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WANTED TO BTTY. __. SBIESTOIS, about 12 sheets, 8"_ 4, •"- wanted.—Apply Box 122, G.P.O. S3 BASS. 3-9trlng, wanted.—H. R. Jury. Piano Tuner, Manukau Rd., Newmarket. 31 / -lOMKINATION Chest, Dinlugroom Suite, }-> Chest of Drawers, also Saddle, prltntely—Cash. 566, STAR. 54 /COPPER Boilers (2) : one 10 gal. and one 14 gal.—Reply Boiler, Taknnini P.O. 430 D~ TnINGROOM or Other Suite, Mahoganj Furniture. Sideboard Included; must bo good condition.—(Mahogany, 536, STAR. 105 OLL'S Pram or Doll's Push-chair, second-hand, wanted at once.—Send particulars to R., 49, Ponsonby Rd. 303 EMPTY" Petrol Cases, 500. in good condition, wanted to Buy.—Apply S.E.C.. P.O. iUox 567. Auckland. __7 F" ERRETS. about 6 months old. —Apply by letter where to be seen. A.J.. 573, STAR. 11» FLOWERS— Wanted to Buy Cut Flowers in any quantity, highest prices given for choice blooms. —G. W. Wright, Florist, 280. Queen SI. 633 I7IERRET, xvell trained, dark colour preferred, either sex. — Ferret, P.O. Symonds St. _____ 245 FIELD Glasses, decent pair, not too large. Please state price.—Glasses. 662, STAR. 316 GAS Stove wanted.: must be good order. - State price, make and size to M.H.. P. 0., Newton. 424 AS Stove, small, wanted ; good order.— T State price, write or call, Oklre. Norman's 11111 Rd.. Onehunga. 529 rjRAMOPHONE and Records wanted : no dealers.—Apply by letter to Gramophone. Newton P.O. 88 T ADI'EIS' and Gent's Left-off Clothing; XA letters promptly attended to; best prices. -J.M., 55. Grey St. 89 T 01/LPE Jars nnd Window Fittings XA wnnled.-Grocer. 557, STAR. 80 i"WTL Drums, empty, olenn. 5-gal., wanted; good order.—J. B. MacEwen and Co.. Ltdl. Fort St. 28 T>AINTER'S Trestles, Extension Ladders, Step Ladders. Planks and Tools.— Returned, 656, STAR. 310 RANGE, 3ft, must be in good order — 1 Make and price, etc.. Range, 014 STAR. 87 SJ'NOLE Bed complete, small Kitchen Table, two Chairs, Dresser, wanted to
buy privately—ißacb. 602. STA 217 STAMPS. —Wanted to Buy, Stamp Collections, especially old New Zealand.— A. Powell and Co., 05, Shortland St. D SCRAP Brass, Gun Metal nnd Copper, nny quantities. — Wilkinson and Ross. Nelson St. 143 nrtENT, about 8 x 10, wanted. —istate price X and where to be seen to Tent, 600. 6TAR. 3-* TENTT, 8 x 10, Second-hand; gooi condition.—Particulars to Tent. 76, Grange Rd.. Mt. Eden. 508 TIYURNIP P-lner or similar machine w_rted. X Full particulars to Cash, 016, STAR. ' _HW ATER Piping, Tin to 21n, 1200 ft (more or less) wanted.—Communications to be sent to the Clerk of the Papakura Town Board. 581 TTTTRB Netting for fowl and ohlcken run; » » Ponsonby or Grey Lynn districts preferred.— Ncttini__J_oS__J_____A_n. 66 I - PAIR 3ft Wagon Wheels and Axle wanted.—Quote price to Axle, 523. STAR. 568 O INCH AND 4 INCH IRON PIPES. ** Large Qnantlty Required. P.O. BOX 632, AUCKLAND. 620 COMPLETE FURNISHINGS. 5" rooms, adult family, up to £100; Ptnno about £00; spot cash.—Worker, 480, STAR, D FURNITURE, sound.clean, wanted for Broomed Flat; reasonable price for rash. Insurance. 400. STAR. D APPAREL— Mrs. Botterlll give 3 Highest Prices All kinds of Left-off Clothing. Boot*, etc. —45. Elliott St. Phone 3488. 