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MOTOR OARS FOR SALE. CaEVRO'LJJT, 3-eeater, four-ninety model, £350; take mortgage or part cash.—6, Hepburn 'St., Ponsonby. 78 p*HEVROLET, 3-eeater, electric lighi, ieff- >-/ starter, new clutch, good tyres; written guarantee; £250.— Phone 1410. TFS Van, good t>rder, trial; spare wheel, '■*- tools; £150.—64. 'Ponsonby Rd. 610 Motor Van] haif-ion; first class -*- order and condition; cheap for cash. — AddresH at STAk. 89 "CTOKD 1-ton Truck, with seats; use 3 ■*- months; health reasons for sale.—No. -'. Little queen St. ISO "CWItiD 5-seater, late model, perfect order, -*- for quick sale £175.—Apply 30, Wallace St., Heme ißny. 034 HUDSON 4, eJ. and s.s.; would consider .Exchange Light Delivery.—Cars, C3O, STAR. 1«1) MOTOR CAR, nupmoT>lle. 2-seater, In. good order; five good tyres; leather upholstery: newly painted; and full set of t0015.—25, Hlghwlc Aye., o£E Market Rd. ___ esT S fcAKLAXD Six, 5-seater, Just overhauled; an exceptionally powerful cnr; very economical; any trial.—Chance, 516, STAR. «4 SaTUDEBARER. 5-7 sentcr. electric light, urst-pIURs rendition; privately wwned; bargain; casih of terms.—Apply S>, Lower ■Symonda .St. Tel te phone 2793 A. 38 4?IKA OR Near" "Offer—2-Seater Light <*»XtFV caf jo jj.p.; economical and sound; any trial.—Bost-L Mag., 3OG. STAR. /"WERLANiD. 5-seater Car for SaieT~in " good nirfnlng order: £175 or close offer; niiiet sell.—Apiply 'McKendrick Bros.. Wellington St. 589 JOHN W. ANDREW AND SOX'S motto l> Keep Fording S CM-MMR time Is Ford rime—Get jour order in to .John W. Andrew and Son early and avoid the rush. S JOHN W. ANDREW AWI) SON specialise In stocking T"ord wlze Tyres and Tube», Accessories and Tartfl. 3 IK you huvp any doubt about what make of car you should buy. get one of Andrews Ford Catalogues before deciding. S AUCKLAND GARAGE, corner liorne and Rutland StreeU. Agent for "WOLSELEY" CARS "BCRIPPB BOOTH" CABS. Stockist of Tyres, Benzine, Oil and AH Motorists' Requirements. Full Information on application to G. W. SPRAOG, Prop. Tel. 2464. T.B. E HAVE FOR SALE ONE OV THE MOST LUXURIOUS 7-SEATKR CAR 3 IN AUCKLAND, both as resards appeaTance and riding qualities. Guaranteed mechanically. Owner, a well-known gentleman, has left the country, and the price Is only £525. The first to Inspect will buy.— C. MERVYN ABEL (late E. Haydork), Wake Held St. WS4 V\7\E can give Immediate Delivery of "' Latest Model FORD CARS, complete, with Self Starters. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. LTD., Chancery Street. B ÜBWU BW M ODEL> 1920-21 AT AX WELL ARE NOW TO HAND. MANY DETAIL IMPROVEMENTS. 1 STOI , RIGHT AT OUR SHOWROOM, OR TIIOXE 2S3UA, AND WE WILL CALL WITH THE BUST LIGHT CAR VALUE IN AUCKLAND. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. mHE p«TY AND SUBURBAN ■yroTOR γ^o., BROADWAY. NEWMARKET. , B -yrO TRAitS ! Well Buy One of Our iX UNIVERSAL FOBD CARS, and travel in' comfort. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. LTD., Chanrcry .street. B ELGIN FIVE-SEATF.R. Guaranteed In Al condition. £4. r io. Ilt.'Pr 3-SEATER. £420. nonGR 5-SBATKII, 1018. £4e<l. INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE. £51. MOTOR CYCLE AND SIPE CAR CHASSIS. LI GUT DELIVERY TRUCK. UNHON ENGINEERING CO., Lome Street. B PL'LMAN CAR, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER. All Tyres as New. Detachable Rims. In First-class Oftlcr. Price to You, £395. CITY AND SUBURBAN MOTOR CO., Newmarket. 'Phone 2556 A. B li. FORD, 5-Scater (new body). £200. • Any trial. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. LTD., Chancery Street. B YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON THE "WHITE" TRUCK. You take no risk when you buy a "White." It has been proved dependable In every country In the world. Economical in benzine and running repairs, and never falls to "get there." Auckland Agents: GILIMOUR, JOLL AND WILLIAMS Coachbuilders and Motor Body Specialists. Newton Rd., off Symonds St. Section. B
Q> H. 5-SEATER FORD CAR; £146. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., LTD., Chancery Street. B rpHE rtANADIAN TirOTOtt QO., OF N.Z., LIMITED. LITTLE QUEEN ST. Phone A 2297. DAIMLER—2O h.p., electric light; splendid puller. £330. v CALCOTT —Electric light and self-starter, In gocd running order. £385. CHEVROLET—3Ocwt truck attachment, xv4th body complete, In first-class order. £350. FORD—3ocwt Truck Attachment, solid tyres on back. Any trial. £260. FORD-p-5-seater, touring, newly painted; seat covers, etc. £190. OVERLAND— Late model, elec. light and self-starter. £310. DODGE—S-seater, 1917 model; as good as new. £375. .JIOTOR BIKE and Side Car—Overseas; 3speed; ready to run. £60. SINGER MOTOR BIKE—3-speed; tools, lamp, etc. £45. B OVERLAND, 5-Seater, Bosch magneto, electric lights. £150. STUDEBAKER. Roomy 3-Seater, full electric equipment. £300. BRBSCOE, 5.-Seater, electric light and starter. £175. SiAXON, 2-Seater. electric lights and starter, and magneto Ignition. £235. FORD, 5-Seater: also FORD Deliveries. J. S. IRVIN. 19. Wakefield Street. City. B pCLLAN, A RMITAGE & pC, JTD, " T_ OVAL " (__- AEA GE, A UCKLAND AND TT AMI-TON. VX7HEN "V" ou JTAVE QEEN THE pIHALMEBS pAE /CHALMERS pAB YOU WILL AGREE WITH US THAT IT IS THE BEST VALUE ON THE MAHKET TO-DAY. CALL IN AND BE CONVINCED. B A TTAYDON FOB . iV. JJ. TTxORD CARS, • ~JV TRUCKS, ACCESSORIKSKlndlv place your orders for SELF-STARTER CABS. A Small Shipment to Hand. Gk TTAYDON, Ford DUtrlbu-*. . __.. XX Auckland District. 60, Hc-soa Street. 'P-one 283. «
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
Word Count
819Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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