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WANTED KNOWN. ARMATURES Rexvound and Repaired, ■"• Electric Light Installations.—Harris and Bitidon. 162, Khyher Pass. Phone UO6A. B WANTED Known—Buy a New Dmbreila or get your old one Renovated at Lethaby's. 16, Strand Arcade. B COAKLEY! COAKLEY: COAKLEY! COAKLEY ! — His Phone Number Is 2238! C T ISTEN! Are you a cripple? Nurse AJ Clayton can cure you. Consulted 12 to 0.—36, Vincent St. B WANTED" Radiators Lent while yours repaired.—Philip Lewis. Expert. Chancery St., City. S4 DROP a line to COAKLEY (If you can't call), or ring (2238). C I HAVE good Safe Storage for Furniture, etc.—M. Manseli, Tobacconist and Halrdresser. Newmarket. S4 URNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or Terms—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO.. 5 and SA. Karangahape Road. C AYE a Telephone Talk with COAKLEY (2238). about the Sale. Advice gratis! C TENNIS Racquet* Restrung or Repaired, best English gut: charges moderate.— A. Bruce. Racquet Stringer. 94, Albert St. C UKNISH AT I'HE MAPLE. Cash or terms.-THK MAPLE VURMSHINU CO.. 5 and SA. Karangahape Bd. C ttEND for COAKLEY If you've Used FnrO niture to sell. His prices please! C URNISH AT THE MAPLE. ~C_7h~or Terms.— THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO.. 5 and SA. Karangahape Road. C ONE THOUSAND POUNDS' WORTH of Used Furniture wanted for cash. — See COAKLEY. C FURNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO., 5 and SA. Karangahape Rd. ITHAT Whlttaker and Co., Everybody's - Agents, Phoenix Chambers, have tbe iflnest listings of 'Houses, Hotels, Sections, etc., of nny agent. 271 Sown renovates venetian blinds. 147, PONSONBY ROAD. Phone 914. C COAKLEY, the Live Auctioneer. He makes all his Sales go ! C
PICTURE Framing.—The Cheapest Place for Wholesale and Retail at the Globe Picture Framing Works. 31. Victoria St. ' C RUBBER Stamp Makers. Specialists In Memorial Tablets, Enamel Radges.— Mollej and Co., Engineers, His Majesty's A rcade. 292 "CTCRNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or X! Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHINO CO.. 5 and SA. Karangahape Boad. C WHAT will It cost to Furnish?— COAKLEY will tell you. King 2238! C FURNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO., 5 and SA, Karangahape Rd. 0 pEAUTIFUL Embroidery work done at AJ the American Button Co., 43, Elliott St.. next N.Z. School of Cutting. 130 DRY Feet means oealth" so get your Leather. Boot Repairs from the Hnb.— Tngby. 167, Karangahape Rd. (J A M OXBY S AVnws W/THNKL'E ! Before packing away yonr winter garments have them renovated in the WONDERFUL CROTHALL WAY. This process king all germs, and renders the clothing absolutely hygienic. Then, If ordinary precautions are used In «towlng them away, your Suits, Costumes, etc., will keep fresh, clean, and sweet for next winter. After we have done with them they will be almoxtt like new, and thus much money will be saved. Country orders solicited. fTIHE QROTrALL pOMPANY. RENOVATING SPECIALISTS • AND •PRACTICAL TAILORS; 137, SYMONDS STREET; AUCKLAND. Phone 2644 A. Works: Phone 2678 A. Mt. Eden. C specialises In Sales at tbe Home—and gets the Bids! c CJBND IT C_N-D IT SEND IT TO X—IE EMPIRE. TO THE EMPIRE. TO THE EMPIRiE. That old Suit, Hat, Costnme, Overcoat, Set of Furs, or Fur Coat—lndeed, any Kind of Wearing Apparel can be . Cleaned, Repaired, or Remodelled to Latest Fashion for a few shillings, by tbe -wonderful Empire workers. Auckland Citizens delighted . with our work. Country orders Soli-ted. KHE EMPIRE CLEANING AND DYEING CO., Queen St. (opp. Town Hall). Telephone 3867. O FURNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO., 5 and SA, Karangahape Boad. C
FLATS, Single Rooms, or Whole Houses Furnished by COAKLEY, Factory Prices! c BROOCHES, Z/0 and 4/6 each. ■*■' Children's Bangles a Specialty. Fine Birthday Presents. Venetian Necklets, on Wire, from 9/6 each. Initial Brooches on Pearl Shell, 2/6 and 3/6 each. Catseye Pearl, Bead Shell and Novelty Jewellery. Post Free. Note Address: W. H. GIBSON, The Gold Wire King, 140. Karangahape Boad. Auckland. WS -TVEAFNBSS, DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT, XJ STAMMERING, ETC. M B ' W ■R ICiHAaDS ' %>• prrT 8T - Is the only one who can Core Your Ailments. 'Phone 2424 A. f rpONSON GARLICK CO., -IMITED. AUCTION DEPARTMENT. Queen and Lome Streets. Phone* 862. If you want the highest price for your | Furniture, Piano, Motor Car, Motor Bicycle, Corrugated Iron, Timber, or anything you may wish to dispose of consult TONSON GARLICK CO., LTD., Auctioneering Specialists and Appraisers. C rTxiH'E MODERN BUTTON FACTORY, of X 2, Weilesley Street West, wish to inform their old and new customers that they have a LARGE STOCK OF MOULDS FOR BUTTONS of all styles and shapes, and are prepared to execute at very short notice, and extra special reductions for tile trade, and large quantities. They also do HEMSTITCHING AND ACCORDEONPLEATING. c A VOID Middlemen and deal with ■aX COAKLEY. He makes his own Furniture! _ FURNISH AT THE MAPLE Cash or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO.. 5 and 6a, Karangahape Rd. C JJEES. -JJEES. -DEES. Beekeepers are hereby notified that the N.Z. Co-operative Honey Producers' Association, Ltd.. Stanley Street, Auckland, is prepared to supply Colonies of Italian Bees for -Ac coming season at lowest rates, also Nuclei Colonies if required. Write for circular in reference to these, and order early. We also stock Extractors, Frames, Hives, and Beekeepers' Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates. Write For Price List. N.Z. CO-OPERATIVE HONEY PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, P.O. Box __-. Auckland. MS4 TMPORTANT TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Best Growing Seeds that Auckland Merchants nre selling Just now are of the Peace-Thrift-Harmony Tariety, popularly known as GOLDEN RULE SOAP, GOLDEN RULE CANDLES, GOLDEN RULE TEA, GOLDEN RULE WRITING TABLETS. GOLDEN RULE SCHOOL RULERS. THINKERS' PICTORIAL NOTE BOOKS. THINKERS' PICTORIAL SCHOOL EXERCISE BOOKS, "KEEP SMILING" BOOT POLISH, "KEEP SMILING" FLOOR POLISH, And "NO RUBBING" LAUNDRY HELP. " WOBTH THEIB WEIGHT IN GOLD." Ask Storekeepers. B F you're Furnishing, COAKLEY has the goods—New or Second-hand ! C
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
Word Count
962Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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