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AMUSEMENTS. DOUBLE KEATUUE PROGRAMME, TUB MOST AND BUST. WILLIAM FOX I'UESENTS -\TATIONAL -piCTUKES. -VTATIONAL T>ICTUKES. •National X ictukes. tiionjs -»• ictukes. piCTUIIKS. 21UUA -XTATIO.NAL TJICTUKKS. < ATIONAL X ICTUUES. ATIONAL ■*- ICTUBES. RECOMMENDED MORE ESPECIALLY 1-Oli ADULT AUDIENCES. NIOM I\| IX, { -DOUGH TJIDINc; TJOMANCE. ±oM Mix iV ±Voi;un -tinuNu romance. The muM A I IX, Hotter A lJOltill Til l>l NO TJOMANCE. Daredevil J- OM -'■'-MX, Than A- l-V>ll(Jll -"I DING -"OMANCE. of tin- rpoM ariX, Hurt ur A 1 »OI lill IUWMi TJOMANCK. Screen. J- OM t Fairbanks. -A- JJ-VoL'GII - I * , ll-»1N<; -»-K>MANCE. A l'llOTO.-I'LAY C(">NTAININ(i MOKK DABINO KEATS THAN I-:VKK UEFOUK WERE CUOWDED INTO A SINGLE PRODUCTION. A wholesome, delightful story, gripping in heart interest, and yet so crammed with perilous slums that it surpasses in this phase anything that Mix heretofore has done. Tom lussoes a fnst-uiuviUK train, and climbs aboard while it is going at full speed. Till-; MISTRESS UV BTOUMY EMOTIONS. MAI iI.A INK miIAVKHHE rpilK TTELL QIIIP. AI>LAINE J-HAVKKSE IN A POWERFUL Ahe -EL ELL ~ MADI.AINK riIIIAVKHSK STOitY Of THE riIUE TTELL QUIP. AIiI.AINE J-RAVEKSE SEA AND OCEAN J- HE -LJ-EI.L MAIil-AINE rnitAVEUSE riKATKS, rill IK XTEI.L Qllll , . ADI.AINK J- KAVEKSK J- 1110 -*-*-KLL OllU'. MAIH.AINE THAVHItSE IN A NEW ROLE—AS A WOMAN OK THE SEA. A UKAMA OK THE LONELINESS OK THE SEA AND ITS TKAUEDIES. The Story of n Woman, na rnhn nnd forceful as the rnittlity ocean, yet 1 to w lii > iii t hiTp cum oh Hit? rciil Isu t i v>ll ut lust tlm t she is—but 11 wotmui, but a womau who stood ready to lay down her llto for the man she loved. Till-: HEALTIITI, MOLIEI MUTT AND JEFF. KOX WOltl.liS NEWS. AUSTRALIAN NEWS. "V-ATIONAI. /UfCHESTItA, TjIINEST TN AUCKLAND. UVKHTIKi:. "(JOLDEN SrEl'TliE" (SCniJCPEGHKLL), 8 I.M. .SESSIONS: 11.13, 1.30, 3.45. O.n, fi.O T.M. EVItYUDVS." VItVUDVS." EVUVUUVS." V'ltVß'UV'e." EV'IIVIfuV'B." At oV., 2 o<-., 4 oV.. 0 oc, and 8 o'c VItYIiDVS." EV itVUDYS." TITAKION TRAVIS EvuYU'uva." \ KVIiIiYS." In i-'KvKYU-ora' " T I,R fl IXRMA Tirtraneii." EVIIVIiDVS" '■ L HE VKYUUY-S'." •TllllK (IINKMA TLfIJKUKIt" viivuuvb" •rniiE / iinema A* UKLMSK." EVUVIS'IIVS." "J-lIK J-«- URPKIi. - V'KYH'UY'S." The Story by B. I'hilllps Oppenhclm Evuyr.iiY's." VKVIVIIV'S" Evminivs. ,, VUYBUYS. ,-
BEREAVEMENT CARD. I I Mil AND MRS. L. C. CLAUDE AND I FAMILY, of Papatoetoe. .sincerely wish to thank ail kind friends who s>mpaihi«p.l with them in their recent sad t>crcuvfii"ut, ,- also for cards, telegrams and Moral eaibKJne j r °Hpls W A KOOKI.ANO AND SON j desire to thank the many kliul friends Willi 1 j sympathised with them in •J ,1 ' 1 /,,™™ 1 u ?i<!. 1 ur.tnis and ilortil .•iiililoms received. Wishing especially to, thank the otllce ntnff or CiTy Tramways. Hie offlcons and nu-nrtiers , of the Tramways OtU.i-rs' Inlou, the Tram- | ways Einiiloyi-es' Union, and the nianagcmniiageuieut nnd staff of Lyric Theatre, j MRS. .T. SPRAGG AND SONS. IS. Baker■. Street wish to thaiil; Hie m;\ny friends Wtto sympathised with them in their recent sad I licrviivement : also for cards, telegrams, and 1 Uorul emblems received. I THE RELATIVES 111-" THE LATE lIIV : !C. WRIGHT, oC 4K, Walters Road, Kins*- ' 1 land, wish to thank the many friends who : sympathised with them in their recent aad ; bcrc'iivraitut, also for cards and telegrams : . received. j' MR. AND MllS. T. YOUNG AND | FAMILY wish to thank all kind