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AHTTCLES FOR SALE. A RMSTRONG'S.—Large Plate___a Show Caße, Floor Cramps, Carpenter's Bench, Pipe Stocks and Dies, Stailey 55 Plough Plane. 164 T> ASKET____E"RS? Willow Stickß.— AJ Fletcher, Victoria St., Onehunga. 672 BEDROOM Pair, handsome, in kauri, up-to-date design; also Complete Toilet Set.—Owner leaving.—s7, Bell Rd., off Arney Rd., Remuera. _H DOOT Patching, Lupkln Folder, ChanAJ iieller Eyelet, New Home Singer Sewing Machines.—Armstrong, 47, Eden Terrace. Phone 1006 A. 164 CAMiERA, 1, Folding, F. 6 Lens, 8 Slides, Tripod: £6-.Klito. 537, STAB. 3 0AM 'ERA, J, Reflex F6, 6 doable glides, case, as new; £15.—IE—'press Theatre. 161 CARPET Square 12 x 10, Hall Rnnner 9 yards, Hall Stand, and several articles of Furniture.—Address at STAR. El ARPENTER'S Tools, good x-airlety, excellent condition; also Chest, Kit, Grlndstom-. etc.—Bargain. 606. STAR. 226 IjmTeCTRIC Irons, all British; 35/ each.— ■A Barker. Electrical Engineer, 464, Queen St. Phone 2642 A. D FLAG Pole for Sale.—Address at STAR. 171 GENTL-MAN'S Dinner Suit, new, size 8; apply evenings. —Address at STAR. 201 GRAMOPHONE , with born, fine tone, with 20 new Records; only £7; snip.— 70. City 151 /GRAMOPHONE. New Oak Table Cabinet, XJ double spriug. iovelv tone; 20 New Records. £16.—70. City Chambers. 151 piRAMOPHONE, new, oak, hornless. *-* lovely tone, xyith 20 new Records; only £8 5/; bargain.—7o. City Chambers. 137 pIRAMOPHONE, "His Master's Voice," *-* "Monarch Senior," triple spring, large oak horn : practically new: with 20 Records. Only £30.—70, City Chambers. 153 JUST Arrived—New Shipment Latest Ocenlt Works.—Occult Book Store, 42. Weilesley St. W. Phone 406 A. 216 T AWN MOWER, lOin blade, £2; Garden AJ Roller. .'«)/; Carpet Sweeper, 25/.— Address at STAR. 13 TITTLE -Briton" Hand Seed Sower sows XJ all small seeds. Extremely popular. £2 delivered. -Boyd's Agency. Dunedln. S4B T OLLY Jars. 6/0 each (singles). 6/6 each in doz. lots; gx->od value.—Jars, 624. STAR. 114 /""IRION Range. No. 0. good condition; no *J reasonable offer refused.—l 7, Clarence St.. Ponsonby. 136 TJHONOGRiAPH. Edison Fireside, fitted xxith diamond reproducer: practically new; only £8 Inspection invited.— 70, Cltv Chambers. 153 pit AM. Ohlld's, white wicker, nearly new; X £.1 10/; also Fireside Phonograph and Child's Chair.— No. 5, Earnock Avenue. T." lemma. 578 TJTFLE. DS.A. .22. Lyman, rear s_-ht. as A-" new: also 2 Solid Nickel Riding Bits.— P. 8.. 618. 'STAR. 11l
RIMU BEDSTEADS, Double and Single, Selling at Bi B Reductions »t GEORGE WALKER'S AUCTION ROOMS. New Furniture Department. D CJCALES (Avery), One Lolly Scales, One 'Suit Fruiterer; perfect order; also White Milliner's Stands. — (Scales, 623. STAR. m CJET of Meccano, No. 4, good as ne-sv; cost *-> £4 10/; will take .€3—Address at. (STAR 3 SINGER Boot-patcher. guaranteed good working order.—J. Hilford, 8, Rutland St. Phone 2787. 163 SEWING Machines. — Thompson's. 8, Strand Arcade. Cheapest, 3est. No Queen St. Rents. Deliver Free. Agent New Home. D SEWING Machines.—Largest Stock of Secondhand . Machines in Auckland at Gilford's, from £2 10. to £13.-8, Rutland St. Phone --787 A. 199 SIDEBOARDS. Bedroom Suites. Comb. Chests, Leather Dining Suite, Kitchen Dressers. Bargain Prices.—Norman, 217. Karangahape Rd. 16 STAPLES for Nothing! "Handy Staple Maker" makes Staples from scraps wire. 33/ delivered. —Boyd's Agency, Dunedln. 