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I MOTOR CYCLES TOR SALE. TWIG - -: and SIDE CAR. latest electric -*-* model, 5 months' use; 'best equipped Job In town; terms arranged; guaranteed perfecte order.—o7, College. Hill, or 23, Pai_lerston Build—iga 4» OUGLAS, -A_, just overhauled, Sinks carburetter; good tyres, lamps, etc.; £66. T., c/o Butler, Gt. South Rd., Papa toeioe. 10 ENGLISH Machine, 3i h.p., in good runnlng order ; £45.—Phone 4204. 281 Ifx.WIHLD Motor Bike aud -kie-car, first - A class condition; best offer. —Phone 8406 (2 rings). ____? EDEN Specials, built on the premises, best English materials, fully guaranteed; £16 10/, complete.—Eden - Cycle Works, Mt. Eden Bd. _____ 157 HARLEY Davidson. 1019, complete, with tilde-car, lamps, tools, etc.; splendid ■order: £130.—104. Broadxvay, Newmarket. 83 HENDERSON, 4-cylinder, the "Aristocrat" of Motor Cycles. The new Model E must become tbe most popular machine on the road. Shipments now on the way, and deliveries will be in strict rotation. Order now.—C. MERVYN ABEL, the Henderson Agent, Central Garage, Wakefield Street. Phone 4436. _WS INDIAN, 1018 electric model, perfect order: £85; must Bell, owner away.— 18, The Drive. Epsom. 415 INDIAN, New Hudson, Douglas, Arrow, J.A.P., King, Mead, L-1.0., Zenith, and several others, with and without sidecars, at bargain prices. J. S. LRVIN, 10, Wakefield St. C T IGHT English Machine, splendid running AA order, Just overhauled; going cheap.— 5, Barney Ter., off Dominion Rd_ El "\TEW Hudson, latest model, 3-specd, countersßaft, 4 h.p., with or without Coach-built Side Car. Bargain.—Address |a t STAR. 206 SIDE-CHAIR, substantial, cane body, for Sale.—34. Wynyard St.. Auckland. 63 OIPARK.BROOK, twin 6. British built © Chassis, Side Car; perfect order absolutely guaranteed; 50-ml3e trial: £100 x-nsh. —Owner buying car.—Spark'brook, 533. STAR. ___ r TRIUMPH. 33. 3-speed, everything complete, little used ; £65, snip.—4B, Elgin St.. Grey Lynn. 335 4?jCK—INDIAN, 7-9 h.p., solo, good concS<__> ditl ou; new tyres; must 5e11.—25. Commercial Rd., Grey Lynn. 190 MOTOR GARAGES. BENZINE.— Motor Cyclists, Benzine by the gallon, also Lubricating Oils nnd Accessories, at the "LORNE STREET GARAGE."—W. WADHAM, 10 and 21, Lome Street. 591 "\,fbTORISTS7"NOTE. —Don't v.orry about _uL Spare Pat If. If unprocurable we make them. We are out for your work. No lob too large or too small.—C. Mervyn Abel. Wakefield St. Phone 4436. WS4
T3ADIATORS FOR MOTOR CARS, XX LAMPS AND GUARDS, all makes— PHILLIP LEWIS. Hennlng's Locker Garage. Chancery Street. *Phone 2775 A. - £25 R E w A R D The above reward paid to tbe first one of our Clients having spent not less than £,"> on repairs with us proving a better system than ours to reduce the cost of repairs. If It is your desire to maintain your Motor Car., etc., economically, you cannot do better than entrust your work to us. Only competent mechanics employed. Work guaranteed. All our Clients, with out exception, have, to tbe best of our knowledge, been satisfied. -yroTOR /~*o-op. tjetair and "AT AN UFA CTU RING /"10., T TD., POWER HOUSE LANE, iHOBSON ST. Phone A 2020. WS m i 5 m~o to » i s i? s MOTOR HOODS AND LOOSE COVERS. We have Just landed a large assortment of Materials. Yonr Inspection invited. Prices on Application. Note Address. New Premises: . CAIRNS AND WOODWARD,. 