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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL GRAZING COUNTRY. i 480 Arßr:s - ring-fenced and subdivided m ~ inlr> " Paddocks ; xvell watered and lies xvell to the sou. 320 acres In grass, 00 acres of chopped bush, balance splendid heavy bush. Wintered 200 head of grown cattle, lij-sheep country. Easily tbe best grazing run at the money in the Northern Wairoa. £13 P ER A- CRECASH REQUIRED. £1000. BALANCE CAN BE ARRANGED. Agent's Note.—The first man who Inspects this property will buy. WILL SPIERS, SOLE AGENT, DARGAVILLE. 516 GOOD VALUE. CLOSE TO AUCKLAND. iTUMAKI-350 ACRES, carries 1000 sheep X and cattle; good house nnd farm buildings; half-mile from school li station; i fenced and subdivided; 12 paddocks; xvell watered; uo frost. TRICE FOR QUICK SALE, £32 PER j ACRE. £3000 CASH. W. B. LLOYD AND CO., OTAHUHU. Phone 451. 8 I HAVE GENUINE BUYERS WAITING. GOOD DEPOSITS. nOUSES WANTED—I TO 7 ROOMS, All Localities. Quick Sales If value. Send particulars. Inspections made. MT. ALBERT—An Ideal Home; recently renovated; f. large rooms; txvo IS x 12, one 17 x 12; pore, bath and basin; h. and c. water service; range; gas throughout; all necessary convs.; 00 x IIS; £1350. £500 cash. -y_"BLSON 'ST.—An Ideal Business Site.— _M House. 5 rooms; gas. washhouse. copper, fixed iubs. 33 x 08. f'JOO; £300 cash, bal 0 years O per cent. ITICHMOND ROAD—S Rooms and sculV lory; gas throughout: xvnshhotise, c. aud tubs; p.w.c; 33 x 100; £725, £300 cash. perc. sTTtssher, 30, H.M. ARCADE. B* SUPERIOR HOMES.
£OXAA— GRAFTON. —RESIDENCE, 8 —it.>\J\J rooms and nil modern offices, electric light throughout. Section. 61ft frontage. Only lmin. from tram. Price Includes linos.. Venetian blinds, aud curtains. £000 Deposit. — PONSONBY.—2 STOREYED i* 1 - 1 -™ BUNGALOW, 0 rooms, bathroom, built-in wardrobes. This property is j leased until August.of next year at 37 0 [weekly, thus showing a return xif nearly | 8 per cent. £GOO Deposit gets good value. nqn/vn — remuera.—attractive HOME. II rooms, all on one 1 floor, built under supervision of leading architect. The grounds are nicely laid out jln lawns, shrubs, and fruit trees. Ample I room for another house. 'l'hone on. Title lis Dilworth Lease. 51 years, to run, at £13 per annum. Furniture miry also he pur- ' chased If desired. £1000 deposit. This is a beautiful position, and strongly recommended. CHEAP SECTIONS. GREEN LANE.—BEAUTIFUL SECTION. 100 ft x 180 ft, all lex-el and been ploughed. Only lOmins. Green Line Station. This is good buying at £4 per foot. O-t QA — CHOICE OF 1 LOVELY *i-OU ELEVATED 'SECTIONS. 50 hy 122. No stone, sunny position, beautiful views. £10 deposit. The cbeauest sections that I know of.
T. R. SMYTHEMAN, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS (Opp. Smeeton's), QUEEN STREET 'Phouc 000, And at Hamilton. B SAMPLE PROPERTIES. _.IQAA— -NEAR PONSONBY __&__, ! cJwXOUU VOlß.—First-class kauri House of T rooms and offices, all modern convs. Good Section. This Is a bargain. The House would cost £1400 to build. Section worth £?00. 'Easy terms. — r»-| OKA— B-BLL VIEW U.D.. Mt. Eden. t T_.A<i>DU heart kauri House, G rooms, now being thoroughly renovated: best art papers, modern convs. Position Ideal; possession guaranteed. Easy terms. J?fV7rX — ' MT - E—IEN, "ear Valley Rd.— S-Jlx) 85e_l-'Bun«alow, 5 rooms, built about 7 years. Elevated Sec, nice locality. Easy terms. i.-_ tyjK.— GIIEiN'MO.RE.—.-*roomed Bun-cX.J—-'••J galoxv, In perfect condition; h and c. water, p. b., gas stove: all lino and blinds go with house. Section nicely laid out. Inimediate possession (vacant). Easy terms. _r. -| 9~A —VIDI_V Ri_SIIDIE'NCE. 6 large. cvL-i)xl Jofty rooms, large ball: biiili first-class kauri; good stable and shed; fruit Trees, fowlrui—; large, lex-el volcanic Sec, 4mlu iDomluiou Rd. cars. Terms arranged!
T. H. BROWNE, LAND AGENT. DOMINION ROAD. Phone 3544- Wg EVERYBODY'S AGENTS. i AAA AC-RES—IO MILES AUCKLAND— *>XfXr 2 HOUSES, lovely Native bush. Splendid grazing proposition. PRICE, £10 Acre. Easy terms could bo arranged. (N.F. 130) C (HARMING COUNTRY HOTEL FOR •SALE—2O ROOMS. Billiardroom- lo acres of land. PRICE. £2000. Free House. Launch aud Stock at Valuation. (N.F. 322) TJEMUERA— 4MINS. CAR—G ROOMS. •*-*" p.b. and basin, califont, range gas ring. Section, 58 x 120. Harbour views. 'PRICE, £1530 Easy terms. (X.F. 310) WHITTAKER AND CO., PHOENIX* CHAMBERS. 'Phone 3T33. c CASH—PONSONBY (Shelly Beach <H<JV\J Kd .. just off)— Residence 7 rooms and convs., califont, p.w.c, motor garage Section 141 ft frontage. Room to build 2 more houses. Balance, £1150, can remain. a builder's chance. f"1 QAA~ SLOrES °NE-TREE HILL— cW-*-*-"-"-' Lovely Bungalow 6 rooms, hot and cold water, p.b and b. Large Section xvell laid out. 10 mln. to car and train Good value. Terms. •PO^A— CAMPBELL'S BAY, TAKAPUNA t " t,! -' u —Bungalow 5 rooms, fully furnished. Immediate possession. A popular seaside resort. Bargain. £1 - REif UERA — Semi-bungalow 6 "HA-UUKr rooms, p.b. and b.. hot and cold ] water. Large Section. Splendid views. 6 mm. to car. Terms. G. F. MELLARS AND CO., | 90. QUEEN ST. (Govt. Ins. Bldgs.) WS PRIVATE HOSPITAL, FLATS, I OR RESIDENCE. TITAONIFICENT HOUSE of 12 rooms, can AAX be used without alteration as 4 ideal flats: hot and cold water, with pore, bath in each floor. This house Is in high-class condition, and requires no expenditure on it, making It serve as private hospital or using ordinarily as gentleman's residence Motor garage and detached servants' quarters. The property is situated on the main road nt 2nd section, in one of the leading residential suburbs, with a glorious outlook. Price, £3000. Terms arranged. STEPHENSON AND CO., t 16, WYNDHAM STREET. _
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
Word Count
900Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 4
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