friends who , sympathised with them in the loss of their telegrams received: also for cards, letters, I aud telegrams received. Mlttf. H. YOUNG desires to express lier Sincere thanks to all klml Irii-nds wbo sympathised with her in her late sad bereavement, and to specially thank Messrs. BlUet and Couwoy, of St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Nurse Roseworn. Mrs. Browne, and Mr. Scarborough, and other friends, for their untiring help and assistance durlus lier late husband's lonpr and painful also, for letters, cards, and UoraJ emblems received. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. C"l LITTLE AND SONS. LTD.. Under. • takers aud Embaliners. "Marble Arch, ' Hobson St.. Auckland. Phone Ml. 1) • Y\*AT.YEY Undertaker ami VV Kmlinhner. Phone KM A. Newmarket I and Syiiiouds St.. Auckland. Official Under taker to N.Z. Defence Department. D WTVKS~ ANIJ - lIaITu and EmLialmer?. Stoortland St., Auckland. : I' Bus. ;UJ2; Private, I<.W and l!)-"-l 11; riugivK D rp J. McIVOR AND SONS, Undertakers -*-• and Embaliii«rs, 108. Karangahape. Rd. Motor or Horse Hearse. Phones Os:i, C- rinys}. D Yy.KSTF.RN PARK FUNERAL CO., TO, »» Ponsonby I.d. Jas. Weir, ilunager. Furnished. Town or Country. Motors. Phone ISW. b JAjS. JAMIESON, Funeral Undertaker, 27, Belgium St. (late Upper Queen St.). near Newton East School. 'Phone 253- B DANCING. : rpttE WATERSIDERS' I>ANCE. ; TRADES HALL. TO-NIG-HT AND EVERY SATURDAY, 8 to 11 p.m. Parker's High-class Orchestra. Lady Cloakroom Attendant. "•Maxlua," etc., etc. _Gen ts. 1/C. I.aillPs Od. S4 O BTHHET 11ALL, 1-ONSONIiV, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT. Culpait and Patterson's 'Dancing Cluli. L. iMnnro's ii-jsic. ladies 1/. <ients 1,«. 3<)l fTANCI-NO — ST. BENEDICT'S HALL. -L* KVIiRY MONDAY NIGHT. LONG NIGHT, Oth SEITEMBER. A. G. BETTANY. M.C. lIS* W. P. CAHTWIW.HT, Sec. MOBEItX DANCS CLUB, ' llasonlc nail, Belgium Street. EVERY SATURDAY NICSHT, S-ll SHARP. Liilis' Orchestra. Ladles, 1/; Gents, 1/ti--440 T. M. LIIJL-IS. /Hon. See. ST. BENEDICT'S HALL. EAST? ST\ ST. BENEDICTS CLUB. SOCIALS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT. '. DanciDgß till 11 p.m. Morrow's Orchestra. 1 Ladies. 1/; Genu, 1/8. ! WS4 P. J. MeCAHE. Hon. Sec 1 jivUA.S'ulii HALL, NEWTON". [ ADEAXE'S I WBDTvESDAY A?CD SATURDAY, At S o'clock. 301 LOYAL PONSONBY LODGE, M.U I 0 0 F SOCIAL, ! To be held in RENALL STREET HALL, PONSONBY, SEPTEMBER C, 11)20, 8 p.m. Mneic. Dancing and Cards. Refreshments. GeuU IAJ, Ladies 1/. 149 W. I'ITCHER, Sec ' RAND PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS - SOCIAL, tendered to St. Benedict's Returned Soldiers' Queen (Miss Kittr Rawson), TRADES HALL, TUESDAY. ' SEPT. 7. Special Prizes for Most Original Lady and Gent Costumes. Judges: Messrs • Kennedy Black, Renn Miller. George Shar- ' ratt, of the Dandies Co. Dancing 8 p.m. Beresford Elite Orchestra. Supper Provided. Ladies 2/, Gents 3/, Donblc 4/8. 628 ' /CALEDONIAN QOCIETT. , A SOCIAL AND DANCE 1 Will be Held in the * DRUIDS' HALL, NORTH STREET WEDNESDAY, SETTEMBER S. at 8 p in ■ Members amj Friends Cordially Invited. ' Tickets: Ladies 1/6. Gents 2/, Children 6d i MS A. THOMSON. J lon. Sec. ' ! TEHVOIS Social Clubs next Dance" will 1 0-t ''is 1 September w - Dreas Ball (
