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WANTED TO RENT. TJACH, email, furn., at St. t_oße a r o h Ja g^, r y T^ re _^ k "-^-"^^ la » House, or ■" •' Unfurnished Roms with uw kli.-h.-n Kcply AJas, BirKenhead' P Q * 4 £> gACU, furnished, superior, wanted "by m.c. ; one to three months, or permanS2?K, : k»l"maranui preferred.—W., 631. hIAlc - 2SU C} A « P ,!, NU Orounil or Cottage wanted, Mcl ins Beach, Uowirk. Xuius holidays. ■Mrs. KirKwood. li, Graham St., City. 22 PLOTTAGE (SMALL) FURNISHED FLAT OR BACH, WANTED, tor Two Weeks, from December 23. Terms In Advance. 0,/. State all particulars to 3 i5 URGENT, 601, STAR. /i AKA **iJ «r »hed, n>? neai Dominion lid. P.O. preferred; consider oyMff loeatlon.— Motor, ezs. STAB. 113 piARAGE.—Shed suitable for motor-cycle *-" and sidecar, vicinity Lower Symonds St. or Grnfton Rd.—Garage, 592 STIR or 'Phone 3084. ~* 240 TTOUSE. 4 or 5 rooms, wanted Kent ; £10 ■*-*■ Bonus.—6, Selbourne St. Grey Lynn. "fc/TOTOK Garage wanted to Kent in or ■"*- adjacent to Heme Bay Rd. for three months.—f raser Smith. I'U Heme Bay Kd. U8« "DOOMS 14), large, furn. or unfurn., to ■*-• Let, all convs. —1, Collingwood St., Ponsonby. yog |CJ;HOP, .Basement, or Cellar, suitable for wine depot; central.—Post Box 021, CUy. 85 LJMAI.L Place to bach, near city —T.I P E-> 559, STAR. ' 05 OT. HELIEIR'S BAY or Kohlmarnma.—4 *-* or 5-roomed furn. -I-loiiec; middle of November to March. —Beacli Spar. Wα, STAR. p or Shed wanted to Kent for horse and cart. City or suburbs.— Stable, 846, STAR. 221 IHOr, GROUND FLO 08, In Qncen Street or Karanganapo •Road. • CHAMBERLAIN AN© CHAMBERLAIN, 64, Queen Street. 407 f*K BONUS.—* or o-roomert House; 6 ww months" rent In advance; handy to c«r«.—->'.H., iWM, STAR. 97 1?9/V M O N U B. S**AJ Wanted to Kent or Lease for Term, Rfirt In Advance, FOUR TO SIX-ROOMED HOUSE.—Write Bonus, Box 800, G.P.0.. Auckland. 577 GRAZING WANTED. RAZING to Let lor horses.—7l, Upland Rd., Kemuera. E. V. .Midler. 311 GRAZING wanted for one horse.—Auckland Luggage Agency, 40, Fort St. 30 i-VRAZIMJ wanted, 2 lacks, for about VX month, handy Dominion Terminus. — T. 8., Balmoral Rd. 235 BUSINESSES FOB SAKE. ■D ±TlCe StOCi, UUUrgii, gOUUft'Ui, laW. <~1. .uaymu, on, ijuwu at. *io LjOARDINOmJUSIS Business (City), Breti.osu.—jaujcci Uaridtie, Suieetou's lildn*. t2U CiASil Store, wxih good Uvuik > rooms uitucueU; iow rental. —\V<U»ii, .xjieut, -iii, It'oujjuu}- Kα. aio txAciH. •uroceiy .'ilutiiueoa, turnover i»0 to ' tiui weeiuy; living rooms attuuhea; vei-y busy centre, hanuy city; nuo casu uuu AIoUL at vulu;iuon. l^iuu.—u\lvAenzi«, ull aud d>., U, I'liowni Chainuei'e. 4-ii 1"\O you want to start a. prontuble Xua•L' room businessV Well read uils! Uue minute from the most popular oeach iv Jmciluud., WW Biuyl' 2 K-vyulsi, gas, water laid on, large move. *Vieuu»u rsecuou -oO x Iβ;, liuu out in trees ana naruuiierled. luunediatt; poiiseatilou. i'ncu uuiy itouu; terms easy. a. C. SPIEEDY, 13. aellaby'a Jilaga., op-p. G.P.'O. 432 Ijtuiiii ■siiop, 4 rooms, tours.; &ult auy ' business; staliies; tX> or offer, muai Bell, owner aeavmg.—Addresa rt'lAii. out I4USH Uestauront, City ; dwelling; 7 years' •*• lease; rent, £2 1/. Price, furuißlied.—Ueddaway, 221, Karunguniipe ltd. iaa aud Confectionery, nice business, ■*- good suburb; o living rooms; 2 yearn' icuse; week; ill-health, reasons for sellinß.