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HOUSES AND LAUD WANTED. \ uvim-iisiut, Joily and Co., have~Casii **- iiuyers. Uiviieis leaving prelerrea. j. '""ipt L ' aßa amen.—*0, m.l. k.deu uu. zoi BLJs'UAUOW, 4 ruouiH and klt<ihenetie, warned; must be luoUein.—4jush biJ, .. i AKj 3..-J. BLiNU'AXOW, nioileru, 5 rooms, a to 3 acres ruu lot poultry, wanted at j ..pgiwtue.— Value. 6h.i, stail. -U-i Bl NirAbUW, 4 or 0 rooms, oi \.ala, (,noa locality, wanted to B-uy; gocxl un|n>slt.— Hunguiuw. (iU7, STAIt. 383 Br Mi A LOW or .Modern House. Mt. Kdeu or lleuim-ra. about 6 rooms; cash uwn.—"Unrlsti'hurea," i>76, 'STAU. io B'CYOTHIS -Waiting <or Farnilets, clos-e Kaihvny, carry 2 to 10 cows.— lUllbert'M, i>». Queen St. 457 Bl'YißHe of Houses, Sections, and Buelnusscs Waiting for particulars of yours.-Gifbi-rt's, Sα, Queen-rit. 486 / HOTT.VUE, Small, 3 or 4 rooms, wanted; yTAH" ei-ms, c c, age, DEVOM'ORT or Takapuua — House wauted to Buy, 4 or 5 roonJs. Write prl'f, terms.. —Stranger, STAR. 12i GUAr'TUN or l J a'rneri.—Uouse, 5 or 8 rooms, wanted Immediately ; substantial depoHlt given.—Uuyer, 803, STAIt. El HUL'sI;, furnished, wanted to ltent, «r 'A Itoouis; good locaHty.—H. Vette, (J. P.O. 141 HOUtiU, S or 4 rooms; good locality; eectiou and cash given in payment.— Pupils, OOP, riTAlt. 104 HULac<, o or 0 rooms, wan-tod to Buy, Mt Eden or good locality. £030 to tiao.—H. l'eiie, <.;.i ,o.i« HOUSK3 wanted, Urey L>ynn, for quick sale, on £200 deposit.—Le Urice and Wilson, B, I'almerston Mulldings. 338 TTOUSB wanted to Purchase, 4 or 5 JJt rooms; one requiring renovating preli»rence.—iModerate, tfiS, aTAH. |Wtt TTOUSE, 4 or 5 rooms; OtaJiuhu, Jlangere, -tJ- Papatoetoe.—Stato price 'Uouse, c/o Wjiiaon, Statlouer, Mcwmarket. &95 HOUtJK, t> or 7 rooms, wanted to Buy, in the city; good deposit.—Keply U.K., 3u. Nelson St., City. No agents. 41 T_TOU"S.3S wanted, all suburbs, to replace -"• recent saJee. Keen demand for Small Farms.—Walsh. 224, iPonsomby Rd. 818 HI>L"'.S.E2S and Sections wanted to replace recent Bales. B-uyers waiting.— Stewart, r>B. Qiieeu iSt. Thoue 25&2.A.. 409 I HAVE CLIENTS urgently requiring Hojnes in the near suburbs. If selling yours, kindly let mc have particulars and lowest terms, without delay. TYLI>EX, Hallenstein'g Buildings. B "VrT. EDEN or Epsom—Modern 5-roomed •"-•■ Bungalnw, room for garage. Price up tv £2000.—Immediate, 563, STAR. 30 "VrOkTU Shore, Narrow Neck, or Cheltenham; good section; or House, 5 or 9 rooms and couvs.—Lynn. 027, STAR. 12i> ONEHUNGA —House. Q or S rooms, with convs.; about £800; deposit £250.— Address Star Agent, Onehunga. 502 ROYAL OAK or Onehunga.—House, 4 pr 5 rooms, wit',l convs.; genuine buyer; all cash.—Cash. 46/, STAR. 17 CJIIALL House, on terms, £50 deposit: Penro*e prrferrpd. —R.-W.L.. r>3s, STAR. 193 SJiIALL House wanted to Purchase by returned soldier, Mt. Eden district preferred. Small deposit. Old House not obJccted -to,—IR.S., 511. STAR. 74 Cottage, small, wanted to Bay; preferaWy furnished. possession required oarly In December. —31, Relmer's A-v.. Klngsland. 