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APARTMENTS VACANT. ACCOMMODATION for two or three respectable business gentlemen, in good private home, near city and waterfront: breakfast if desired.—Address at STAR. Ii BED Sittingroom, double, to Let; electric light.—l 4, East St. ____0 BED Sittingroom. furn., fro it; suit business gent; good locality, City.—Address STAR. *" 4 T>_D—.OOM, furn., single, to Let; use of AJ convs.; Ist section; 10/ per week.—(to. Franklin 'Rd. IJ4 BED-Slttingroom, double, furn., and convs.—For address, Wilson, Stationer, Newmarket. _____? BED and Diningroom, turn., use convs.: electric light; nice locality.—2l, Harcourt St.. Grey Lynn. 585 ED—COM, single, furn.:, convs. Sea view, good locality. Omln from Queen St.—f»A. Eden Crescent. 375 BED Sittingroom, unfurnished, with fireplace, kitchenette: use convs.; good locality.—Address at STAR. BEDROOMS 127! double! furnished, and Sittingroom, with use of kitchen and convs.—Address at STAR. 85 ED-SITTING ROOM, large sunny room: use conveniences: comfortable; trams j pass door.—Address nt STAR. 14S BEDROOM. Double, Front, nicely furn.; suit business couple or 2 friends; gas. convs.—lll. Weilesley St. West. 178 BEDROOM, furnished, use dining-room: handy Symonds St.: £1 a week; no linen, cutlery.—Widow. ."9. STAR. 22 T-JEDROOM. furnished, nice locality, break•M fast with adult family: Grafton district: gentleman.—Address nt STAR. 403 B~ ED Slttlngrooms (2). front: also a Single Room, furnished: use of kitchen and convs.: all requirements except linen and cutlery: xvil! let together or separately. Address 'STAR. ___[< EVONIPORT. —Rooms (2). furn., to Let. waterfront: suit 2 friends, breakfast optional.—ll. Beach Rd. 130 DININGROOM, well-fur—,, and Double every cony 35. Arthur St., Ponsonby. oß° ININGROOM, 1 or 2 Bedrooms, furnished; separate gas cooker and meter: adults only; terms moderate. —Address STAR. 21 DOUIBLE 'Bedroom and Private Sitting room, to I/et in private house: phone and califont.—Reasonable, 610, STAR. 48 FLAT, 2 rooms, comfortably furn., with all convs.—l. Cobden St., Newton, by Newton P.O. 51
FLATS, furn., double, single, bedrooms, dlnlngroom; gas store, sep. meter; close Depot.—l 7, Bayfield Rd., Ponsonby. 214 Pat, superior, 2 furn. rooias and kitchenette: elevated, sunny, near trams, Mt. Eden terminus: refs.—Address STAR. 91 FLAT of 2 rooms and kitchenette, comfortably furnished; gas stove, separate meter califont. Phone.—Marere, Whltaker Place, off Symonds St. 92 FURNISHED Room.—No. 4, Wallace St. Phone 3641 678 MT. EDEN—3 Large Unfurn. Rooms, In private house; every cony Hillside Crescent. 137 LLFCRbT—To Let, 3 Bedrooms, part board; sJbo. Flat, for 6 weeks.—Oakland. Ocean View Rd. _____ 56 PART of Flat, D.B. furnished room, front Sitting-room; all convs.; up to —ate.— 95. .Tervciis Rd.. Ponsonby. WC EML-RA RD.—Ely House—«_r_lshed Flats; large rooms; good harbour view; garage and phone; refs. necessary. 124 ROOM, single, furnished, to Let.—l 9, St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. 391 ROOM, Large, Unfurn., fireplace, gas.—9B, Franklin Rd (lower end). 108 ROOMS (4) to Let; suit business or 1 tradesmen.—ls. Wakefield St. 33 ROOMS (2), unfurn., use of all convs.— , 27, Hackett St., PonsonuY. 241 ROOMS (2), furnished, double; also Room to share mates. —49,' Upper Vincent St- 551 ROOMS (2), unfurnished, select; yonng married weu-fOe only.'—Address] at STAR. _____!» "DOOMS (2), unfnrn., cod—B., suit m.c. XX without children. —S, —tapau Rd., Green Lane. 611 ROOM (1), —: fxirn.; fireplace and private entrance; private 'fanilly. — Address STAR. JOl ROOM (double), well forn—-bed: nse conveniences ; handy car.—s7, Summer St.. Ponsonby. 147 EOOM, furn., 3 single beds, with break- ; fast if desired; Omln -Queen St.—Address STAB. 36
