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I WANTED TO BUT. Good New or Second-hand, X also Pianos. Best prices given.— | Robertson. 60, Manukau Rd.. i-arnell. 269 TOE Chest. Fittings, ror Confectionery X Shop; Glassxyare, etc.—lee Chest, 670, STAR. 394 ■,/"-v|FFI„_ Tables, xvith drawers, etic.; good 1 1V/quality; also Medium-sized Office Counter, 3 x 10 (about).—Apply P.O. Box '1488. 697 TMV.C. AND FTTTFNCSI complete. X wanted.—'Grey. 694. iSTAR. 480 ' JTIENT, small, cheap, or would Hire same. — '! X state price and particulars, Camper 200, STAR. 123 OFT Range, with copper boiler, wanted to ** Buy: must be lo good order.—State particulars Stove. 629, STAR. 140 CJTEEL TRAM RAILS. 0 24L8- TO 30LB. WANTED TO PCRCHASE UP TO 1 50 TONS. . LEYLAND O'BRIEN TIMBER CO., Fanshawe Street. 591 WANTED TO SELL. CASH Register for Sale, Jd to £1. Price £40.—Urgent, 512, STAR. 75 "VrAGNETO, 4-magnet K.W., wanted to aaX .Sell; just been overhauled.—l 2, Hector St.. Heme Bay. 77 /QUANTITY of Fishing Net for >_■ Apply Howard's Fish Shop, iDevonport. ' 6 QUANTITY Secondhand Furniture, good order.—Blampled, William St., or A. Cutforth. Fruiterer, Mt. Albert. 632 ' T? OBE - ETSOJ '". Auctioneer, Queen St., has : AY _o rooms of Lino, to be sold by private ' treaty. 122 ' f|_\PFETA Silk Skirts, all colours; 28/.— ' X ~Mr s. Cohen, 134, Victoria St., four ; doors past Nelson St. &17 ; irpiMßEß.—Quantity of Clear Oregon; ' X a i so Building Quail tv, for Sale.— _cc nnd Russell, Ngahurii St.. Eden Terrace. 234 rpiMBER — 15.000 ft 'Secondhand. OorruX gated Iron, Stoves. Steamer's Telephone.—Jensen Bros., 15, Strand. 'Phono 1 3410. 190 T>!E Wise and Buy from the Maker.—T. 1 ■*-* Almond. I—neoshlre Mantelpiece and , Cabinet Factory, 82-84, Hobson St. 105 CJEWING Machines, any make" or style; ~ £15 for best machines.—Globe, 154 Queen St. Phone 295. D SEWING Machines, treadle, from £3 10/; hand, from £2: Machines bought, sold or exchanged. Globe, 154, Queen St. D SINGERS— Splendid assortment of Singer Dropheads, all prices.—Globe, 184 Queen St. Phone 205. v 1 OINGE[R, —Ttest Oak 00. as new, cheap; >o 5-drawer Drophead, £B 10/, guaranteed 15 years.—Globe. 154. Queen St. D SINGER, Oak Drophead, perfect order, as nexv, a bargain; Singer round shuttle, £4 10/. —Globe, 154, Queen St. D RINGER (long shuttlel. cover top, cheap; *>5 White Drophead (new); other makes all prices.—J. 11. Rogers (Returned Soldier), late R. H. Wilson, 23, and 33, Weilesley St. Phone 3468. A CJTAIRCAKE, complete. — "Observer" Wyndham St. 206 , \T»A>m_D TO SELL, a highly eonx-en- ~» trated and valuable specific for lassitude, run down nerves, debility and depression. A 2/6 bottle 01 Jtoyle'a Tonic Essence mil_ 15/ worth of s-plendixl [Invigorating tonic. SMEETON'S. LTD.. recommend this wonderfully economical h___: (4) PIPES, black, ljln; will sell cheap, In any A- quantity.—Petrie, 7, Alpha Rd., Parnell. Phone 306 A. b CONGER 66, dropheads (-1. as new; New 1 *--- Home Machines (new); ail makeft ' bought and sold. Needles and Pn-rts for all j machines.—J. 11. Rogers. 23 and 33, Wel--1 lesley St. b SINGiEH Boot Patched (as nexv): also Power Heads: White Rotary Drophead (new). Repairs a Specialty.—J. H. 1 lIOOTOS (Returned Solxllcrl. late K. H. Wilson. 23 nnd 33. Welles-ley St. W. B LADDERS, STEPS. TRESTLES, Barrows, Lawn Markers, Clothes 1 Boxes, Seamen's Chests. Letter Boxes. Wash Tubs, Clothes Horses, Garden Seats, Crutches, etc. J. C. PELHAM AND SONS, Manufacturers. Shop and Office Flttera, 150, VICTORIA STREET WEST. I Fire and Extension Ladders a Speciality. , Roller Skates and Parts In Stock. W3 "OiECORDS—A LARGE SHIPMENT just ) -" to band, including: " On Miami Shore." " Beaut-Iful Ohio." " Bubbles." 1 " That's What God Made MothoTß For." 1 " That Old-fashioned Mother of Mine." " Memories." ".Hawaiian Echoes." " Abe. Mt Boy."
