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SITUATIONS VACANT. 7_° V wanted for messages.—"Observer" AJ Office. Wvndbum St. 207 /txjOK for Northern Sawmill wanted v - immediately, small Job: good wage*. Apply early.—Address at STAR. 701 fiARD—NEdI, handy man. wanta work by the .lav. -Oardx-ner, BW. STAR. 490 /I IRL. young, xvanted for rash desk, also *-' Young Girl to learn xvaltlng; good wages to start.-Apply Belgium I/ounge. BU4 TV RECTOR AND /"YROANISER WANTED FOR TECHNICAL TRAINING OF MOTOR MECHANICS IN NEW ZEALAND. ipplications are invited for the above foci I ion. Salary iv commence -Coo per —nn mi', exclusive of travelling expenses. Qunlillcatlone and experience to be fully stnicd Applications will NOVEMBER 11. 19-J'i. addressed to "lilrei'lor." c/o P.O. Box 68. Wellington, New Zealand. Tli" successful applicanl will require to be a fully fiiialiii.'d motor mc-hanic iv theory and in practice, and able to in-t-iiu.i motor mechanics in all bran.-lies of the iiiotxir trade. To be callable of setting mil correspiiuiienco courses for instruction of motor mechanics and of conducting the necessary ins: ruction In connection with such courses To be a good organiser and gen-rally capable ol fulfilling Ihe position more fully .sot ~in in llie schedule of duties tn be seen at ihe officers of Gordou and Hutch, Advertising Agency lv this city.
A lUlil'KK REQUIRED AS TRAVELLER, AND FIRST COUNTER. Above Award Wages Given. Applicants treated confidentially. GEO. TREACY, *°- Grey Lynn. -1 y J : >'■' ZEALAND POLICE FORCE. RECRUITS AVANTED. Applications are Invited from suitable men desirous "f enrolment as Constables in Hi" Nexv Zealand Police Force, which ha* uuiny advantages in pay, emolument, and lieusiou. and offers a Ko'.d and attractive career to young men possessed of the requisite qualifications us regards chaructor. physique, and intelligence. The age limit prescribed by Regulation.* is twenty-one Lo thirty years. Candidates who. have not a 1 tallied age of tweutyonc years will be accepted, provided they otherxvisi- comply xvith ihe standard requirements, or are likely to fulfil them by the time they attain twenty-one years of age, or within n reasonable time afterwards. The standard or eduction Is Standard V., but in the case of Candidates under twentylive yearn of age a lower certificate will be accepted. Candidates received under the mini—inn aije limit xvlll he K iveii v course of physical training and educational Instruction to bring thorn up to the stanxlartls.
The B'.-ale of pay for constables ls £5 5/ per week on appointment,* rising by Increments to 10 2/0 per xveek. A house allowance of 15/ per xveek is also paid to married men not provided with free quarters. Free uniform is also provided. Forms of application setting forth the qualifications of candidates and the principal terms of engagement may be obtained at any Police Station. J. O'DONOVAN, Commissioner of Police. Wellington, October 11. 1920. ' 596 rTIO MILLING- S. RENDELLS, LTD., Require the Sex-vices of fWO IMPROVERS FOR THEIR MILL-VERY WORKROOM. Apply MANAGER. 542 ■XT 0 U T H WANTED, X FOR SEED TRADE. Permanent if satisfactory. Apply ARTHUR YATES AND CO., LTD., Lower Albert Street, Auckland. 35G AGENCIES. TO Stationers. — Manufaornrer wants Agencies, town and country.—Good Commission, 575, STAR. 128 rp O MANUFACTURERS AND X MERCHANTS. it. woll-kuown Business Man, with several yeans' wholesale Importing and Retail Experience, H.EQUIRBS MERCHANDISE, ANY LINE TO SELL ON COMMISSION.
Can show big return figures, and has exeellont .selling ability. First class referOR WOULD CONSIDER PARTNERSHIP WITH SOUND CONCERN. Capital Available. Write, In first Instance, to "SALE'S," C/o The Goldberg Advertising Agency, Ltd., Customhouse Quay, Wellington. 611 rpO DRAPERY UOCSBS. EXx—-PTTONAIL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE FIRST CLASS LONDON !n_*PR_SBNTATION. The London Office or one of New Zealand's largest mercantile houses. Intends opening a Drapery Buying Department early in January next year. The organisation has exceptional facilities, both In buying, finance, and shipping, and the new department Is being specially equipped to effectively handle the representation of New Zeulaud houses. Expense will not he spared to render really exceptional service. The manager in charge will be a Nexv Zealander who has a wide experience In all branches of the Drapery Trade in the Dominion over a long period. Moreover, he wUI keep In close personal touch with his client* by regular visit* to INew Zealand every three years. He leaves for -England nt the end of November, and will be glad to arrange appointments in order to discuss details and give full Information to interested parties. iLetters in connection with Interviews •hould he addressed In the first instance to " LONDON REPRESENTATION," C/o J. ILOTT, LTD., Advertising Agents, Jervols Quay nnd Harris Street, Wellington. 510 TUITION WANT-!-*. COACH, Mathematics, wanted by youth for matriculation exams.; evenings; state 'arms.-Urgent, 520, STAR. 120 SEEDS FOR SALE. Al Sl—CDS.—Garden Seedß of Plants for Floxv-;r Garden In great variety.— O'Leary Bros, and Downs, Ltd. B Al SEEDS. —Southern Seed Potatoes— ■AJ- .Maori Chief, New Era, Gamekeeper, etc. —O'Leary Bros, and Downs, Ltd Seedsmen. __ A 1 SEEDS for Fimn—Seed Maize, Jap. JTX Millet, Turntp, Mangel, Carrot Seeds.— O'Leary Bn>3. and Downs, Ltd., Seedsmen, Cook St. 3 WANTED KWOWTxT. iJB London Clothing Cleaning Co We remodel Left-off Apparel Bought.— 8. Great N-Tth Rd. Phone 3076 (2 rings). 86 IBS HARRISON, 58, Belgium St.", 1 t 0 6, daily- PnWic Circle, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. 646
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
Word Count
870Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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