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ARTICLES FOR SAKE. NCHOR Warp, long length and in good \ condition.—Address at STAR. 453 I pBDWN English Mohair Table Cover, size -*-* 2x}yds x 2yds, new; price, £4 15/. A bargain.—Address at STAR. 190 DININGROOM~TabIe, Lounge, Chair, Doll's Pram, Child's Cot and Cart.— Address at STAR. 361 T\_ESS Coat and Vest, London make; XJ never \vorn; also Ship's Stewards, and I Veedee Vibrator.—Australian, 596. STAR. 96 "pj—.ESS Suit (slight ,je_ile__._), 2 Pierrot AJ Suits, 2 Pierrette Dresses, S& 10/; baigalns; xx-ould separate.—Moore, 5, Angleaea St., Ponsonby (bottom door). 64 TfILETCHER Russell Gas Iron, Perfection a- Heater, 24 Brass Stair Rods.—4o, Balldou Rd., Grey Lynn, 2nd section. 290 TTIOUNTAJN Pens, Waterman] Swan, ■*■ Waverley, Neptune, Onoto, etc. Repairs to all makes.—Anderson's Vulcan Lane. 467 CIOW'LIHOUSE (Portable), for twelve A 2 fowls, fitted with egg hox; cheap.—l 2. Broadway, Newmarket. 197 riAS Stove (Main), large size, good as " new.—lo, Parkfleld Terrace, off Khyber Pass. 297 AS Stove, Auckland Cooker, in gooil T order.—Apply G. P. Olesen, Upper Oueen St.. Onehnnga. 402 GRAFONOLA, New Oak Columbia, double spring, 20 new Records; only £14. worth £20.-70, City Chambers. 167 T AWN MOWE-S (2). 6 Wades. 151n.7~£3: AJ 5 Wades. 14in., £2.-30, Cheltenham Rd.. Devonport. 50 M.AGAKLNBS. Magazines, Magazines.— Sale or Exchange. Inspection invited. ' O t.- Rook Exchange, opp. Gray's Statne. 25 ~\AT ANGLE, Jewel, 2-roller, In perfect aaX order: also good Banjo. Cheap quick sale.—24, Pitt St. 321 ORGAN, Large, 12 stops, ibeatitlful tone; little' used; £47 10/.—-ignia, 569. jSTAR. 4 /"OVERSEAS "Dally Mall" and Supple- " nients. 52 weeks, 10/; order now.—Agent. Anderson, Bookseller, Vulcan Lane. 466 T>RAM. Seagrass, with Hood, for Sale, **- cheap; good condition.—4o, Hackett St. Ponsonby. 184 pKAM (latest model), 7-Plece Moquette -*- Suite, 3-Pinp Bedroom Suite, at bargain prices.—Holdcn, 155 Ponsonby Rd. 270 pEFLEX Camera, |-plate, 8 D.D. slides, ■XX ixTnckenzie-Wishart. Goerz Lens, i-olate, In compound shutter. —Argus, 663 STAR. 315 SARATOGA Trunk (good). 1 Portmanteau. also -'N.Z. Turf Register," 1917-1918. 24. Cuti_ry St. Newton. 17 ScaWoldTng or fencing poles. Abont 100 Black Birch Saplings, 25ft to 2fift long. Immediate delivery. AUSTRAL TRADING AND AGENCY CO.. 54 Ferry Buildings, Auckland. 301 SIHET), seoond-hand. gtritaWe for garaire, 1 12 x 8. and 12 x 7 Iron 'Roof; price, £7 10/.—-1. Bnrgoyne St.. iNewton. 692 SINGER - Drophead - Sewing Machine, No. r.n Model, for Sale; no dealers. —Address at STAR. 425
SUIT, practically new, darkish material, unit man 6ft. made In England, finest goods: sacrifice £4 10/, cost £14 14/.— Sussex. 655, STAR. 208 /JIABLE Mangle. 2ft x 4ln rollers, almost A- new. Cheap.—Apply 63, New Nori'x Rd.. Glenmore. 362 fTx_NN<IS Racquet. TVonst, Hoe. !c pprfect -*- order": x7ood reason for selling.— Address at STAR. 6 fTTENT 12 _~12 Per--l fectlon Stove and Tin Kerosene; fin» condition.—Address at STAR. 382 TENTS" samples, strongly roped, patent lmrs. .Mnllet Nebs. Tarpaulins, Cart Covers—3s. (Phoenix Chambers. 85 nriYPEWRTTER, modern, perfect order. universal kovbonrd. shift key: £12 10/ for cash. Bargain.—Speed. 690. STAR. 43S \T7IH!EELRIARIRCAVis _ (2). also Blry-e. in ** sond order.—Apnly. after 6 p.m., back entrance. CD. 'Eden Terrace. <___S TTTRINGER, Mincing Machine (new). »» DishPs Clotbinir. and Sundries.—l 9. St. Mary's Rd.. Ponsonby. 390 rT-PIECE _ Tapestry D.R. S-uite. £8; 0-Plece I.esther do., £7 li)/—Cook, 108, Ponsonby Rd. 275 PUPILS WANTED. AS_X —lIGB Coaching College. New Zealand Insurance Buildings. Coaching for Public Examinations. Backward Education, BooKkeeplng, Junior and Senior, p DRESSMAKING Classes—Miss Coulthard. 