ROOM, furn., Epsom, to _et to business gentleman; breakfast if desired.— Address STAR. __. 673 T>OOM, single, front, furn., cenvs., to Let. XX g e nt or lady; B_tins, to boat.—2B, Victoria Rd., Devonport. 170 ROOMS, Front (2 or 31, Unfurn., use of convs.: homely; elderly couple preferred.—Address at STAR. _586 TTOOM. unfurnished, with board; Nov. 20; m.c, no children: vicinity Heme Bay.—Reasonable. 567. STAR. 45 ROOM, single, furnished; suit young man; breakfast If required.— .—. St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. near Three Lamps. 345 ROOM, large. partly furn., sleeping verandah, use convs., close beach and cans.-1.1. Hellany's Rldgs. opp. G.P.O. 569 ROOMS (31, kitchenette, use convs., 25/; ' close Greenwood's Corner: quiet, reflned people; refc. required.—Vacant, 099. STAR. 65 BOOMS, bed and breakfast, or bed only; also. Unfurnished Bed-sittingroom, large, with kitchenette; near city.—Address at .STAR. 451 ROOMS (2 or 3), large, unfurn., blinds. ' all convs., gas, electric Tight: Imln (ram. lomln station; quiet people essential. Address STAR. 306 SITTINGROOM and gas stove, and 2 or .I Bedrooms, furn. —140 A, Symonds St. 196 rpAKAIPt'NA—Furn. Flat, 2 rooms and X kitchenette. Imin. from car and beach Address at STAR. 687 rpAKAPUNA— Superior Furn-. Flat, suitX nhle 3 adi'lts; -use conveniences — Beach. 695. STAR. 705 gOLVING THE TTOUSING TTROBLEM. ARKLE'S BAY HOUSE. FAMILIES CAN NOW SECURE PERMANENT ROOMS AT ARKLE'S the Popular Seaside Rusort, at the folloxving rates: —10/ per room per week for oermanents; 15/ per room per week for 3 months: £1 per room per week for 1 month or under. Use of diningroom. sittingrooms, hall and conveniences. Firing nnd gns lighting for main rooms free. Butter, eggs, meat, milk nnd vegetables at farm rates. Store, school, post and teleeraph ofiice quarter-mile axvay. Daily launch service. Mnnu leaves Arkie's 6.15 a.m., leaves Auckland 5 p.m. Making the cost of living decidedly cheaper.—Further particulars rins Phone 1037. City. WS4 PLANTS FOR SALE. CHRYSANTHEMUMS.— Choice Roots for Sale.—Mrs. J. S. Scott, Inkerman St.. Onehunga. iK)9 CHOICEST PALMS, SOUTH CHINA. Withstand frost. Fit for all Dominion. 2/ each, r-ostazc Id extra. Beautify Homes CLEMENT WRAGGIC " Waiata Botanical Gardens. Birkenhead. WS LETTUCE. Cabbage. Onions. 26 100: Celery, Kumarnx. 1/6 doz.: Rhubarb 'Roots, 6/0 doz.—Porter, Box 359, Auckland, is ROATS WANTED. T>OAT, 10 to -JOft, open or half-decked", xx-anted; complete, with sails, etc.—lt. Martin. 3S. Queen's Parade, Devonport. 93 /-■xASH Clients waiting for Yachts and Launches. Sell your boat.—Madden and Co., 174, Queen St. 120 CItUISIMI Keel Boat wanted, with or without engine; length, about 30ftdraught. sft ; must be able to sail to windward.— Send fullest particulars to Captain Stalnforth, Kawau Island. 459 "yroOIUNGS xvanted in St. Mary's Bay aaX suitable for 30ft launch ; will purcnase or lease.—J.B.. 548, STAR. _ :i _ JAILER. 12 or 14lt: wanted, flat-bottomed, centreboard.—Sailer. 009. STAR. :i:i_ T\7ANT_'D, to replace "recent sales, Partf- " culars Yachts and Launches; cash buyers waiting.—Robertson, 45, ' Ferry RrMdings. ___
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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1,014Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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