6S. Hobson Street. WS m (TOMMY) TJIAIRHCRST, VULCANrSER. 1 MOTOR TYRES AND TUBES REPAIRED I (H.F. Process). LINERS AND COVERS IN STOCK. Address: EXCELSIOR BLDGS., CUSTOMS STREET (Opposite John Burns und Co., Ltd.). • Blng 2918. WS /-GOODRICH mi' RES. GOODRICH fTITRES. JUST ARRIVED: SHIPMENT 32 x 44 GIANT TREAD SILVERTOWN CORDS. Fit FORD Ton Trucks. WE SELL RUBBER GOODS. LINERS, SOLUTION, AND GUM. AND r~*o., THE GOODRICH PEOPLE > "HERALD" QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. B
LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLEB FOR SALE. B—KKSHIRE Soxv, also five young ones, by pedigree Berkshire boax.—Redman. Penrose. ____* BAY Gelding for Sale; suit spring cart; any trial.—2, Sheridan St., Freeman's _Oj\ 290 BUGGY, strong, 5-sealed, newly tyred and tainted. cheap.—W. Reeves, Coachsm-ith, Henderson. 4< BULL, Jerseyilolstein, 2yrs, in good condition, well grown stock. —Apply Box 783, Auckland. _____ 319 COWS (10-12), in milk, good, guaranteed, wanted ; delivery on trucks.—Simpson, Ka 1 para Flats. 300 OW, Shorthorn, milking—W. Spicer, Corner Richardson and White Swan Roads. Mt. Rosklll. 1 Jersey-Shorthorn, heavy milker, near J profit.—Berkley House, Manukau Rd., Greenwood's Corner, Epsom. 581 OW, Shorthorn-Jersey, in full milk, a splendid house cow, guaranteed sound and quiet.—B, Alva Rd.. Epsom. 594 ART wanted, up to 10 cwt, good order— Apply Taylor, Vincent Rd., off Mt. Albert Rd. 710 GRADE-JERSEY Heifer Calf, about 7 months, real good ; £4 10/ or reasonable offer. —ion, "Old Mill." Epsom. 134GIG, Butterfly, seat 3, for Sale.—George Britton, Walmsley Rd., Mangere. 071 ACK. useful, for Sale, cheap. —Clay. llirkdale. 59 OftSE, staunch, fast, Cart and Harness, carry ton; perfect order; good reasons selling—F. Edwards, Rosebank Rd., Avondale. ___1J IF you require Horse, Cart, Harness, of auy description. I can supply.—Kelsey, 410. Manukau Road. Epsom. p EiR_ETY-_[OLSTEES" Heifer, ten months old, good condition; £6 10/.—308, Remuera Rd. 103 TERSEY Cow, due end of month, and 2 *J Jersey Heifers.—A. Ross, 183, Portland Rd.. Remuera. 582 JERSEY" Shorthorn House Cow, Just in profit five days, second calf, good milker, plenty cream, quiet and good condition— Apply Business, Phone 2045, or 22, Purlri Ay., Greenlane. 699 LIGHT Phaeton, in good order.—State prire and to be seen, to Mrs. E. Wood, Campbell Rd.. Ellerslie. 700 TJONY, good, harness or saddle, about 14 ■*• lhands; cheap.—39, Brighton Rd., ParnelL 550 REG. Pedigree Jersey Heifers, Reg. Pedlgree Jersey Bulls, ready for service; several choice Cows and Heifers, close profit.—llo, Lucerne Rd.. Remuera. 82 T~~ HOROtTGHRRED Gelding," Ma Copper, in full training, for private Sale — Apply 82, .Ponsonby Rd.: 'phone 3644, or E, Stewart, Trainer, Ellerslie. 87 - ■ -______?_. JflOß SALE OB LEASE THE WELL-KNOWN HURDLE GELDING PENNILESS. B. WYNYARD, 631 Hlgfc Street.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
Word Count
945Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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