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AMUSEMENTS. STRAND N.Z.s CJT-RAND TKAXD Largest °TRAXD QTKAN.I) ■ And CJTRAXD OthA.ND ■ Finest QTRAXD Picture CJTRASD House. °TKAXD 'Direction: Fuller's Pictures, Lid. ■Sessions: 11.15, 1, 2.40, 4.30, 6.20, and 8. TO-XIGiIT. A New Firet National Attraction! Featuring A NITA CJTEVVART. J\.SiT\ ©TKWABT. A NITA QTKWAKT. Axita K>TKWART. ANITA UTEWART. NITA KJTKWART. MAIILON HAMILTON, Tbe fJood-Luck I'iii nre or UK l "TN AI/I> T^RNTTOKY." •X N KJi A t Ji-EyrrcKT. ,, IN TV" T'-KXTIH'KY." N" ' V| ; |i JiBXTW'KY." XN /~\LD T>-KNTWKY." X Uui XVuXTrCKY." " T N C\ LIJ TT'ENTOCKY." "Xs vyj,!)^'KY." "TX /"V'» TT-EXTUCKY." ••J-x xVkxtucky." A SI'ORTINXi DRAMA, Produced hy Marshall Npilan. A Smashing Hcture wrtli aiunrtrols of Players ami Horses raelnfr across t-he screen. A Stirring 'Story of tilt' South— tibe land i>f licautifni waiucu, fa«t horses, and boid fighting men. SOME OK THE 111 MULLS: The Great Kentucky Handicap with a Girl Jockey WlnnliiK—The Fierce, Feudal Battles in the Mills The Xijslit Riilers in a Daredevil Man-hunt-The Moonshiner's Terrible RormiiCß-The Death Plunge Over a Cliff — The Awful Dynamite Pint—The Exciting Fox Chase The A«'e-Lnspirin>; Leap for Life on a Hoive Aoniss the Broketi Bridge — fhisJi with Revenue Office* -Girl in Kiazln« Itarn, Rescuing the Favourite—l> esperato Ride With Dea'th-The Hand-to-hand Fight —'Hie Wrecking of a Bridge—Kidnapping of a Jo,-key — I.ym-h kw at MidRattling for iHonmir— Slaying of a Clansman—The Fuiitlve's Narrow EUrwpe The A«sa.-wln'ri Awful End— And Scores (rf Others. LATEST J-.VTHiE 'GAZETTE Topical Overture, "Kentucky Coon's l'utrol." Strand Orchestra of 10. PRICE-S: Dny, fM and I/: Evening 1/ 2/ and ::<«•, (Plus Tai). Avoid the Crowd To-night by attending the Early Evening .Session at 6.20. G.RANP rnO-DiAT HAND -»-0-DAY. A iXEW ItttAtfA, TK'O rpOVVEK s-\p TKW-KLS" IM-) J-oWitTK v>p el kwbls •• -nvito mowER ( vf rBVVBLS." -J-IMJ J-UWEK \J'V WBWBLS ,, "fTWIiH mOW'KH /">iF rBWKLe'" •• ■*■ ii-e J-oW'Kii V>f eJwwBDS" j-mi*H rpmvKit (\f TEvn&vs." !"X iIK J-mVF/R VJ-y "tnVK-DS" "/pil.lO qV>\\-Klt f-vK I^W!MUS." •• J- H.R X , ,v.- Nt KS,y O K\VBI,S - TIM] /TVnVICIt /VF TEWIBLS." H-K liiWWt yJ'.P ti KWKI.S " "rniM-j rpowicii r\y γ-bwbls" " -MIiB Xowicri V*F tl-nwrius " THH fTVrW'EII /"»|K TEVTBLS " UiK X-OWiEB Up O-BWEUS," —STARTHXG— -^STAiMtLXG— CrtIUXXH /"irMFFITHS. Oltl W)H VI.X liFIF ITH S CtORIXXH /"VRjIPFITHsS. VJ.i{ rF ,p ITHS CORI yXH ri RI PFITH^. OIUN.VH ■RIPFITU-β. A VBRV FIXK DRAMA. FI PT.II CIUPTDR. '• AI-YSTBRY /-j.F -JO" : •• iM.r-ST.FtRY yJy XO.