*H>l«j)_ casil . (C 12391 jp -J OAA—DOMINION ROAD—Residence *10UU- 0 f g rooms, up to date iv every r« -J OAA-respect: porcelain bath and cWXOuV_h,»sin, liuilt-iu wardrobes, etc., n-t OAA-washhouse tc aud t.). Section frontage of 70fl by a 4? "I QAA— depth of Terms £700 SJA-OKHt —cash. ((-1290) X» -J ATX — KOHIMARAMA — Close to 3JXO I «-»_ Bp . ie i 1 , m d Wharf — Brick p-JA'TX—Residence of 0 rooms, replete 3*XiJl.J — w jth all conveniences and Q -I QTX— beautifully finished throughout, I o_y ice i evpl sectibn. laid out in f' 1 QT^x —lawns, flowers, etc Terms, _W-_t»l*»__£.-,r>o ~.l sl) (CI200) X? OAKA—KOHIMARAMA—Modern Bun.Xj_/Uc»U _o-aioxx- of G large room.-, with ■POAKA —all conveniences; porcelain 3*"*yj'o" —until and basin, range, sleep_Q OnKrt —' n B porches. Standing on an „_IWU_ elevated section of one acre. £OAKA —Commanding good views and —-UiJU_, luly _ evr chains f rom i„_e_ P f>ApTA—Terms, £SO<J cash. jp "I OKA—REMUERA—CIose to Trams— *H»U_i[„„ w 0 f fi rooms, with aIL 4?-| OrA-conxeniences: built-in linen c^r XiDrJyJ —pri-t-s. cupboards, porcelain p-J OrrA—bath and basin, etc. Large SsXaOXt -.spctiun 50 x 3XI. Terms. £600 £1850_^ c s n h t . lialanoe 5 yc:,rs R*" "MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS." WENZL SCHOLLUIX 100, QUEEN STREET. AUCKLAND. Tt MOUNT EDEN. P BIC " i T2BS. THE CHEAPEST PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT.
"DUNG A LOW. FIVE ROOMS, reception X* hall, kitchenette: detached xv.isl,house. Built Aye years. Solid kauri. All conveniences. Porcelain bath and basin. 11. nnd c. SPLENDID VOLCANIC SECTION, Go x 11)0. Free from stone. Two minutes' to ears. In Brst-class locality. Elevated Position and Good Views. CASH. £41,0. Owner leaves for the South this nook and lias reduced bis price from £1450. POSSESSION IN FORTY EIGHT HOURS. (Folio 1-54 D.l robertsTand CO., HOUSES AND I.AMI. 17. ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS. 19 EMI^ _ I_bIjSES! REMUERA. PI TXA-MODERN BUNGALOW. 8 o-AI'JU rooms and couveiucii.-o: hot and cold ivat.-r 1., l.atli. liasin, shower and sink, Move and range situated 'only :: minutes from train ston, in minutes to station. Sect ion. i|ii:i:tcracr". laid ■ li.wn In lawns, sli-nli.- nti-l garueii. This property is well worth llispectioii. GREY LYNN. pi ICS- SIX-ROOMED VILLA j'l.'t o-AAO«J ,„,,.„ r c,„, vjr ..| ihrnn-ioiil. Elcx-alcd position. Ucxv uiiniies to tram. Good valti •. SECTIONS. VA'EEK-KND P.rsn SECTIONS nx.-iilalde *' at Low Prices and Exceptionally Easy Terms. CHOICE SEASIDE SECTIONS at Brown's Buy and D"."> Creek. GRAY AND~COCKROFT, ■SMEETON'S BUILDINGS. C "VTM.FORD-Soini-Bungal.nv. I moms; AAX j-acre section. Price, f,i'.:!G. 'IVrms, £330 cash. TR-LAND ST. —H,misc. 4 rooms, bath- -*- room and scullery. £700. Terms. £200. "VrOßTHCOTE—Bungalow, ii rooms. -'I ■-N convs.; :; acres land, lovely xx- a ter views. Price. £15"". Terms. £';.">u <-.-ish. SECTION. Onehunga-i-acrc. I'rice. £80- ---■° An absolute snip. QA ACRES—TAUPAKI (unimproved)— (JXI v miles station, level i.x undulating. £ouo. Terms, £100 cash. CALDER & LITCHFIELD, 5 AN"!) 7. SHOUT'S RUII.PINGS, Phone 22v1. QUI-.KN .-T. __WS PlXfl DEPOSIT- r. mains and '-i:x'iltW l--|.-,„n. 1: ::.: st--.: go-. 1 so. Balance £050, pOAA DEPO-xIT • 1 KOOMS: le"--l v.d. S.wxJU se( .tlou; xxav 1,-n-e: 7.u":i.s -i-xl section. j?qo- DEPOSIT - KI.VGSLAND - 4 _*■ o_<_> BOOMS and -oiivs . batlm-m, scullery. w.h.. c. an.] t. Balance _>VJA about }-acre section. P7~A deposit-lo acres. Sijra* *'w ban: Coitage, shed-, stock and liuplemeuts. Balance C !.;■■. E. C. HURREY AND CO., PREMIER I-.l.lif+s, IM.RIIAM STREET BAST. C'
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
Word Count
861Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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