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WANTED KNOWN. | POOD Quantity of Earth foT_lllng in to ! be had Free. —81, Surrey Crescent. Grey Lyun. 574 -jIT.hL'FUK.D" «EAOH BATHING I'ArVI - aaX Llux—4oo Costumx-s on Hire. Clean and SaHilary. Tea Kiosk; Confectionery; Hot Water. | 14 H. CHANDL-8.. , n~IO LET You Know.—A Cup of Dellclons x Ten nvlth Riecuiti. 3d. —Gaughan's, 38. Karangahape Rd. 534 /CARPET Sweepers, Vacuum Cl—=_srs7 Oil ! VV Mops, etc.—At the D.V.C.C, 12, Strand ' Arcade. B I OR Bye Comfort and Clear flsioa. consult O. E. Nielsen, Sight Specialist, 62. Pitt Bt., opp. Central Fin Station. Charges moderate. B /"IONSULT Madame Besant. Character Reader. Adx-lce given. Room 1, Orange Bldgs.. opp. Newton P.O. (upstairs). 154 I rrw)WN BUYERS.-Thirteen pounds of j X splendid Tea for price of 121b. - j Gaughan's, 3S. Karangahape Rd. 534 j CAM PAUL for Razor Sharpening; every I razor gnurnnteed. Queen' nnd Quay Sts. (opp. Ferry Bldgs.). 18 j B~i_ KEIVS Soap Is as good as ever. It takes away all labour by soaking the clothes 20 miniites. All Grocers. Try It. B DRESSMAKING. —Costumes a specialty; ladler.' oxvn material made up; prices rcaso lable.— Elite. 3, Great North R<L B ! rtfANTED Known.—Our Umbrellas are »V world-renowned. Try one, at Lethaby's. 10. Strand Arcade. B pOUNTRY BUYERS.—TweIve pounds "-• Delicious Tea. carriage paid anywhere. 2 . -J/4 2S lb.—Gaughan's, lIS, Karangahape Rd. _534 T"ADIES' Costumes, Suits "xenovated. j AJ ready made or to order. —Vennrd, French i Tailor and Costumier. 402, Queen St. B ; \T7ANTED Known.-Yea: >Ye win Repair |V or Cover nny Umbrella. Send yours nlons to Lethaby's, 10, Strand Arcade. B BOWLERS! -Dunlop Rubber Bowls now in stock.—Eden Cycle Works, 53, Mt Eden u,l. 158 A'lU'lt MONEY RETURNED if you are X not satlslled with my tea.—Gaughan, IN. EiinuiL-ahape Rd. 534 S~ PRING Cleaning.— Ring the D.V.C.C, 12, Slrnnd Arcade. Phone 900. Satisfaction every time. B
TIT R S. H. D A L T O N, lJ - MATERNITY NURSE. 3, Surrey Street. Grey Lynn. Face Massage a Speciality. B |~7 EDEN TERRACE. ' ' i Armstrong, Hardware Merchant, ivi 11 Buy. Phone 1056 A. 150 / -x'ONSIjiLT .Madame Garudadrl, Graduate \J of the Institute of Science, Tinuevelly, India.— 88, Victoria iSt. 186 M — rfsT WONDERFUL Value on the Market.—My Tea, 2/, 2/4, 2/8 lb.— Gaugliaii. 3S, Karangahape Rd. 534 •TrADAME HYLA.S'D, Phrenologist and LVL Character Reading from Handwriting: send 2/0; 30 years' experience.—42o. Queen St. B P" "ERSONAL.—Come and sample my Tea. A Lovely Cup (with "Biscuit), 3d.— Gnugbnn. 3S, Karangnhape 534 ADAME REPRAH, Advlßer and Consult. Ing Psychologist.—Room, 10, Ist Floor, Palmerston Buildings, opp. G.P.0.. 11 to 5. D MADAME REPRAH has returned from England, aud will be glad to see old friends nnd clients. Address above. D "jV/f ADAME HARPER notifies that her aaX offices will be open all day Labour Day, Monday, 25th. 555 WE have a few Guaranteed Navy Blue Serge Suits unclaimed at almost half the original price. R. JAFFE. Everybody's Tailor, 10, Queen Street, opp. G.P.O. D