--MY'STJOItY (\V -j Q " YSTKIKV F 10.Y'STJiIIY lO.'. And A .FINE COSIBDY. , BI.IOl". OHCIIJOSTRA. Sessions: 1.!. ].io. 3.15. C.'M, 7.G0. lOITLAU .PRICES: IX-uy 1/ti and 1..; Stalls. 6d; Evening .Session— hes., V. ■Circle, l<s and r ] 1, ; Stalls. !M. ,Plus Tax. J — AMcraiuA, tohNig-ht i>KvoxraßT » KTOKIA And ! ■» VICTOiIIA, MO.NJJAY. IVUVIXNi-OHT < A Simrklinj: "Sflect" Comedy IUS'STAN'I ■?!•: TA UUAD-U K. (.XkXSTAXOK TAUM.U)Gi:| COX'STA-N-CE TALL\LAiJDUK, In "A i.Al>y*i n.uii: •■ E '■ A LAUY'vS ,XAM.K." Abounding with rich comedy sttii.ntaons. r The experiences of a younjr pirl uov<-lLst. wh« n<]v<'j-tis»'s for a hustwnd for "copy" are funny enousfli to keep si 'house full of ,dys-PH>tirs in a eontlniiii-l simmer of d.Mipht. ES T Jg XI) rp HEA T R J£. rpO-XIGHT. "pO-NIOHT. ITOWAUn HICK MAX. 'n '•QOCIAL AMBITION." A Rrigh! Comedy. AXD THE LATEST TOPICAL. _ j toMvi'f T> O II E M I A N I (Subscription Concerts). 60- ~KRFOIiMKUS- 60 i Conductor :—TOT.IN MrSTOX. L.R.A.M. leader:—HAßOLl> BAXTER. Hon. Accompanist :—CYRIL TOWSEY. rpiIIKD /CONCERT, γ-th OEASON. * rpOWN TTALL, rpUVRSDAY VEXT. * mOfiIUMME : '■OOP SAVE TilK KING." ORCHESTRA AXD AUDIENCE. 1. Overture. "Orpheus Inder Unterwelt" (Offenbach \ 2. Suite. "LArlesienne" (Bizet) r (Prelude —Slenuetto. Aoreietto, Carillon ) ORCUESTUA. 3. Song, "Softly Awakes My Heart" (C. Salnt-Saens) f miis. PYnir, towsey. 4. Symphony, No. 3 (in C Minor) ( Beethoven) (Andante con moto). URCHESTUA. 5. Pizzicato—
lai ■•Elflnnd" (Ramon (bi "Dreieesprach" Ulammi Trio for Klute, Obop and Clarlnotte Flnte, MR. OKO. I'OORE ; Oboe MR J JACKSON; Clarinrtte, MR. V. AMODEOand ORi'HKSTRA. 6. Overtnre, "Kinc Manfred". . . . (Reineckel ORCHESTRA. 7. Hindoo Song. "Despair". .. IH. Bemberc) MRS. CYRIL TOWSr.V * moer K' 8. Cornet Solo,'Tho Lost Chord" (Sullivan) WITH ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT 9. Prelude to Act 3. "Lohe.n K rtn" (Wagner) ORCHESTRA. (By Special Request.) BOX I>I,AN OPENS NEXT TUESDAY AT 8 A.M. AT WILDMAN AND AREY"S. 2/ AT TnE DOORS. A. W. ROBERTSON, Secretary, Mußie Depot. 189. Queen Street 571 Next E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd.' DURFSG Slckneea a rellaWe Got Weter Ba? Is a treasnre. Doctors and nurses know NORTH BRITISH RUBBER BAGS iue sui«.'rtor. The Unique stopper never .... --v I*.e i aui e ck al the bag.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
Word Count
724Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.