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FINANCIAL. "V|"ONEY to Lend on Furniture, Live ! aaa- stock. Implements, without removal; easy Weekly repayments.—Citizens' Loan and Discount Co.. 3S. High St. 117 MONEY TO LEND at moaerate rate «£ Interest.—Jackson, Russell. Tanks ant Ostler, Solicitors. Shortland Bt. O ON—V TO LEND on Mortgage, current rate.—Chas. C. Baker, late Ewington and Baker), Durham St East. D MONEY to Lend on Land at low rates.— —'Fltchett aid Rees, Solicitors, Brunswick Buildings. Queen St. C VrORTGAGES, nrst and Second, purAAA. chased for cash.—Send details to A E. Devesou, 4, Security Bldgs. B •P 9rtOft'~£l<VJo7"£Bso, £750, £500, to Lend cW_OVV, Firat Mortgage; £300, £200 on Second.—P.O. Box 1461. Auckland. U £7fto Money available for first =*■' • *JXI mortgage, or would purchase first mortgage.—Executors, T.O. Box 235, Auckland. 54 SUBURBAN Security wanted _amedlately for £800, on First Mortgage, at Oi'per cent.—T. C. Webster, 31, Shortland St. IPS «? -| p_A WANTED to Borrow for 18 _wA_ri7 months, with good security.— Address at STAR. 623 rpo TRUSTEES OR INVESTORS—GIIt- ■*- edge Investment for £1,000, S per cent, for Sale: liberal discount. Write for particulars, 536 SECURE." 571. STAR. m O INVESTORS. £3.600. FIRST MORTGAGE, over 573 Acres, freehold, Waikato (value £15 per acre), repayable July 1, 1924. Title, Land Transfer, will be transferred so as to yield 7 per cent per annum: other approved securities would, If desired, be taken as part payment. Only about £2,500 cash being required. Apply to G. HUTCHISON. Solicitor. 4. Short's Bldgs., Queen St.. Auckland. D 4 piINANCIAL ASSISTANCE •*• fTcmrorary). CIVIL SERVANTS ONLY May obtain above, under easy conditions. In Small Sums. Strictly confidential. BOX 12S0. POST OFFICE. WB JJTJNE-. £TO>:__. JJjTOXEY. THE EMPIRE LOAN AND FINANCE CO. will Lend You Any Amount, from £5 upwards, at lowest rates of Interest in town, and without any removal security whatever. You can pay back by easy Instalments to suit yourself, and all business is strictly confidential. Civility and fair treatment guaranteed. We Advance Money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, or any other security. SEE US AT ONCE, AND WE WILFIX XOU UP. mHE "piMPIRB T.OAN AND
■p*INANCE /~10., WTNDHAM CHAMBERS (Second Floor), WYNDHAM STREET, CITY. Phone 2081. Onp. Gas Office. P TDEAL JOAN" AND TFNANCK flO, LIMITED. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS (without removal from the owner), BUILDING SOCIETY SHARES, JEWELLERY, and on any reasonable form of security. Repayments by Instalments or Otherwise. tar FOR LOANS ON JEWELLERY we quote a Special Rate of Bd. in the £ per Month (one-half the usual amount charged In Auckland to-day). INQUIRIES INVITED. ADDRESS: A LSTON /CHAMBERS, 63. QUEEN ST.. AUCKLAND. A. EMANUEL, Managing Director. D BOATS FOB SALE. L~~AUNCH, new, 32ft x 7ft 61n, engine IS h.p.; £350. —S. Grauros, St. Mary"s Beach. 182 LAUNCH, 20ft, 4-stroke engine, perfect sea boat; diDgby, moorings, locker. Snip.—Address at STAR. 27 LAUNCHES, Yachts, and Auxiliary Craft for Sale; also Marine Engines.—Madden and Co.. 174. Queen St. 127 T AUNCH Maratea, length 25ft, beam 6ft AJ Oln 12 h.p. engine.—A. Bowgen. Church St.. Onehunga. 593 LAUNCH Hull, 17ft, for Sale.—Clark, Kotare Ay., West End Rd., ox-er bridge. 191 T AUNCH, 26ft, Txvlrb engine : absolute AJ bargain ; owner bankrupt.—Madden and Co.. 147. Queen St. 348 T AUNCH, 26ft, double skin, Twlrk engine. AJ perfect running order; punt, gear; cheap, £180. —Pnlman, Grocer, Devonport. ___85 MULLET Boat, 24ft, ready for cruising, engine, all gear perfect; moorings: snip.—Address at STAR. 450 MAINSAIL (perfect order). Boom 16ft, Gaff 14ft, Hoist 9ft. Price, £10 10/.— 29. Williamson Ay.. Ponsonby. 28 RAILING Boat, sound, all near, pood K3 order.—Apply Boat, "Star" Agency. Onehunga. - 101 YACHT. 30ft. all complete.—B, Queen's Parade, Devonport. 304
YACHT, IS to 22ft.—State particulars. EC. c/o "Star" Agency, Onehunga. 660 FT Flat-bottom Centreboard Sailer; everything complete.—S7, Old Mill Rd., Richmond. 17S fJW T AUNCH AND YACHT /"VVVNERS. GET R_ADY FOR THE COMING SEASON. A NTI-FOULING pOPPER pAINT. This Paint ls guaranteed Effective and Durable, and contains the highest percentage of Copper in solution. Smooth finish. Quick and hard drying. Manufactured By A TLAS T>AINT AND "VTARNISH (TO., Agents: FRED R. LUKS AND CO., Hallensteln's Buildings. Box 1627 SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. Special Concession to Members N.Z Power Boat Association. WS BICYCEES FOB SALE. BIICYCLE, Massey-Harris model, perfect ' order: £10.—"H," 642. STAR. 154 "DIKES, gent's and ladies', practically AJ new, little used; £10 10/ each.— 4S, El=in St., Grey Lynn. 334 BICYCLE, perfect order, hack pedal brake, front brake, bell, pump, lamp: £8 10/.—Sir Victoria St. 50 G~ENT'S English make, like new, 2-specd, b.p.. accessories.—ll3. Nelson St. 192 LADY"S Bicycle. English, as new; £12.— 48. Clarence St.. Ponsonby. 524 EEDBIRD TSEDBIRD "DICYCLES. XX Now that the Tram Fares are being raised the Bicycle .-.ffords a Cheap and Sure means of transit. Call and inspect the well-known "R E D B I R D." Three Years' Guarantee. We are offering very easy terms of payment in order to try and help you meet the high cost of living. MER SO N BROS., 170-172, Symonds Street. Also Agents for Harley Davidson Motor Cycles. C LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES WANTED. BILLY - Goaf~wanted to Buy; state price and a_e.-W. H. Willcocks, Ramaram a. -—* S" PiUNO tart l.'irwt to V ton, wanted.— Reply G. it. Desmond, Kiversdale Rd.. Avondale. " '* i RAN G B s NEW AND SECOND-HAND RANGES IN STOCK. Repairs In All Branches. STCNEX AND WHITE, Wakefield Street. C -prFT WOOL-.IIILNE BRITISH MADXJ RUBBER HEELS! Support Home Industries. WOOD-MILNE'S are made from the finest Para Runner. Get no others. Ul7)
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
Word Count
899Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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