AMUSEMENTS. /-| P t R A TTOCSE. Direction: Ben and John Fuller. ALWAYS 'CTULLBR'S AND MERRY J? ULLBR'S BRIGHT. SPECIAL—MONDAY XE-XT—SPECIAL r^HILDREIN'S—AT O QA~TUTATIMSB V-'HILI>REX , S—AT *.UU— UJ-ATI.N EbJ BARGAIN PRH'ES: fid. 1/. 1/C (plus tax). OOMIPLBTB PROGRAMME CIIAN<JED. YOUR LA-ST CHANCE TO SEE THE WOINDE'RFUL CHAMPION'S /"KjLLEGE T~kOGS. HAMPIOX'S ■A-'oGS. Im-hidinc • 4 .St>u<],' , the Caniuo Clo«ti. You Owe It to Yourselves and the Kiddies Not to Miss This Great Act. rpO-NIUIiT — AT U — rpu-NIGHT. -LCMNKifir — AT O — J-O-NIGUT. LAST NIGHT OF TUB T'OPTLAK KEY. /"I ORMAN, ET. L RANK 'JORMAJs, THE SINGING PARSON.. POPULAR SONG RE-QUEST NKMIT. JEiNNINGS AND BN.NINCW AND UT SKALD. WHIMSICAL P.URLESUEQ ARTISTS, rpHE fTtWO AfACKS. -«- UK J- WO ' DANOE AND PATTER. MISS "I \OFF T)EH, Us i- , off J - / ra-;, PANTOMIME ARTIST. AXD FOR TUB LAST TIME HERE: Musical (JA-DI-E. Laughln;; I'laylet. Show. By the rtJTALTER pEUiilili v » ALTER VJkOKOE <JUNSHINE T»LAYERS. Sunshine -«- layers. Plans at -Segedin's till 7. 'Phone 374? for Reserves. ,IPE WHO ItOOKS IS SURE. PRICKS: L.C, 1/1: Stalls and D.C, 3/2. OPiDXIXG AT T.HE POJ'ULAR MATINEE, MONDAY NEXT: First Appearance Of and For a Limited Season Only. WORLD'S OMKATEST " BLACKFACE COMEDIAN. BILLY ■pLLIOTT. ILLY -L'l.l-.IOTT, BViIvRYHODTS PAL. FIRST APPEARANCE OF TITARTrX, Expert -"-"J-ARTY-N. DaTKrer. QUEEN'S rpHEATRE. UEEN'S - 1 - HEATRE. />OMiiEXCING mO-AIGHT. V-'O'MMiEXCI NG J- ON lOHT. SESSIO-NS: 11.15, 1. 2.45, 4.30. 6.15, 8. You iiave a Laush Coming to You— Get It. TT7TLLTAM TTTOX >»ILLIAM -P OX PRESENTS J AXE & T7"ATHIDRIXB T EE, ANB & -*-*HE, J AXE & TT'A'BHIBRIXE T EE, AXE & -E*-ATtt£ERINE -"E,E, " BABY GiIAXD " STARS," The Screen's Beat Comediennes, As TROUBLEM AJCBRS." ROUBLEMAKHOS." TRO U B LEM AKBIIS. '' ROUBLEMAIKESRS." A Si)nrklinc Comed.v->Drama Story, Directed by Kenean Duel. Incomparable "Kiddies." To ccc em is to lore "em. Irrepressible Jane, Emotional Kafherine. In " TroublOTnakers " the Little Stars are seen at tiie floodtide of their remarkable laujjhproduoing .success. li You Miss •' TROUBLEMAKER'S " You iMise Lots o' Fun. ■Mathers! Spnd the Kiddie? along To-day. We'll look aifter them. rpHEATRTi, T^BWTO.N Direction ALLAX WILKHS. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-XIGHT. LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASOX. rpHE "POTTERS. rpHE "pOTTERS. T HE T?- OTTERSTOE LAUGH MAKER. OUTRIVALS ALL OTHKR COMEDIES. COME , AND SEE FX)R YOURSELF, BUT RE PREPARED TO LAUGH BECAUSE YOU WILL. A LAUGH A MINUTE IS THE USUVL TIME-TABLE. Plan at Richardson's. 110. Queen Street and Klndlay's. top of Pitt Street. Prices: Reserved Seats, 4/ ; Stalls, 3/; Back Stalls. 2/ and 1/. ' fpUWN £|- ALL £«>XCEBT QHAMBER. JJVEXIXG, SEPTESrBER S, At S o'clock. ATADAME X EEDIIAM-pROWT- ', > IMISS MARGARET GYDE. A.R.A.M.). ! J Examiner at the Royal Academy of Music, , ■
Composer of the Following I'opular VocaJ Works: Published by Ohappell and Co " Zephere Caresse." " Uα Rose d"un .1.0ur." Pablished by Enorh and Sons " In a Far Countrie.' , '■ Forgotten." " When Hearts Grow Old." iFtLbltished by Ashdown. Limited ■' The Sunllirbt Plays '• ■' The Song of file Robin. -, Published by Creamer and Co.— " Seas Apart." Published by Bosworth ■• I-aua Mo.tls." Tublished by Beal and Co.— 'Loves Greeting. -, '■ The Bridge of Tears." "My Destre.' , PnWished hy *;eorj:e and Co. " In the Shadow of the Limes.' , Published by Keitfi Prowse — •• For R rt-mi--nut." ■' Good-bye.' , Published by Musical Eichange— •' I.lbertjr-s Call." ir>e.]ieaied to Sir Thomas Mackenzie) 1 n.ceeds of sale given to Edith Cavel Homes for Nurses. Will (Jive Her First
piANUTOIMK JJECITAL. Vocalist : MISS VIOLET DENNIS. """" Extracts from English Press:"•Her execntlon is simply perfect, and she entirely entrances her audience Un Tuesday she was lisiened to with' rapt attention, and was applauded most enthn slastlcally. He have never known an artist greaLer i™l"-ession.— Folkestone •• In these various schools of comnosltiou the artist's facility of execution and uoiaU Lug accuracy n -ere pleaslagly demonstrated Beethovena fine work being interpreted hm 7 al ,? oeUo au<l Intellectual power while in all rhe num-bers attempted a . ''t 6 ' , C reflnemput ' genuine . artistic instinct were apparent Thp <>nv>rtQ - of the player elicited-frequent applause and .. rc ?L l t ?' " as a , 'norouguly W-,-eWul one. —"The Queen. ' Tickets: Nnmbered, 4/; Unreserved. 8/ and 2/ (pins tax), at Messrs. Lewis Eady and Co. s, Qoeen Street, and Rlc-haxdsone SOI
Page 16 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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