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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. REAL BARGAINS. A ACRE'S, all level, well watered by O creek. Nice two-roomed Bungalow and glasshouse. Splendid value at £1050. j Deposit, £150 rr ACRES. long road frontage. House of • 5 rooms. Great prospective value. £1150. Easy Terms. 8 ACRE'S, all level. Good House of 5 rooms: shed—; tine pig or poultry farm; lomins. station. £1475; Easy Terms. HERBERT GRAYSON, SHORT'S BUILDING'S. B ROBERT HOOD, ESTATE AGENT. WAITEMATA CHAMBERS. CUSTOMS STREET WEST, HAS FOR SALE: 0"\ (KC\€\— lIARNELL— House 0 rooms, 3*.__>A/U every convenience. Immediate possession. _pr>qru-fc-.-;uTi-:.niOß (residence, s o*_.Ol/l/ rooms. Near tram. A Snip. _p j-rp-.-c-HOOAIED COTTAGE. Easy .vilO terms arranged. pfJAA-PONSONISY -5 Rooms. Good ,3wUUU harbour views. Dopotsit, £123. _riQ'>~rr_|-7-KOOMET) HOUSE, over one 3iOOtH/ acre, nicely laid out. _p-| j rrrv-PONSONBY—6 Rooms, near
ACT ALRERT—Several Choice Building OX Lots. Owner will build to suit purchaser. " VALUE HOMES. WELL-DUILT. GENUINE VALUE HOMES IN GOOD LOCALITIES. WE CAN OFFER YOU TIIE BEST. MT. EDEN.—We consider this a particularly cheap place for today's prices. BUNGALOW of six rooms, verandah back and front. All modern conveniences, < orner section. Nice locality. I'rice £1,i50. xvlih. say. £500 deposit. You could re-sell at a profit. See it for yourself. REMUERA.— We have an exceptionally good lot for sale at the moment. Cannot quote them all in Ibis advertisement. We have a solid 5-roomed p.I.NGAI.OW for Sale, flood street. Section, 50ft by 300 ft. All conveniences. Price only _"1350. Deposit required £1150. This is below market price. 4*l TOO — ,rsT BKEN REDUCED FROM £isr.n. Handy to Remuera (rams. SEMI-BUNGALOW of 0 rooms aud all possible conveniences. Section is beautifully laid out. Immediate possession glx-en. Deposit required is about £00n. There is value here for y*nir money. [ £Tftfl DEPOSIT — GENTLEMAN'S ! IW RESIDENCE In one of Hemuera's ' best localities. Only imln to trams. Splen- | didlv built. Contains S rooms, and is beau- | tlfuilv finished. Grounds xvell laid out. Artistic Interior. A really excellent home. Price £2SOO. xvith ouly £700 deposit. j ('-t A AA—TOTAL I'RICE FOR A FAITH- | ct±_UU FULLY BUILT HOUSE of six, rooms and conx-eniences: pood part of Mt. , Eden. Well laid out section. Deposit re- | quired is £70(1. Jp-J o*jr< -BUYS A BUNGALOW of six cwlOj'l rooms, with every modern con- I venlence. Section.ii Oft by 150 ft. An '. attractive home. If you see It you will buy. We have others! Wo search the City in I order lo offer you the best. Every Inquiry is welcome.
WM. A. HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN," SHORTLAND STREET. AUCKLAND. ALSO AT HAMILTON. R REMUERA WATERSIDE. ArODERN TWO-STOREY GENTTLEMAN'S AAA- RESIDENCE of 8 spacious rooms; square entrance hall, lounge room, diningroom, kitchenette and breakfast-room doxvnstalrs ; 4 bedrooms, bathroom, pore. b. and b., upstairs; 2 sleeping porches. STRICTLY MODERN INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT AND FINISH. Extensive harbour views. Cannot be built out. 1} ACRES OF LAND, Freehold, tastefully laid out In gardens, lawn and orchard. A VERY DESIRARLE HOME. IN A GOOD POSITION. I'rice, REMUERA. ONE MINUTE TO CARS. ATODERN 2-STOREY BUNGALOW HOME ■"■*- of 7 spacious rooms, conveniently arranged Interior,' modern papers, plaster ceilings, range and gas stove (tiled), pore, bath and basin. Sleeping porch. IN FIHSTOLASS ORDER TlllilltT.llOtlT. FREEHOLD SECTION, about i of an arre. tastefully laid out In lawns, garden, live hedges. shrubs, etc. The above property is situated in one of tho best positions of this most favoured district. I'rice, -2SOO. MOUNT ALBERT. THREE MINUTES FROM CARS. A -TRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW ■**■ HOME of 0 rooms, entrance hall, dining room, drawing room. 3 bedrooms, breakfast room, and kitchenette, replete with all modern conveniences; built-in wardrobes, 'linen press, cupboards, etc. ; bathroom, pore bath and basin, califont. Large level corner section, free fro mstone, 112 ft by 150 ft. Elevated position. I'rice £2000, or offer.
I MOUNT ALBERT. CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED BUNGALOW HOME of 5 rooms, bathroom, bath and basin, califont: pantry and scullery, gas lires, good papers; Interior in excellent order: washhouse and workshop detached. Freehold section of about half-acre, free from stone. Two road frontnges, foxvlbouses, poultry runs, wire netting, etc., go with property. Nice sunny position. I'rice £1400, or near offer. MOUNTAIN ROAD, NEAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL TITODERN BUNGALOW HOME, contalning 0 rooms and all conx-eniences including electric light. Section In garden nnd lawn, few minutes from cars. Price £1550. Terms arranged. w. frateiTand SON, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 115, QUEEN STREET. ' C REAL VALUE. OTAHUHU. O ACRES OF SPLENDID LAND ANL. X> JX u-ROOMED HOUSE, with convs., p.w.c, gas, etc. ORCHARD, 1 acre, with fine assortment of fruit trees, guava, mulberry, persimmon, walnut, giant fig, date palm, tomato, American monkey nut. orange, lemon, apple, pear, plum, peach, etc. - 4-, RES in l-' r nss. carrying 3 cows. Ibis property is not in Otahuhu district, bin in OTAHUHU, and has good prospective value, over 420 ft roaxl frontage. pw«;~£2soo. Owner will consider any reasonable terms. View by appointment only. Full particulars from Sole Agents— NEW ZEALAND SALES (INGRAM AND ANGUS), 18, ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS (next G.P.0.) C -PPCA DEPOSIT-2 Acres and House. 5,' V. rooms, convs.: li hour city. Good I poultry farm. Trice, only £773, bal. easy. I £Q5_V"" CITY AREA-House. 5 rooms, I _7 , _ c ? nvs - (brick), few inlns. Queen' Street. Harbour view, i £1 SnO-'rcpE- """•«" WATERFRONT "T —Villa. 7 rooms, convs.: bay window, return verandah. Good section, -ood locality. Terms. I McKAY AND McKAY, COMMERCIAL BANK i'.LDGS 04, QUEEN STREET. (Phone 3205. OI
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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888Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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