43 DON'T SELL YOUR FURNITURE FOR A MERE SONO. Ask -WALKER to make yon a Cash Offer. He pays for the carting, too.— Ring 2857. D mOP Price Paid Old False Teeth, damaeed x or otherwise. We have no canvassers. Pearllne Co., ICB. Queen Bt._ D ROBERTSON. Aucfoneer, gives best prices ror good Secondhand Furniture. _____ o GRAMOPHONES and Records wanted to Buy, also Pianos. Highest price paid. Phone 4000.—Central Agency, 70. City Chambers. D TJSED FURNITURE - of Every Description. Now ls the time to sell. Big demand In Auckland. WALKER pays the best prices and does the carting free. D FURNISHINGS, well kept, wanted, suit able for 5 rooms. Will pay good price. Private, 26. STAR. D
SINGER 66 Machine wanTM for cash ; also good Household Furniture.—Singer. 497. STAR. D RING TO MRS. KELLY.—She Buys Ladles', Gents', Children's Clot—lug. Evening Dresses. Boot*, etc. Phone 2600. 892__Qneen St. D A LETTER, Wire, Phone Message, or Word to WALKER'S will get you the Best Cash Offer for any Furniture you have to sell. p BOTTLES, BONES. HOBSE HAIR. OLD METALS. For Beet Price*. THE ZF.ALANDIA TRADING CO.. 'Phone 2430. 20, Stanley St. D B~_7 O U T T B I M. Always ring Phone 2674 when Selling your Left-off Clothing, etc. Best price in town given for superior articles.—ll4, Victoria St. D xTXTE BUT FURNITURTS, FIANOB. _TC.. W AND GIVE HIGHEST PRICES. WHOLE HOUSES BOUGHT OUT. Motor Car kept for Prompt Service. Phone 862, Auction Dept. D TONSON GARLICK CO., LTD. HY NOT TURN THOSE ODD ARTICLES INTO CASH?—We give tbe highest prices for Men's Clothing, Musical Instruments, Accordeons, Jewellery, etc. The Anchor Loan Co., 63-67, Victoria St. W. WFS "OEDROOM AND DININGROOM SUITES. Fullest value given and we pay cartage. GEORGE WALKER, 38. Queen Street. Phone 2857. D CLAUK-ON, Dealer, 38, "ponsonby Road, Buys in any condition. Bicycles, Prams, Tools, Watches, Jewellery, False Teeth. Highest prices given. C SEWING Machines, Phonographs, Billiard Tables, Pianos —Coakley Buys them aU for Cash! C FBKNISHINGS, well kept, wanted, suitable for 5 rooms. Will pay good price. Private, 26, STAR. __. C ABBIT SKINS — Cash Buyers. Qer Price List. —San Francisco and Doiu. Export Co. (late Thompson), Skin Merchants, Cook St. Q £OAn OFFERED for a Houseful of dmitA\r\J (j 00( j Furniture, or proportionately for less. Prompt cash settlement.— Ring 2857. D SORAP Brass, any quantity; best prices given.—J. B. McEwan and Co.. Ltd., Workshops, Freeman's Bay. Auckland. B BOOKS. — Wanted, Libraries, Parcels, Single Volumes, Magazines, Novels, Music. Top prices.—Brough's Town Hall Book Store. 376-378. Queen St. C CLEAN, SERVICEABLE FURNITURE of every description wanted at once. Quick cash settlement and highest price given.—GEORGE WALKER, 38, Queen Street. D TAILORS', DRESSMAKERS'. AND RAGS. FACTORY CUTTINGS AGS. WORN-OUT CLOTHING, ALWAYS TOP PRICES.' fTiAKLE DEOS., T TD., FREEMAN'S BAY. Phone 527 ■ WS ■\T__ICAL INSTRUMENTS OF __,_ *aa- KINDS. WANTED FOB CASH. EADY'S, Vnlean Lane Corner, lIS, 114, lie, QUEEN STREET. WS
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
Word Count
985Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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