" I Passed By Your Window." " Y'ou'd Re Surprised." " Tell Me." '■ H-ush-a-Bye. Ma Balhy." "Bing Boys on Broad-xvay Selections." HOWTE'S. Endean's Buildings, Quay Street (Only Address). 104 ■OABGAINS W FURNITURE. Inspect the Beautiful Dsed FURNITURE In Our Shop. If you want your home to look nice, come to us. Our Used Goods are better than the present-day New, at Half the Price. Lovely Ornaments, Antique Vases. Art Furniture. EDE'N'S FURNITURE STORE. 468. Qneen Street, Opposite Myers Park Entrance. B OLD Port, Sherry Wines—Veiia's grand qualltv, 35/ case, cash with order. freight paid.—Vella's Vineyards. OratU. D TtORT Wine (geod), 15/ per gallon.—Bring XT your Jars to Wendell's Wine Shop, V 2». Karangahape Rd. D ORT Wine, Special, 35/ case, delivered city: railway freight 1/6 extra.—Colonial Wine Co., 24b, Swanson St. D PIANOS WANTED. ADVERTISE—, will pay cash for nice l'iuno, borer Immaterial; top price.— Write Raymond, Newton P.O. 585 DV-iRTUJKR wants Overstrung Piano; must be good Instrument, no borer. — Reply H.M., Weilesley St. East P.O. 203 C-xf STUMERS wuitlug for good SeconoJ hand Pianos, no borer. Get our price.— No Deposit Piano Co., 28, High St. Phone 2784. »>1 I HAVE Cash waiting for nice Piano, German preferred.—Mozart, Newton P.O. , «13 FIANO, good, with mellow tone. —State price to Student, SSS, STAR. 20_ PIANO, superior make; pay cash, about fSO. -Newhope. 500, STAR. SO PIANO wanted for club; any make; top price.—Write Club, Newton P.O. SI I \,NO wanted, up to £S0 cash; buy prl-va-tely only.—diardwick. 510. STAR. 09 PIANO. Iron Frame, wanted; borer no object; cash down. —Piano, Newton P.O. ? 5 PIANO wanted, English preferred.—State price and where to be seen to Suburb. 590, STAR. _20° PIANO wanted by music teacher: good make; urgent; spot cash.—Teacher. Newton P.O. *~ PIANO, Iron Frame, in fair order; small one preferred.—J. Ellis. Teacher Pianoforte. 10, Sarsfleld St., Ponsonby. 218 PIANO, German make, overstrung, wanted; no objection borer. —Write Overstrung. Newton P.O. 41 PIANO, second-hand, for country; any make. Will pay your price.—Hall. G.P.O. j_p PIANO wanted by country client, secondhand: only in town this week.—Write Farmer, G.P.O. 548 CJECOND--AND pIANOS riTANTED. We are paying big prices for good instruments. Let us make a Cash Offer for yours. /-IEORGE TT7ALKER, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. Salerooms: 38. Queen Street. D CHEAPEST Millinery.—Why pay more? 12/0 to 27/6.—.Miss _lelty. De Bean Mohde, 470, Queen St. (opp. Y.W.C.A.). 461
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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983Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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