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PROPERTIES FOR SAEE. EPSOM 7 EARLY POSSESSION. rtHOICE LOCALITY, 1 minute to car — Xj Well-planned New Bungalow, 0 large rooms and kitchenette, built of kauri and. the best. Commodious finish, built-in sideboard, bookcase, bulTet. hall stand, mirror wardrobes, pretty ceilings. Sleeping porch. h. and c. xvuter, gas cooker. Well-kept Freehold section. The atvle of property selling daily. PRICE. £2250. on terms MANGERE. A CHOICE FARMLET. The position in J~X tbe near future must command ai greatly-Increased price. 20 Acres Rich Volcanic Land. Within 10 minutes of Mangere Station. Brand New Bungalow, artistic design, 6 large rooms, scullery, h. and c. water, xvardrobes, linen cupboards, built-in seats, porcelain bath and basin. Garage and workshop. All of the finest timber. Paths and shrubs. PRICE. £5500. Inspect this—you cannot be disappointed. It is especially good value. TJUILDING SECTION'S, Coronation Road, AJ Epsom—B2ft frontage: glorious views. Finest volcanic. £S per foot. THE NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD., KING'S CHAMBERS. COMMERCE STREET. AUCKLAND HEAD OFFICE. WHANGAREI. ' D CRUMMER ROAD—£I2SO. A GOOD SOUND HOUSE of 6 Rooms - ti - and 1 Small Room: only 2 minutes to Ponsonby Car; bathroom, p.b. and basin, califont, patent, gas In all rooms, built-in ■wardrobe and linen-press. House Is In tirstclnss order inside and out. Immediate I'ossession. now, empty. Has nice, sunny balcony. Oood section. This is Splendid Value. Concrete foundation. inspect Early. Trice. £1250; easy terms. (4529)
MOUNT EDEN—£I27S. rpHLS ISPLK'NIDID HOME Is well worth •*■ your Inspection—s Rooms, all large; bathroom, p.b., h. and c. water, gas stove and range, built-in -xx-ard robes and cupboards, built-in dresser, splendid papers; all in first-class order inside and out. Good Section and garden. Splendid situation. You should not miss this Snip. Price. £1275; terms. (5130) MOUNT EDEN—£I3SO. /COMPACT 5-ROOMED KAURI HOUSE. XJ solid throughout, handy to ML Eden. cars nnd Mt. Eden Railway 'Station; within easy walking distance to Symonxls Street. Bathroom anxl all modern conveniences; stone foundation; all in good order Inside nnd out; artistic papers; pleasing design. .Immediate Possession. This Is good. Price, £1350. (N.N.) NATIONAL CO-OP. REALTY CO. OF N__., LTD., SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDINGS, VULCAN LANE. Phones 2650 A and 107GA. D FARMLET. Of) ACRES—i-mile station, which in a <>~J short tittle will be a loop line station, and consexiuently a large centre. The land Is really good and ail ploughable. The buildings are good and numerous; well watered, fenced, nnd subdivided; 6 picked milkers, calves, pigs, horse, and implements go with the place and Included In the price. £7-50 cash. bal. fI'JIX). for term of years at 6 per cent. We really do recommend this. Q3/_ ACRES PRIME RICH LOAM, will' V/ _ carry 6 cows; 4 acres fallow, ball good grass. Good 7-roomcd House, cowshed: | small orchard. Only one mile from station and 20 minutes from Queen Street. Price reduced for quick sale to £2550. Cash. £_iO. Handy, but nxvay from city worries and ' din. This country does not dry and parch I up. I
HENRY CLAYTON & CO., SMEETON'S-BUILDINGS. D MOUNT ALBERT. NEAT VILLA RESIDENCE, containing 4 rooms and scullery and all cony including built-in presses, cupboards] dressers, etc.. range, li. and c. water; also large-shed. Everything in good order.' Section, GOft x 132 ft. Price, £1030, and terms arranged. HERNE BAY WATERSIDE. Situated in the best part of this Popular District. K-ROOMED VILLA RESIDENCE, with *J com-., grounds beautifully laid out and within a minure of tram and beach in* an elevated position. Section approx.' soft x 200 ft. This is a rare opportunity that seldom offers, nnd is a bargain at £l'»o Terms arranged. AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER £1750 -M T E MS - £1750 BUNGALOW RESIDENCE XJ containing 6 large rooms and every* nos' slble modern ™nv., with superior interior finish, including beam ceilings, art papers overman tela, built-in wardrobes, leadll'-hts etc.; iv fact, every essential to an fde-ii home. Beautiful elevated position, commanding an excellent landscape and water view, and situated in the most select and convenient part of the suburb. This I« -i most desirable property, and we c-in thoroughly recommend it. Almost immediate possession, and suitable terms arranged. First time offered. We are Sole W. E. DERVAN AND CO., 31, PHOENIX CHAMBERS Opp. G.P.O. b _P XA-1'ONSONBl". — .House, 5 rooons c?~<J\J bathroom, all"co_x_. Lex-el Section' Price £050. PTK-'FERNLEIGH STREET.—House 5 _** ' *J rooms, elevated. Nice harbour view Total price. £175. £'7fW>— OFF ST - MART'S RD.—House, 0-1 *-*'-' 5 rooms, bathroom, utsual convs Fine Section. 4(1 x 100 _»-IAA—OFF COLLEGE RD.—Cottage. 4 c * ,xuu rooms and scullery. Price £150. or ofTer. P"| "I CK-'OREY LYNN.—Modern Seml--"-•A_U__» Bungalow. 6 good rooms, newly painted and papered throughout: pore, bath and basin, h. and c. water, lip-mediate possession. Good Sectiou, in really good position. Terms arranged. NEWTON AND KALMAN, 8, SHORT'S 'BLDGS., 134, QUEEN ST. 8
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
Word Count
787Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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