SEWING Machines Repaired by practical man; 30 vearg' experience.—Phone 2787 A. J. Hilford. 8, Rutland St. 200 LOOK! 2300 "Wonder" Records, 9d eaco. 7/e doz. Needles 9d 200, 3/ '000.— 70, City Chambers. D ORDERS for Bogne and Sons, Motor Carriers, Kohlmarama, left at Depot. 2, Little Queen St., promptly done. D BRING along yonr old Gold. Silver. 7—la* Teeth, etc. Highest prices given.— Mrs. Cohen, 124, Victoria St. W. D Da. MILES' AnU-paln Pills, 2/1, for all pains. Naltber, tbe Great Health Restorer, 2^3—Mr. Dew-r, Strand Arcade. D THOUSANDS of U_ are Reducing the Cost of Living by having their hats Cleaned at Cox's Hat Factory, Karanganape Rd. D T)R. HALL'S FAMOUS CAP-OLS. Price, XJ 12/0 package, poet free. To ensure setting seal—lie, order direct from Sole Agents, Bridge Drug -tores, Chemiiti, 3. Karangahape Bd. (at Grafton Bridge), Auckland. D fronT £3 10/; PhonoXX graphs from £4 10/; Needles 9d per box tf 200.—Edison Dealers. 70, City Chambers. D COOC'S Hat Factory, Karangahape Rd.. _ placing their whole staff Cleaning and Semodelllng Ladles' and Gent's Hats. O YOU CAN'T BEAT IT.-THE EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOUKAPH ls the World's Beat. The next beat ls the EDISON CYLINDER. Inspection Invited. Repairs a speciality.—EDlSON L'-ALERS, 70, City Chambers. D --fMI IB, ° YS ' 'Varsity Suits, Washing ttvvr Drills and I'opllus, 2 to 8, 13/6, 14, 6.—TutUi, 'Symonds St. CIONSPLT Madame Garudadrl, of India, ' Telepath Inspiration Speaker- Character Reading from Handwriting. Blind energy is useless.—BS, Victoria St. W. 12 ROBERTSON, Auctioneer, Sells Osk Furniture at Wholesale Prices. D /"VRCI—ES—RA Open for any Engagements,. XJ Dances, etc.—Particulars Broadway Music Co.. Newmarket. D Tljcl'll'EßSON'S have taken over Mrs. AAA- Robertson's Drapery Business, 454 Mt. Eden Roud. Ladies' and Children's Wear. Millinery a speciality. 156 TF Furnishing in Oak. see Robertson » Auctioneer, flrat. q TMPORTANT TO MEN. - Tailor-made a. Ready-to-Wear and Unclaimed Suits in all colours and sizes; also, Navy Series guaranteed fast Indigo dyc_.-Schneide__n Bros.. Ltd., 215, 217, 219. Queen St. JB pELL'S N-10-T Auction Rooms, opp. Town XJ Hall. Bnys. Sells, Stores and Values I'urnitnre.— Ring 2516. a " QLORIA "7 Because "La Gloria " is DIFFERENT from all other gramophones—lts sound box and tone chamber are different, rendering exactly-no more, no less-what the human voice or an instrument expresses In a manner exactly adapted to the human ear "La Gloria" will give to your OLD RECORDS NEW BEAUTIES. If the supreme in vocal and Instruments' reproduction interests yon, COME AND HEAR IT. "T A QLORIA" pARLOURS, _7. KARANGAHAPE ROAD. B YOUtt JXOUS- "pURNISHBD ON P_asx m___-. For £5 Werth, £15 0 Deposit, 5/ wee—lt £10 „ £110 0 Deposit. 6/ £15 „ £3 15 0 Deposit, 6/ £20 „ 0 0 0 Deposit, 0/9 " ,£26 - £8 5 0 Depoalt. 8/ " £30 - £110 0 Deposit, 9/8 " £40 „ £10 0 0 Deposit, _J/ _ £50 .. 112 10 0 Deposit, 13/ " Roeeial Arrangements Made (or Larger Amounts. A f< BOS-MAN AND £V}., TTD., 111113, KARANGAHAPE BOAD. AUCKLAND. O A R_ YOD _UFff_lUl*_ WITS iV VARICOS—: ULC-R3I U so, tbe >_rex Method of Treatment will cure yon, not temporarily, bat permanently and painlessly. No need to lay np. Cures old and long standing eases as readily as new one*. Send for pamphlet and testimonials to ERNEST li_ALEY. Chemist, Foxton, or Auckland Agent Nurse rteert *"**' V »%
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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1,027Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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