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i BIACH-NERY FOR SAEE. TfILECTRIC Self-starter, Uray and Davis AJ go od model and condition; also Lowtension Magneto; cheap.—ll3, Symonds 688 T ACNCHBB, Yachts, and Marine "oil —J Engines, all sizes and powers, and all QK-gains.—Robert.on, 45, Ferry Bldgs. '_» TITAHINB Engine, heavy duty,~l2-15 h.p. AJA. Smp# fao cash.—l 3, Randolph St., Newton. \_y§ ATOTOR, i horse-power, 230-volt, £17; 1 aaX 6-h.p., £11; 105-volt Generator, 1 Ward Lennard Starting Set.—J. A. Millar Glttos St. 207 "VrOTOR, 1 h.p., 230 volts, for Sale, by AAA- Sectric Motors, Ltd.,; suitable for Auckland current.—Apply 14, Tyrone Buildings Customs St. _. _ mo "pRICE Engine, 6 h.p., reversible proA- peller, shafting, copper tank; first-class order.—Apply 78. Hepbnrn St. Sl9 TJORTABLE Ben—me Engine, 6 njp., on ■*■ Truok. International Harvester; can be seen running. —W. iEt. Richardson and Co., Customs St. 'East. 20 SAWMILL, now working, for Sale; plenty timber; suit two contractors to secure own supply.—Particulars, T. F. Long and Co., Beach Rd. l'hone 2413 A. 243 ALPHA Auction Sale, Wednesday, October 27, next. Lathes, Drills, ■Power Saws, Vices, Polishing Heads, Bosch 4-cyllnder and 2-cylinder Magnetos, K. W. Coils, Starting Accumulators and Starting Motors for cars, Switchboards, Sunbeam and other Cars, 40 Columbia and Hyde Propellers from 281n diameter down to loin diameter. Shafting. Pulleys, Beltings, Darracq Chassis. —Note the Address: 57, St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. 581 ON:B VERTICAL BOILER AND 3 HPENGINE, on good substantial undercarriage, £100; one 12 h.p. Multitubular Boiler, 1001b pressure; one 10 h.p. Steam Engine; one 25 h.p. Double-cylinder Steam Engine, reverse, in first-class condition. OSCAR ANDREWS AND CO., 67. Fltzherbert Street, Palmerston N. B CADILLAC, 36-h.p., and Continental Engines, any trial or inspection ; block , test. These engines are ready for Cars or Boats. I'rice £100 each. Trade invited. Hours 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. A. J. WILLIAMS, 40, College Hill, Importer. - If
IBAND Rev. Saw, 48In wheels, 2§ln saw, good order. 1 McLean Radial Roller Feed Saw Bench, continuous, 361n saw. 1 Ransome Self Centring Saw Bench, roller feed, 321n saw. 1 H.B. Smith Sash Sticker, perfect order. 1 24in 3-sider Planer and Moulder, complete. 1 Vertlcle Spindle Moulder, llln spindle. 1 Swing or Goose Saw. 26in Saw Benches, R.F. Tables. 1 Sutcllffe General Joiner Woodworker, as new. 1 Halgh Tenoning Machine. 1 Log Hauler, complete. All Classes of Woodworklnkg and Other Machinery for Sale. THE NATIONAL TIMBER, HARDWARE, AND MACHINERY CO., Tyrone Buildings, Customs Street. Thone 3237. 679 FAPPLETOX, MACHINERY DEALER • AND COMMISSION AGENT. 'Phone 3568. PARNELL RISE. In Stock—Mill Logging Winch, treblegesred Friction Winch, double-cylinder, double-geared Steam Winch. 20 h.D. multl Boiler, 1201b pressure; Steam Engines, 10 h.p. Marine Engine, 4 h.p. Dandy Engine, Centrifugal and other Pumps, Wooden Saw Benches, Circular Saws, Pelton Wheels, Anvils, Bellows, Pulleys, Bearings, Piping Truck Wheels. Sundries aU kinds. o -VTAOHINERY "pOR C<ALE, pHEAP. ENGINEERS' SCREW-CUTTING LATHE, takes 10ft between centres and swings 4ft In gap. WHEELWRIGHT-S UNIVERSAL WHEELMAKING MACHINE AND TOOLS. WHEELWRIGHT'S TYRING PLATE AND SINKING PLATFORMS. WHEELWRIGHT'S KEROSENE TYRE HEATER. CROSSLEY 12 H.P. GAS ENGINE. D S O AXD o OUSIXS & 51 -^. LIMITED, ■ KITCHENER STREET. B BLOWPIPES, POWER MORTISER. 10 h.p. Crossley Gas Engine. 2 16 h..p. Kerx_-ene Engines, in good order. Truck Wheels. Iron Sawbench, complete. Thicknessing Machine. * Mlnelng Machines. 20-25 h.p. International Harvester Tractor. T. F. LONG AND CO., Beach Rd. Phone 2413 A. B Tyi-ACHINER- FOB SALE. We hare a Large Assortment of SECOND-HAND MACHINERY on our books for which we solicit Inquiries. We would also be glad to have particulars of any Machinery for Sale.
j LAIRD B-ROS.. . Customs Street West. Anekhmd. C A~~ UCKLAND ENGINEERS AND BOILERMAKERS' CO-OP. SOCIETY. LTD.. 16, WAKEFIELD STREET. Structural Engineers, Boilermakers, and General Smiths. Broken Machinery and Castings Acetone Welded. s Estimates Given. SI | . — ' i I im O ENGINEERS. JUST LANDING, EX CORINTHIC, ,p LOUGH'S TAT HE. 8-Jln centres x Bft 31n gap bed, sliding, surfacing, and screw-cut-ting, hollow spindle, complete with Single Speed Counter Shaft, Catch and Face Plate, with Set of 22 Machine Cut Gears and Spanners. JOHN TVCRNS AND /~«0., T TD. CUCIION (t AS "pNGINE (96 8.H.P.). WITH 150 BJI.P. CAMBRIDGE SUCTION GAS PRODUCER PLANT. Practically New. Fitted with Special Woddburning Hopper, beside the usual coal hopper. Can Supply Other Sizes and Makes ENGINES AND PRODUCER PLANTS. Also. LARGE QUANTITY OF UIN. STEEL PIPING. "P O TrETRIE, 7. ALPHA ROAD, PARNELL. S \Y] yy ils on, J_ t d., BLACKSMITHS, 53-55, FEDERAL STREET, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS AND GENERAL IRONWORKERS, HEEL-TIP AND TOE-PLATE MANUFACTURERS. Iron Gates and Railings to Order, Garden Rollers, Fire Escapes, Wilson's Patent Swlngletree Irons. Builders' Ironwork and all Classes of Iron and Steel Work. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT MODERATE RATES. Estimates Given for All Classes of Work. __K>XBI44I, »
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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771Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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