368 TTTUry Pay Commission? —'Sound 'House, ** -im to £1.200: eood sectione; handy car! ,._Cnsl), 6»2. STAR. 468 -TT7 TO 4 AdHiKB and 'Residence. 4 to 7 J-/2 rooms, within 15 minutes car route. Tolcnnlc or seml-voU-anlc, up to gPO deposit. stab^ MT. EI>EN. OOMIXTOS KOAD, or .'SEW-ilAttKlET.—uid-vertleer requires House, 4-5 roemsj.r,.iri4<;e r: up caeli. BV.ANS. 613, STAR. B >X>l QftfV—DuWONPO-KT— 'ilodern Honsc, diXOVI/' 5 or 6 rooms, wanted.—Particulars to , VAtnaaA'liti, 633, STAR. B TJiBMUERA. —iHouse of 6 rooms wanted •*-* to 'Buy. ISoctioa must be large enough to keep cow; sea view essential. ■W.T,., 643, STAR. B .t?-j fM\n—GR-KY JA'JJN (near 2nd Sectlon). —5 or 6-roomed House wanted.—State price, etc., to ■ T-EBiMS, C 49, STA'H. B GEO. C OBEAOH reqaires houses from 4-6 Rooms, In ail suburbs. Buyers waiting. GEO. C. CREAG-H, 112, First Floor, Victoria ATcade. B T>tINGALO3V OF FIVE * ROOMS. VICINITY VINCENT AVEN'ITE AVD ASCOT AVENUE, WANTED FOR CLIENT. CASH BtJTEH. RICHARD ARTHUR, LTD.,
Elliott Street. 648 xTTTHY don't you let us know if YOUR HOU3E IS FOB SALE T .We have BUYERS waiting, and CAM SELL. We are not asleep, BOBSI BT 8 A~N D COLaad Agents, 17, Endean's Bullaings. < - B TO EET. BEACH Camping Sites, sheltered, 5/ per wj-ek.—C. Cantly, Storekeeper, Main Beach, Point Chevalier. 534 "C-JATS, furnished and unfurnished, Mt. * Edeu, 4 rooms; near cars; good position.—MA.. 582, STAR. 2* TT—.AT.—To Let 'for 6 months, superior ■*- Furn. Flat, 4 rooms, with kitchenette and bathroom; every modern convenience. Address at STAB. I_H OOOD Grazing Paddock for cow. —4, ___ Rd., .Epsom. . 204 ARAUES, 2 lock-up Sheds, at Ist Sectiou, Parnell. Phone -Js4A—Air Monks. 102 HOUi— E, Furnished, 6 roams, Reniuera, for 12 months.—'For particulars ring ""Phone 2360 (2 rings), between 5 and 7 p.m. 381 HOME, 6 Rooms, Furnished, roomy, to Let for 3 weeks November; all modern conveniences; close heach, near 2d section, Takapuna. Rent. 3 guineas weekly.— Apply, with credentials. 8.M., 564. iSn'AJ- 1 KOHIMARAMA. — Bach, partly furn., close beach; now vacant. —Ellyett. Kohlmarama. __7 J' ADY- wanted to share estab. office in ■*' Queen St.; phone, r.O. box; easy terms. Boomy, 554. STAR. 2_13 LARGE Shed to Let.—lo, Richmond Rd., Ponsonby> . 653 LARGE GARACE OB WORKSHOP TO LET. Water Laid On,and WeU Lighted. Second Section from City. E. C HURREY AND CO., Premier Buildings, Durham St. E__s2i LOCK-UP Shops, electric light, Waikato town; suit Barber, Jeweller, or Mercery; rent, 50A WiEINZL SCHOLLUM, 49 109. Queen Street. OSTBND, Walheke—Good Campin B Sites; terms, moderate.—Address at lSrni '^- PART House to childless m. couple; nominal rent if care for boy 3}.—'Level Steps. 622, STAR, ___} ROOMS (5), large, furn.. every cony.; owner going away for 3 months— Addresß at STAR. T7 1 •tTVAKA'PUNA.—Cottage to Let, furn., near "«»- P. 0., beach, for summer months.— Apply Benchman, IHurscmere Bd. 4M DOGS WANTED. OX Terrier Dog Puppies; nlso any other breeds of Puppies.—J. Walker, 271. Queen St. ... 109 ,
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
Word Count
943Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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