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=____-__;^g BOARD AND RESIDES,-. ACCOMMODATION, first class. -TUT; ■aX. House, 12, Lower Symonds St Phi? 293. r_oiia I A CCOMMODATTON.-SuperlorTia—=si JX breakfast, or bed only; 3 mins '__? Hall.—"Norscourt." 113. Nelson St. " _]__ ACCOMMODATION for VlslUuTanTpn. Man—its; select and homelike; board or breakfast only.— Hlllcrest. 41), Easts?' Symonds St. w Bt - I BOARD wanted for three young "_ai_ 1 Would share room Board^T£JjTAn ]\ I T>OIARI) wanted by respectable "maa~T» XA private family; single room. —n^'.„7 Parnell P.O. STI T>iOARD required by young gentle_a_~_ AJ private family, bandy to city — Stranger, 697. STAR. '^__, TJOAKD and Ixidgiug, comfortable, waatea XJ for young working gentleman, _», Penrose. —G„ 646. STAR. j!£ BOARD and Ke-siuence for refined _rti I il), engaged during day; share ]_?_» room.—l 9, Ponnonby Rd. 3X5 ! -DOARD a"nd Residence w_n'ted~~bi i AJ respectable young man; private famiiC ; preferred.—J.P.. 037. STAR. __g "DOARD. Residence, good accommodation I AJ for m.c; close car and beach--n ! Shelly Reach Rd.. Ponsonby. ' __J t OARD and Residence, preferably i_ j private family, desired by young bud- J ness man.—Quiet. 585, STAR. ___<_ [ TJOARD, permanent, xvanted. by two nufr. AJ r ied couples; Symonds St. or hanilv mihnrh.—Residence. 031. STAR. jjj j OARDER wauted, share room, comfort- | able, b. and c. bath; ymonds St. sec— | 11. Nugent St.. off Khyber Pass. __jf | BOARD and Residence, Remuera, wanted I by middle-aged lady: vicinity Ladles' Mile preferred.—N.Y.Z., 876. STAR. ___ BOARD, .Residence required by yonng lady, paying guest, refined private home—Urgent. P.O. Box 1001, Auckland. 263 BOARD In private family wanted by buel. j ness girl; across harbour preferred.—. I Terms and particulars, Sunshine, <S2 star. aa l pOARD and Lodging wanted by middle. •*-* aged working man, or would like te hear from another to share room.—State terms to J.. 635, STAR. 135 BOARD wanted with private family Sy middle-aged man. sober and respectable: Remuera or Newmarket, handy to tran_=. —G.L., P. 0.. Newmarket. flj ENGLISHWOMAN, in business during day, requires Board with private family.—Englishwoman, 671. STAR. 3_
FURNISH.-D Sitting and 2 Double Bearooms wanted, with Board, for 3 adults, permanent: Heme Bay district preferred.— C. Chant. 196. Jervois Rd.. Ponsonby. 88 MAN. young, surveyor, would like to secure Nice Accommodation for feranlght at Christmas, with breakfast only.— V.8.V.. 691, STAR. «B PARTIAL invalid requires Board. qnltf respectable home, with partial care; handy position.—'Partlxrulars to Home, 585 STAR. 18S TtioOM, u_fnr—tshed, xvith fcoerd; Nov. i-a-* 20: m.c no children: vietcrtty Heme Bay.—Reanonahle. 567. STAR. 43 SUPERIOR Accommodation for one or tiro boarders: refined home, second wet—m. Taimrl. 609. STAR. ___ "rnHUT CARLTON." 18, Liverpool BL- ■*• Board and Residence; Ist section.— Phone 325. J "xT7IA"CAiNcfY for Gentleman Boarder, com. ™ 'private family; single room.—o*o. & 'Morrow St.. Newmarket. _4 VACANCY- for youne man. Boarder _ octet private family: single room; soft VTBi-lnir. etc.: few minutes to c*rs.—ll. Carmen Ay.. Dominion Rd. 3TB ■mriDDL- - AGED BUSINESS MAS aL B-rXrTJTRES BOATID ANTD RESIDENCE ■ In Private Family (elderly people ■_&_. 1 ferred). CHy or Suburbs. Apply BOARD. 514. STAB. EM APABTMEIfTS WAgTED. T>ED-81ttingroom, convs., required, badAJ ness yonng lady, near clty.—Urgent. 678, STAB. 173 BED Sitting Room, single, small kitchenette, use of convs., wanted ty lady.— H., 545, STAR. 220 BED Sittingroom for business lady; terms moderate; near Newmarket Statk_.— 8.A., c/o W. Downs, Napter St. M BED-Sittingroom, furn., wanted, 3 weeks, January: use convs.: handy to tram.— D.. Star Agency, Whangarei. MJ