—Address at ijTAlt; SI Lj AIKI»ItKS.SLNG — and Tobacconist, also ■*-*• Fancy Goods. One at £750. another iUuU. Uenuiiie buauiesse*. —lietlutiwuy, i7l, Karangahape ltd. au|) MhLij uud 'liusu to 'Let on contract to good, practical Man; everything ready to start; plenty bush; cheaply wvrsed.— M. Kaingaroa, Awauul North. 6M MOTOR GiARAGB and 'Repair Business — .Live (Situation, Busy Thoroughfare; Turnover, £8,000 per anuuin. Price. j;e,5W, Including Buildings, Land, Stock, Machinery, Accessories, etc. —Further particulars, Ceo. and Sons, B.X.Z. Bldgn. 64a (CJTATIO^ T BRY AND FANCY GOODS ♦3 BUSIN'BSS FOU SAIJii, with comfortable living rooms, in one of the beet business suburbs of this city. With clean ■elected stock suitable (or Christmas trade. Owner reluctantly compelled to 6eMl. Fun particulars 011 an interview with owner. FANCY GOODS, 448, STAB. 03 rphA utooms (ti), and quantity of Chairs tor saone.—Uiroadway .Auction itooms. Xewmarket. Ho 6 fIvOILKX Rooms (ladles), well established, -*- best part Queen St.; good lease; busicess taugut. Xo ageuts.—Audress STAR. UU TAHITI U GAUTHIER, THE WELL-KNOWN PHOTOGRAPHER, Will Sell his well located, best equipped CURIOS iSHQiW JiE-WdiLLERY DEcPART*.\I, Cl»jiFOKTAi*L±i rJUVAXa • muiK, with electricity, telephone, running water everywhere, auto garage, tito. itaxe opportunity. 'l'he_ Business and .Private tiuine can be bought separately. ioUO depusic; payment'on ternin. Apply for particulars to Madame Lenolr, 56, Ait. Lden itoad, Auckland, or write to L. Gauthler, Tahiti. Xi \<iKSTS. O-tft A WEEK Clear In fhls—HOMK 3J-L\f OOOdtERY, Bread Trade, Confectionery, iSolt Drinks, Small Goods. Four rooms, bathroom; 7 years' lease, ai/0; 'phone on. Fine stand, CITY. Only selling on account of illness. FKICE, includluK furniture and stock, £275. <N.F. UTA) SIiCONDJIANiD FURNITURE — Carpenter's Bench, etc. SUBURBS. Ueut, 10/. PRICE, £40. Splendid living. (S.V. 37«> PRIVATE HOTEL, 25 Rooms. Price for ■Freehoia," Including furniture, £2300. Only COO cash required. Main Trunk Line. (N.F. 324) CJtUALL GROCERY BUSINESS—CITY — Sj , 4 living rooms. Rent, £25. PlUCfc, £425. \ (N.F. 385) rpEA ROOMS—CITT-4 liring rooms, gas •*■ range, p.w.c. Rent, 17/ week; One room sublet at 15/. Splendid little business. Price for quick sale, £150 the lot. (X.F. 384) ptOXFECTIONERY, Stationery, Fancy, V-' and Tobacco—2o miles Auckland.—Soda fountain and all Included. Doing foO week. Lease, 25/ week. PRICE, f750. We can confidentially recommend; this Is one of the snuggest and best little businesses obtainable. (X-F. 384) STATIONERY and Fancy Goods—Auckland—Doing f3O weekly, Increasing every week. Five livlne rooms, p.w.c. In perfect order Nice clean fine stock; pretty fittings; lease 5 years, 'li/H. PRICE, £725 cash. Owner leaving for Canada. (X.F. 385) AND /^tO., EVERYBODY'S AfIBXTS, PHOENIX CHAMBERS. 'FHO.X'E 3733. ' 273 BIRDS FOB SAIE. ' ' /CANARIES.—I "want to Buy, best price riven for Canary Cocks and Hens. Goldflnches.—l67. Nelson St. 322 fIANARIES, Canaries. —Wanted, Cock Canaries, also Goldfinches and Ferrets. Tlest cash prices given.— J. Walker, Queen St. I£B ROBINSON has to Sell Yorkshire • Palre, from Champion Strain Yellow and Buffs.—l<s7 Nelson St. 324
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
Word Count
992Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 3
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