8, Pierce Buildings, Symonds St. Phone 2990 A. 11 EESSMA_TN"_ Classes. — Lessons, iTI branches, first-class DtJSsmaU ng. Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.—Miss Neary, 11. Tabernacle Bldgs.. Nexvton. B HAND-— AiITTED Jumpers. Wool Cap* and Babies' Garments; Stencilled ■Camisoles, Cushions.—44o, Queen St. .(opp. Soldiers' Hostel). 465 LA MODE MILLINERY SCHOOL— Ladles taujrht. to Remodel and Make their Hats. Hats Remodelled and Orders taken for New Season's Models. Day and Evening Classes.—Miss MacKenzle, 12 and 13. H.B. Buildings, Newton. WS4 TVTOTOR-DRIVING and Repairs.—Courses aaa- to suit every need and pocket. Call and inquire.—Auckland School of Motoring (late E. Hay-dock's Classes), Central Garage Wakefield St. \y!sl
"jITOTeR Car Driving.—Council Certificate aaX guaranteed.--B. A Mayhlll. Queen St Parage. 317. Queen St. Phone 2367 A. C ftwTISS SINCLAIR. Teacher of Millinery. AXX Day and Evening Classes.—Terms etc., 2nd Floor, Strand Arcade. _ MLLE. LE HOUX, Dressmaking Classes. 14, Tabernacle Bldgs. Classes daily; slso 7 p.m., Mon., Wed., Sat. (Thurs. morning only). _ \fX FRED. LEFEVER. L.L C M xv - A.V.C.M., Pianoforte. 21/ term. Prospectus on application.—24, Lelghton St Grey Lynn. _} rpO SWIM IS EASY. After a few lessons the merest novice can swim, float and hsxre confidence iv the water if my Instructions are followed Wonderful benefit from the exercise, especl ally to elderly people and Indoor workers Individual private tuition £2 2/ for TJ Lessons; in class £1 1/. Write Box 1327 or ring 'Phone 2746. and I'll arrange. BR P. B. ANDERSON. LADIES! GENTLEMEN! CONFECTIONERS!—CHOCOLATE & CANDYMAKING AT HOME. EARN BIG MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME. LEARN PERSONALLY OR BY MAIL. The world is made up of two classes of people. One class filt still and "wait for something to turn up." the other class so forth, and by their owp efforts "turn up something." Decide right now to establish yourself as an independent user of your own ability for your own profit. 'Mail your application for our course to-day, and let us show you how quickly you can succeed. DELAY is the mother of most failures; bni DETERMINATION puts your backbone where your wishbone is now. Call while you have the opportunity. Our -stay In your city iw limited Hours: 1.80 till 5; Saturdays, 10.30 till 12 30. Country -people, enclose sttunjie- envelope for Special Mail Course. KINDLY NOTE — We s-upply all ingredients, any distance. wholesale prices. Sample boxes pupils' delicious Candies, 3/. posted free. AUSTRAL SWEETS COMPANY, Chocolate Experts, 2nd Floor. H.B. Bldgs.. 230, Queen St. Also at Sydney. Melbourne, Adelaide. Estab. ISB6. C FOR EXCHANGE. TS7—NTED to Exchange, during Summer '' Holidays, 5-roomed House in ■Hamilton for one in Devonport, or near Auckland beaches: must be clenu and careful. — Beach, c/o Auckland STAR Branch Office. Liverpool Street, Hamilton. 520 SMALL FARM WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR TO ACRJvS, WAIKATO, all In good grass, now carrying _7 cows, 5 horses. HOUSE, 5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, small Cottage, large coxvsbed. stable, store sheds, etc. Situated 4 miles railway and township, very bandy to creamery. Splendid dairyino- district. Price, £60 per acre. Equity £3600 Mortgages 9 years to run. Exchange for small Farm up to 50 acres. H G _F° STER AND .no-. TE AWAMUTU. B MACHINERY WANTED. ARNES' Combination Saw Machine wanted, hand or power. —Send price. where seen, to Cabinet, 638, STAR. 615 SAW Deal Frame, also Saws, wanted.— Reply, w'lth particulars and price. Gamman, Ohakune Junction. 612
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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1,104Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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