LECTURES. VW J ABOtffel T>ARTY. ! QPERA TTOUSK. I QCNDAY ■pjVESINO T ECTURE. CJPECIAL A TTIIACTION. First Appearance since their Retorn from I Successful Tour of New Zealand 1 rpHE /"CELEBRATED "CANCEL T7IAMILY that will Delight all I-overn of Oood Music !1. Overture. "English and Scotch Melodies" engei.'s string orchestra. 2. Musical Monologue, "Only Seven" (Grey) MISS HILDA ENCJEL. ". Violin Solo. "Air Varte" (Farmer) MASTER THOMAS BNGISU ■4. 'Cello Solo, "Tarantello," Up. 33 MASTER EDWARD ENGEL. " Pl>er, -T ECTURE : " T ABOUR A DVANCING." •• rjIHE JjARCH r-JF rpHE PROLETARIAT." M R - C. S. M- ORRIR6. String Qnnrtet, "No. 19" (Mozart) (a) .Serenata. Ib) Romanze. (c) Mcnuetto. (d) Rondo. en(;el-s string quartet. 7. Musical Monologue. "By the Yukon Trail" MISS RITA ENGEL. 8. Violin Solo. "Lcgendc". .. . (Wienlawski) MR. HENRY ENCJEL. At the Piano : MISS LOUISE ENOEL. Doors Open 7. Commencing 7..10. Silver Collection. NOTE.—Tickets will be on Sale for Uibour Party's IJeunlon Social and Dnnce In I tlie Town Hall Concert Chamber, SATURDAY. September 25. ; !4 6 VyOME.VS NATIONAL VV RESERVE. SICK-ROOM LECTURES. Y.W.C.A., I.TPBR * QUEEN Monday'next, ' p.m. All Members particularly requested to attend. Z7-: P. 11. DAWSON, President. nrtHß BKITUSH AND THE BIBLE. A Scries of Lectures will be riven on the. A.B.€. of BRITISH ISRAEL TRUTH In the NEWTON CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCII, Commencing SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. By COLONEL C. E. MACITKSY. Oα Accotmt of Family Bereavement MR. S. L. P. RIMMER Will give the First Lecture on SEPTKMBBR L 2. which will be continued <by COL MACKIiSV on SEPTEMBER 1!) and 26. SUNDAY MVBNINXJS. 39.! FOOTBALL. DOMAIN BOARD. DOMAIN FOOBALL GROUND. Notice is hereby given that the Devonport Domain Board has granted the Domain Kootball Ground to the Devonport United Football Club for the purpose of playing football matches on the 11th and JStn of September, U)2O, with authority to the said club to make a charge not exceeding One Shilling for each person for admission to the said ground. JAMES WILSON, Secretary. August 2G, 1920. 52 4 DANCING. Z. LABOUR PARTY (Auckland West • Branch).—The usual Fortnightly Dance, O'Neill SL Hall, Ponsonby, Thursday next, Sept. 0. Latest Dances. Adeane'e iMusic. Good Floor; refreshments. Ladies 1/, Gents i/ 6. 134 "CLANCY COSTUMES FOR ALL. On Hire or Made to Order. Our Costumes Won C 3 Prizes Last Season. MISS KIRKBY, 46, City Chambers. B TEACHERS OF DANCING. LEAK N T~O DAN C~S. .Druids' Hall, Newton, Every Saturday Afternoon, 2.30 to 5 p-m.; Saturday Night. 7.4-5 till 10.30 Instructors: G Thomas, H. Hancock.— W. BUCKLEY, Sec. 34 ANOENXi—Miss Spencer's Classes, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at S p.m., at 25, Vincent St.; St. Sepulchre's Hall, Tuesday, 8 p.m.; Saturday, 2.30 and S p.m. Private Leseons by appointment Terms, etc.. 23, Vincent St. Phone 23ai. B "ftABY" DANCING CLASSES.—SeIect Series of above -will be held in Wright's Hall Newton; on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Perfect yourselves in Latest Ballroom Dancing. Subscription: Ladies, 'i/\ Oents, 2/6. Lady and G«nt Tutors. Opening -Night. FRIDAY, Sept. 10. Wβ E~"~UCHBE PAKTY AND DANCE. ST. BENEDICT'S HALL, EAST STREET IHUKS., SKIT. !i, tendered to the Vermont Street Marist Brothers (under the anspices of St. Benedict's Club). Enchre commences 8 p.m. Dancing till 12. Prizes for Enchre. Morrow's Orchestra. Ladies' Ist and 2nd, Genfs Ist nnd 2nd. Ladles 1/6, Gents 2/. P. G. MeCabe, Hon. Sec 153
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
Word Count
1,580Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 16
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