AMUSEMENTS. TIVOU THE XHEATRK IVULI DF rpiVOLl BHi J-IVULI ATTRACTIONS! ! i rpO-XIU-HT AT C Xo-Nli>llT AT °« WK rniCSKNT: The Korceful Actor, Koiuokt Y\7 AUWHK - Diiicur Warwick, KOKKUT nrAKWICK, OIiEKT »»ARWICK, robkkt xti/ahwick, obkrt Warwick, kobkrt \a7auwick. okkrt. vy akwk'k, kobkiw ititaiowick, TIttKKT" '" AKWIfiK, ROItKItT VTTAItIWICK, OBKKT » v AIUVICK, In Anthony Hope's Thrillinß Novel. "AN \ DVKXTIRE TN TTEARTB." '•■"-N -"-X XJ-KAUTS." AN 1 DVKNTIKK TN TTKARTB." N ■ c *-I)VKNTI:KK 'n r - n -EARTS."' "\ N V kvkxti;rk tn ttmarts." ••X\..\ iXiivKNTI'IiK "-N -Q-KAItTS." AN A DVENTIItK TN TTKAKTS." N **-r»VKXTrRK "-N XX-KAHTH." " \ N \ I'VKNTI'RK TX TTEAKTS." • JY -N - t »-I»VKNTriIK J-N "A N AJJVKNTrKK TN TTKAHTS." •■-t\-S *4-I>VKXT(:RR "-X J-J-KARTK. , ' "AX A.l>\T-iNTI7RK TN TTRARTS." ■•X*-\ XI.[)VKXTrUK X X XJ-kakTS." "AX \ -I)VKNTT:RK TN TTBARTS." ■■**-S X-v XXi,; AKTS ■• The Htory is crowded with the elements that make the In-art beat faster; that make th.- spectator want t.i shout a warnlne to the her.> at the iru.lal moment. There is action. Btlß fear and relief- there Is love, r.ilvcntun-. and thrills. Hot and rounI tcr pint. intrlKUi", trein'hery and courage of I Hie lirst order an- interlurtii in vivid patterns, thnitich all of which runs the golden thread of love. "\ N A i>vßvrrßK tn ttkahts." "■"-X ■**-O'VEXTI , ftK X-N XJ-KARTf." His friend. married. takint- another ivomnn'H .ar<-ss.-s: While hi- who madly watched hud honoured him, held his home sacred, til.inch he stlenllv lovwl and wan liitihl hy the woman who lived as Uls friends wife! A Iso, A Vari<-(I and DlvcrtlnK Supporting Programme and the Tlvoll Orchestra. rniVOLI Reserves at 11. IV<M.I Clciils. Queen St., T IVlll.I ~r Theatre, Thone IV< i 1.1 223fi iiuto. Hi r r o D n n si Ti i r r o i> it o m Xli. Hi v v (i i> k o m irf I I" V () II II O M (Late Globe Theatre.) I Under Entirely New Management. TOXIGHT. TO-NIGHT. I TO-XIGHT. TU-NIG-HT. j The Scream of the Year IF YOU AUK A WOWSER, IF Vur AKK A WOWSER, l>L,n't Dare to See MAY ALLISON, MAY ALLISON, MAY ALLWO.X, MAY ALLISON, In her Naughtiest, .Sauriesrt. and Spiciest I Sparkling Comedy Farce. i>.->OO Feel —Metro Classi. — G."k«i Feet. From the famom Avery llopwood's Karcc. "FAIR AXD n'AKMKtt." •KAIH AMI WARMKIt." •FAIK AM) WAUMBR." "FAIR AND WAttMIOU." 1 FAIR AND WARMER." "FAIR AMi WARMER." A HysH-ri.ali.v Funny and Wonderfully Human I'lay. with ( i.nipli.ations. Compromises, a Marvellous Cocktail, aud a Kick. ! MAY ALLISON, | MAY Ai.I.ISON. MAY ALLUSO.N, MAY ALLISON. In the Sel-w-vn I'lay that put the Cocktail in the Hull of Fame, and Andieneps into Hysterics. FAIR AND WARMKIt." "FAIU AND WAItMKK." "FAIK AMI WARMER." •FAIlt AND WAUMIiIt " "FAIlt. AND WARMBR." "FAIlt AND WARMBR." MAY ALLISON MAY ALLISON. MAY ALLISON" MAY ALLISON. Ther farce with the Elevator Cocktail and itK t,ky the limit of joy. "FAIR AND WARM Bit." •FAIR AND WAHMKK." "FAIH AND WARMKR." "FAIR AND WARMKIt!" "FAIR AND WARMBR." "FAIU AND WAUMBR." Its a hurrtpane of hilarity. huW.linc with the effervewvnve of youth. That i», it Is spi-y and dean. "FAIR AND WARMER." "FAIR AND WARMER" FAIR AND WAUMBR" •FAIR AND WARMER " FAIR AND WARMER" "FAIR AND WARMER." The play that made New York and I»ndon Hysterical with Joyous , Also THE SERIAL OF KKRIALS THE .SERIAL OF SERIALS! i The Latest Sensational Achievenn-ut from' the famous I'athe Studios. •-THE IiUKAT RAMBLE." ■THE (iKKAT GAMBLR" •THK (JRKAT GAMBLIC." A series of lmlielievnble ami unthinkable aud electrifying stunts. Also The Latest English Gazette. nIPPODROMK n Rr »ESTRA lIM'ODROME ORCHESTRA Including N.Z.-s Expert Trap Drummer Mr. T. Atkinson. ' i Inder the Baton of Mr. L. Stokes. |' TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT KRSEBVP YOIR SEATS AT LKWia BADT-β: OR AT THEATRE AI'TKR ON.E OTIXiCK. I PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTrn.»R Tfl.MoiS TVICGERS - 1 - II B X AlS i Oue J-/ IGGEJ(i . Will Api>ear at the rjTOWN J.JALL , For a Brief Reason commencln<gATCßDAY Te-.EXT. " BVTCRTTIIIX'O NKW. IMrection Victor Beck. Mrs. <•. c. Forsyth has kindly consented to postpone her entertainment. CLAUDE HAIGII, Touring Manager. ;
BASKETBALL AUCKLAND B A S X E T B A Ll4 ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL TOUK'NAMENT. SATURDAY. 11. On the TRAINING OOULTCOB •Q-ROUNDS, ■Wellesley Street East. Commeucing at 2 p.m. Come and see KlwL Y.W.C.A.. Edendale, Hnia, and Victoria, etc, play the came for girls. Admission: Adults, 6d; Children's, 3d. 530
Page 16 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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