549 irpANK, 600-gal. (new). Fret Machine, x Portable Forge aiid Anvil, Ver. Sashes and Windows.—Vlckerstaff. Elliott St. 330 fTMLED Grate, good order.—lß, Bowling -*- Aye.. Epsom. 116 qTyDEWiR]ITER, Vfw Century, for Snle. -*- thorough working order; takes six caroons.—Scribe. 64Q. STAR. 150 fTTYPEWRITERS, new" and second-hand. X all makes. —N.Z. Typewriter Sales Agency. 67. Brunswick Build i ngs 128 TYPEWRITER, old. double keyboard. Invisible, in workinn order: price 40/. — TmewTfter. 604. ISTAR. 42 VIOLIN, genuine old Strad copy, fine mellow tone. Case and Bow, £18.-20. Weilesley St. W. 136 BEDROOM SUITES In Solid Oak or Rimu. Not so expensive as elsewhere because we are the makers.—GEOßGE WALKER, 38. Queen Street. C /"fUREX Cream.—Wonderful cure Eczema, Red Nose. Scaly Skip. Pimples: 2'fl. 4 /fi. -Clarke. Chemist, lift Victoria St. 103 G' RAMOPHONES—The Famous Rexonolas. the Talking Machine with the oridnal patent reflector sound chamber, rail and hear. Prices. £6 0/ to £75 — HOWIE'S. Endean's Bldgs., Quay St. Only address. B
CHESTERFIELD SUITES, RIMU AND OAK BEDSTEADS nt less than shop prices—Cine and see for yourself at WALKER-S, 38. Queen Street. C LETCHER'S TUBULAR CALIFONT, ljgal.. £11. Also a few Gas Boilers. Ring FLETCHER BROS.. Phone 514 A, 169. Manukau Rd., Parnell. B NAVY Serge, suitable for costumes, at wholesale price, 27/6; dye guaranteed. Hunter and Sons, Ltd., Crown Clothine Factory. Elliott St.. City. C 4 TJxDRNITURE. — Everything needed to A- o-tnrt home.—All clean, useful, and exceptionally cheap at W T ALKER'S, 3S. Queen Street. C TTTHITE SATIN AND NINON EVEINH'NG VV FROCK. WHTTE GA'RiB-ADINE COSTUME, wanted to Sell. Cheap. Also, P.ATR GENTS PATENT - LEATHER 'SHOES, Size 8. AH almost new. Latest iStyles.—lnspect, ■'THE CRESCENT," Cleaning, Pressing, nnd Renovating Salon. 69. Shortland Street. 156 \T'E ATM TO GIVE TIIE BEST FURNI- .»' Turf value in Auckland. Our huge turnover proves we succeed.—■ GEORGE WALKER, 38, Queen St. C GRAMOPHONE which reproduces exactly as rendered by artist.—La Gloria, 157, Karangahape Rd. B TIIE Machine which makes old records into new.—La Gloria, 157, Karangahape Rd. B AM invented and made In N.Z., and acclaimed the best-toned Grnmophone in the world.—La Gloria, 157, Karangahape Rd. B NT" need to buy mc, but try mc with yonr own records. —La Gloria, 157, Karangnhape Rd. B THE Machine which will reproduce your records the best of any.—La Gloria. 1157. Karannnhane Rd. R A MACHINE without scratch or vlbratlmn. perfect music produced.—La Gloria. 157. Karancahape Rd. B SIDEBOARD. TABLE. BEDSTEAD. CARPET—whatever you need you will find it at WALKER'S, and much cheaper than elsewhere. C V — MONEY SAVER. — "The Wanderer ' <_. Don't wait for trams, get a Cycle, 'ash or _ erms ._Reynolds, opp. Court's, Newton. B GIANT Calironts —The only rename gas xvater heater; non-feullng: no complications, safety gas control.—Keeslne. Strand Arcade. B PERFECT Bir T C L~E~ "The Wanderer." built like a watch: fluulop Tyres and Tubes.—Reynolds, opp. Newroi B THE ENCELSIOK BICYCLE — Engllsfi built. Eadle hub, bell, pomp, tools, front brake. —Reynolds, opp. Court's, Newton. B 4? JT GIVEN AWAY.—We make our own c***J Furniture, and can save you £5 out of every £20 you spend. It's money in your pocket to furnish at WALKER'S. C
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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1,031Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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