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AMUSEMENTS. J^ LSIE IS TTEItIC! LYRIC. T VI! IC. YRI<:. Direction : AJVUIC. LYRIC. lluywanls lYltlc. YRIC. Pictures, Ltd AJyRIC. Lyric. — 7 YRii:. YIUC. XJymo. fpO-NIGHT AT rr QA ■-O-XKiHT AT '.«>"• It is with no email pleasure we announce the First Appearance in New Zen hind of. ELSIE TAXIS. LSIIO "AXIS. ELSIE I AXIS, UjiK Jan is. ELSIE TAXIS. L«IE Ja.NIS.' ELSIE -The fANiS. LSIE IMegers , "AXIS. ELSIE liarliug." TAXIS. LSIE ELSIE I AN IS. I.SIE O AN IS. ELSIE The fAMS. I,SIE Famous *> AXIS. Musical TANIS. Cnnipdy 'JaNIS. ELSIE Girl. JAMS. ; I.SIE "AN IS. E TANKS. X-'IjSIE O AN IS. The TAN IS. X-'USIM Liveliest «' ANI.S. Most TANIS. t'heorfiil O ANNS. Eilerves- lANIS. -*IMIK cent "AXIS. 171 I<B IK Mixture TA.VIS. -*L«IB of VAN 11*. " l'ep " TAXIS. LSI 1-5 Aud "AN IS. IfilJSIlO lVrsoiiallty fAMS. J I.SIE On the *-»A\ls. Screen TAXIS. -'I.SIE To-day. ''.VMS. pM.KIK ' JAMS. I7ILSIE TAXIS. -'I.SIE ''AXIS. EI.SII-: TAMS. LSIE ''AN IS. THE TMP." MB A Ml." The Tin , •■ IMC J-MIV" A Deluse. "rpiHE TMl'." A Story of \ •' f " X||E •• Hiih Society I Delfchtfnl "fffllK TM3'." and ChlnaHevilment. "X HE -i-MT." town slums. THE TMIV ir-K Xμ p •• THE 1 Ml." iik J-μiv Filmdrrm's Funniest Frollicker. in a Play as Full or Life us Hie Star is Full of Fun. ELSIE TAXIS Is a Gloom .Destroyer I/SIX « A.VIH Par Excellence EIJSIH TAXIS Tills Wonderfnl Artist iLSIB *' AVIS made a "Hit " with the EI/MI'K TAXIS Soldiers-nnd she'll make *-' AXIS n " Hit " with YOr. THE TMP" Is a Study In ContrastsUK *■ Ml* Die Ipper Ten" and THH TMP Die Lower Five." 118 Xmj. •• Shp had friends, wealth nnd position-—nnd .1 mania for crime. She w:is a Society Ilelle hy day. and a thief by nlffhr. The slo'ry of v ulrl wiili a iloulile personality —a female .lekyl nnd Mr. Hyde. New. novel, and ihril line. YOi; SI-UI'LY MUST SHE " Tllh! IMP." NOTR. — "The Imp" is recommended more especially for ad-ults by the Censor. In Addition "MYSTERY T.V Which will lie Shown First on Programme. ALSO, AS AN ADDED ATTRACTION. "\fKi; pIMINO J1 Xli "The AI l>: Ml;lily /lIMTOI Atom" V>IMIXO The Daintiest and Most Graceful liiiirartiT Artist yet seen. Possessiiiu a charm ami personality almost unknown. MWS IS TRIi.Y DELIGHTFIL. LYRIC RIU'KRR ORCHESTRA. rStIAL PRICES: Stallw. 1,1; D.C., 1 7. Reserves, 2/1. Phone »MS fc.r Reserves. EXCLUSIVE rpt) /pilE T YRIC. XCLUSIVE X () X,,,.; Xjyjiu:. PniXCERS. The T^RINOBR^ K.INOKKS. Theatre X HIXVRSS. PRiLXOESS. Of T>ItiNCE*S. RIXOE&S. Surprlso.i. X ftI\CKS4 rp o - x I <; H T. Tho Cireatest I , roKrn.mmp -Brer Presentc<l in Auckland. EIJSTF. TAERGTPON, I'SI'E X F.RGFSOiN. EI>f?IK Tj^ERrSfSOX. I.WIE X?.EK(JU'SO.X, IX CO T - X T .F. n F F, I T." Or X T E It F E 1 T ■' CI Or NTXR PX I T." J <> V X T E It F E 1 T." First Ai>penranco in this Fine Cty of THE TyA.NDIISS iftOA a lira yyuvniKß (\t iqoA -iiH J-'aniiies V].' x.;^,u. •Will Meet Their Friends In the I-\iw>urlte Rendezvous rniiß TjßrxoEss. •Where Tor 100 -miniitei faces will he wreathed in smiW. eyes will sparkle, and Jot win reign supreme. HARRY C,OTOT>O,X is tho 'Pilot. HAZEL 'FFLLFIR. V7CTO.IUA YOCN'G. IRFN.N MTT/IBH. AND WILL (T>TTRRILI. will sinir Indlvirtually and collecttvriv of lif" ami lovo. r>ra>Rf;.E sh.rrratt will ten 'FutiiiT Stories nnd Sins: Hnmnrous ■Soniw. Gvorgp is an Eu-lish ■ComfMlian. MMfIA'M 'KTTNTSR will Piny the ■Piano, sinjj a little verve or so. .inrl then Chnt. TiliriTHFiß MII,T>I-TR Is an old favwurilo, espcVialiy wit.h tlm ladles. ANNF/PTE LANG will rhn<v •before you as a liandmaiden before KBXiXiEDY BLAOK is .Master of Ceremonies. c To join our select circle onr rnardian's palm must l>o crossed with silver, either two pieces or even one piece, with the customary triliu'te to the 'II nOT.HFJII PETiMRIRffIX. whoso cfrrent atxxle is at ye Prim-ess Thesitre I will jrreet our friends witili the riffhr 'hand of fellowship and reserve io •tbcin a scat with the mlchly. yet will ask no o.xtxa plec-e of silver. TO -G'F/T IX: 3/2, 2/1, 1/1. Plan at Richardson's till 1 p.m , tlien at 'Princess. XBXT rnANDITES JIATLNEiB WiEXXXEISDAY. QITY TkTISSION pRIXCESS rpiIEATUE, QUEEN STREET. gUNDAY T7VENIXG. Doors Open 0.30. 7 o'clock—Mr. Cunningham's Orchestra. JJKV. JASPER pALDER TJEV. TASPER pALDER WILL PREACH, SUBJECT: QHANGE AND JJECAY" Offertory Solo: "De Profundis" (Terne). Soloiet: MRS. DOROTHY WILLIAMS. (Violin Obllgato, Mr. 11. Sapsford). When you come to the Mission you KNOW you're welcome. We have just landed 1000 Hymn Bookn from Melbourne, so that everybody may have a book. Old friends, however, are asked to bring books if possible. To-nlgnt s talk la a continuation of our history, the EVOLUTION of Christianity. "N° RDBBIN <S" Laundry Help Is leading „ .*''. the ""?; 1/ cartons, most popular. Page s Stores, Kingßland. b
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
Word Count
789Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.