"DIED Sitting Room, double, iun_shed: ■XJ m.c; child 4 years. Also SingRoom, same place, use convs.; within Ist section.—Respectable, 521, STAR. ___3 BED Sittingroom, unfurn., for m.c* xrt—i (ran kitchenette, gas stove, etc.; —torn——on Bd. dlsfcnet inxaferredj—St_t» terms to IS. Ward Terracq, Kingsland. M COUPLE, respectable, baby 2 months eM. require 2 unfurn. Rooms: 1 with gal stove; vicinity Ponsonby or -Heme Bay.— F.M., 659, STAR. 61* "EM—VT, small, self-contained, furnished; a- married couple with one child. —Home, <386. STAR. 448 TTx—tAT, unfurn., 2 rooms and kitchenette, -*- wanted by m.c; separate entrance.— 25, Millais St., Grey Lynn. ____S3 OOMS (2). iinfurn.. wanted, vicinity Grey Lynn; 2 children.—Seton, 444, STAR. 2*7 EOOMS (1 or 2), Unfurn.. convs., wanted: 1 elderly couple.—C. Hall, King's Court, Upper Queen St. ___" T>OOMS (4), unfurn., or half House or Fist XX wanted. —State particulars to Waitemata. 660, STAR. 3TO OOMS (3), unfurn., for adult famfly: separate cooking: Devonport preferred, not essential.—'Devonport. 532, STAR. 18a TJOOMS, furnished: two bedrooms, livingXv room, with kitxhenefte. preferred: Psrnell or bandy suburb.—Digger. 503. STAB 25 TJOOMS (31. unfurn.. and kitchenette, -" wanted by 3 adults: easy distance south railway or tram.—Government, W_ ■STA.R. 2ST TJOOMS (2 or 31. unfurnished, wanted by ■*-•' m.c, no children: use convs.: Mt. Albert or Grey Lynn tram line. —X.V.X.. K». STAR. 13* OOM. single, fnrn.. required by respectiible man. with respectable —eofle: cc"" trslly sßna'ted: state terms.—N.GA- 633. S T A R. 473 ROOM, Double. Furn.. kitchenette and conveniences wanted: must be central: both away all day; no others kept preferred. —.T.M.. 558. STAR. ■ TJOOMS (3 or 4). nnfnrn.. wanted by XX widoxv away at business all day: eeosr. ate gas stove and meter: Ardmore Rd., Heme Ttay. or anrwhere near.—Urgent, P.O. TxVix «ir,. 84 CJTNGLE Bedroom and Breakfast, by vonoe k - cent. xvith private famllv: vicinity Tx"-"-ari!iahape Rd.: state terms.—A.B., 636. STAR. 133 OITTINOROOM. 2 BprtroomTr^r-T'ni-- 1anil »on: use eonx-s.: terms. —8.J.A.. 570 star. 106 yorS(!!y would like to Renf"Fiu* X -'sheri Heii-«ittI""-roo"i In refined home: nr—iT,tr„ ron-ns .... XX., c|...., I W <-'T\R, 143 BTJSTNXSS-tS WANTED. BIfAKDING or Apartment House wanted, 8 to 12 rooms.--Full particulars to Webster and ('".. -17. Alberi St. ____ 341 ICTI'RE Show] suburb or near city: raachinorv and piar.t -..."1 order: lease thea rre: genuine — Addrr--* at ST A ___________ T»;USINESS WANTED BT CAPABLE AND ENiERGETII- STOREKEEPER, WITH CAPITAL. On the Main Trunk Line Preferred. Replies Treated Confidentially. ■lAIN TRUNK, 5i37, STAR, Auckland. *- POULTRY WANTED. "IJLLLI-.TS t U-4). u.-uvy priz* ■*- birds, wanted ; guaranteed layers.— State price, --Arunul," 8, Matara Bdj Remuera. 127
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
Word Count
968Page 2 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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