MOTOR CARS FOR SAEE. light, 5-seater, electric model, well XJ shod, detachable rims; good order — Mullenger. 9, Grey St. __ {"TiHEIVROLET, 5-seater, se_-«tarter. elecXJ trie lights, £245.-_l_yhl_. Queen St. Garage, just above Town Hall. '427 ■\TOTOR Car, 5-seater, ha flrst-cAass run- -"-*- nlwg order, make R-C__; price £180. W. ■ Stoupc, Phonelx Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 29 REPUBLIC Truck, only run 2000 miles.— Owner. 23. Valley Rd. 698 SICRifpPS-iBOOTH, 3-seater, first-class 1 condition: cheap.——lqyhlU, 317, Queen St. 'Phone 2367 A. 42S TJ O R T 5-S EATER. Privately owned, and driven only by owner. Mileage Just over 3000. In perfect order and as new. f350 CASH. Apply 303. VICTORIA ARCADE, Between 10 and 1. 6S /~VAK LAND CAR. Six-cylinder, in perfect order and condition. PRICE. £450. To be seen at nARRISON AND GASH, Motor Specialists, Newmarket. B jy A *1 M L E It, g£ Seven-seater. Newly Painted. Extra Large Body. One-man Hood. Dual Ignition. Electric Lights. Wire .Wheels. •First-class Running Order. Any Trial. Privately Owned. Apply. T. BOLTON AND CO., Motor Garage, 'Phone 4094. Manukau Road, Epsom. 60S MILLER'S "VICTOR /CLEARING TTOUSE. THE pASS GARAGE, SYMONDS STREET END. ALWAYS OPEN. ALWAYS OPEN. ALWAYS OPEN. ALWAYS OPEN. Telegraphic address: ".Millerage," Auckland 'l'hone 3237. A L°° X E ITHEE W AY QAVES -yOUR T IFE "pVERY T)AY. SAFETY TMRST. QAFETY "CMRST.
POSITIVE! CARS WILL NOT DECREASE IN PRICE. BUY NOW. OAK-LAND SIX. 5-seater, .first-class order throughout; exceptional value. £385. FORD, 5-seater. good tyres, leather upholstery. £130.A 5-SEATER STU.DEIBAKEB, electric and starter, Jilgh-tenslon magneto. The small modd 'Sludebaker. £320. REGAL. 5-REATER, EUECTRIC LIGHT AND STARTER. ROOD ORDER, ONEMAN HOOD, STREAMLINE BODY. i£2S5. BUPOK. 5-seater, nearly new, last year's. £600. CHANDLER. SEDAN MODiEL, 7-seater. ■LUXURIOUS CAR: 5 over-size Ford tyres. OWNER. TOURIST, leaving for AMERICA. FOR SPEEDY SALE. £655. 8.5.A., 3-seater, wire wheels; road ready. £-30. FORD. 3-seater: good rubber. £145. S_RIPPS-BOOTII CAR recently overhauled; electric light and "starter, new tyres. This 3-seater has Just been painted. Commercial Vehicles ready for delivery PIERCE ARROW. 5-ton and the AUTOCAR, lj-2-ton, fitted solid or pneumatic tyres. NEW OKA.N.D'-BRS. 7-seaters. x~hommle Roadsters aud the 4-sc'ater Despatch. ALso, THE 5-SEATER AND 3-SEATER CLEVE•LAND MOD'EI.S. THE CI.BVKL VN I) IS A HIGHLY-PERFECTED rilt ITS PRICE IS RIG'IIT. £650 aud £675 li milß QAMTBELL jyjOTOR QO., 11-13, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. •■* Phone 2738. 1 "THE BEST THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS." DODGE OAR AGENTS. •Wo can Supply from Stock. THIREE 4.ND FIVE-SEATEUS, one ot each only." U c 6: one only In stock. AGENTS, COMMONWEALTH, 4-cyllnder Car. One in stock. AGENTS. MAXWELLS: 2 and 5-seater* Immediate delivery. A cheap, light Car, £450.
USED CARS: DODGE, 5-passenger Private Car: £425. DODGE, last year's model. A harzain f390 DODGE, 1017. Wants overhaul; £340. FORDS, latest model*. 2-seafer, had 12 months' use. Interchangeable wheels, tool box, good tyres. Cheap; £140 FORD, 5-passenger. Good order; £160 FORD TON TRUCK, l--rnssenger body •fitted. Only done 2000 miles- £2->.-> INTERNATIONAL 'HARVESTER TRUCKS We can supply from Stock, complete. Road ready. GEO. L. CAMPBELL, O Manager. T EYLAND, England's Supreme MOTOR LORRY. Now Landing. 4-TON MODELS. 4-TON MODELS. 4-TON MODELS. Auckland Provincial Agents: ,C!__iBROOK, "pOW'LDS, AND r>o., Symonds St., Cor. City Road. C A Q LIGHT CAR, 2-seatcr, 4-cy Under, Bosch magneto, zenith carburetter, steel detachable wheels. -Body work wants doing up £140 FORD 5-SEATER, In tip-top order, with spare xvheel £130 MATCHLESS TWIN MOTOR CYCLE £9^ pi'BE. -pOTTER, AND "pAITHFULL, LORNE,AND RUTLAND STREETS, Established 1845. B MOTOR CABS WANTED. Tj>ORD Car wanted, any condition must x ,be cheap, for cash.—Write Ford, Newton P.O. 4177 VvAK-AND Six, wanted for cash; under v/sOOO.—Partic—ars to Pump, 517, STAR. 112