FOR SALE BT TENDER. AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. i SALE OF PRIVILEGES, 1020-21. I Tenders are Invited for Purchase of the following rights:— i (1) BOOTHS. (1!) CATERIXn, GRANDSTAND ENCLOSURE. (3) OATKRINO OUTSIDE, INCLUDING KIUIT STALLS. (4) CIGAR DIVANS. Full particulars obtainable at the Club"c Offices, 117, Shortland Street. where ENDORSED TENDERS will be received up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, September 8. sarlly accepted. W. S. SPENCE, ' 517 Secretary. TjM3.Il ft Abß J3 V rpEINDEB. * T> I L L I A (R D iCALOOS IN ■\TATAIIATA. THR'KE TABLE'S (2 Rtfpy's nnd 1 Al--eoek's), :! MARKING BOARDS, » S.ETS OP BILLIARD HAUA 1 RET SNOOKER BALLS. I SHORT CUE RESTS. 3 IvOiNO
('[•:]•: S.RT.S. with Rests: .'SO CUES. 3 CUJ3 T HACKS. 1 SHORT SIPIU'E-R REST. 2 IT'JUjF ■r.IR('LF,S p. ANI> -' STR.AIG.IIT MIXS'RS, 2 TA'RLK IRONS. 7 CUE CASKS, FLOOR , ru'VE.lttXG. SKAT CUSHIONS. ' Tenders for the above as a going con- i ■corn must be in lijr title 13th of this mnnUi. ( eind must be accompanied by oiho<iue of imasppsion on the 2;! rd of this month. A J lease of sovni years from'datc of possession at a rental of £2 iht week, with Uie right of a ft-Tther term nf live years, subject to certain conditions. ; The aliovp proposition is a chance of a ! Lifetime to a pood man. . j" AU tenders must be sent addressed to j , BLACK AND KENMA.N, | Grosvenor Hotel, Matamata. 76 ; BUILDING. i W! WILB °*• LTD- ' BLACKSMITHS, 53-55, FKUERAL STREET, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS AND GENERAL IRONWORKERS, HEEL-TIP AND TOE-PLATE UANL'FACTCUKKB. Iron Gates and Railings to Order, Garden Hollers, Fire Escapes, Wilson's Patcut , Swinjjletree Irons. r Bulldere , Ironwork and all Classes of Iron and Steel Work. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT MODERATE RATES. Estimates Given for All Classes of Work. PHONE 1441. S AMOS AND WALLACE, •**■ Sheet and Metal Workers and Ventilating Engineers, IS7 GREAT NORTH iKOAD. Seamless and Oval Baths ou Cast Feet, Fuel Water Heaters, latent Mitre Corner Flushings for Weatherboards, Motor Mud Guards and Bodies, Radiator Repairs. Estimates for All Sheet Metal Work. Workmanship Guaranteed. I'boue 277UA. C TTEN'DEKSON AND "DOLLARD, T. TD ., MOUNT EDES. OREuON TIMBER, OREGON DOORS AND MOULDINGS, OREGON OAK and COTTO.VWOOD, 3-Ply. • REI>WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES. K.NHLISH ASBM.STOS SHEETS. W8 JUST LANDING I'ER S.S. AYRSHIRE. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF PORCELAIN ENAMEL BATHS. Also a Shipment of ENGLISH CALIFONTS, per S..S. I'ort Sydney. JOHN pETFOBD AND fiON, DIRECT IMPORTERS, , b :»>, ALBERT STREET. ABBOBNE, T> L C M B E R (Late with R. Tudehope). WATER METERS REPAIRED AND MASBFIELD BUILDINGS, 'l'hone 208. WS
e717k elly nd c o; - l- to(l.nte of Wilson and Kelly, Ud.), t~r- "CVEDERAL CJTREET, ENGINEERS. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GENERAL IHON WORKERS. I Makers of Concrete Mixers, Power Friction I Winches, Hand inches. Builders' Iron Work. , Every Description of Iron and Brass Castings. Estimates given for all fclasses of Iron I Work. . I ■PHONE 1565. WS mHE HUDSON liE-INKOKCBI> PUMICE -L CONCRETE BOILER FRAME (Patented). NO HOME OR FARM IS COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. IT SAVES FUEL, AND LABOUR, And is PRACTICALLY EVERLASTING. Write for lHustrated Booklet, with full details and Price List. HUDSON'S CONCRETE DOILER CASIMi CO., LTD., Hllaby'B Buildings, Auckland. P.O. Bμ 380. 'Phone 3746. B4 KAURI. TOTAIIA, KIMU. MATAI, KAHIkAIEA, OHEU-ON (Douglas Li~i.'O OREGON LATHS, ,\J X 3. OHEGON DOORS. BC. CEDAR SHINGLES, REDWOOD SHINGLES, • 3-PLY WOOD, MOULDINGS AND JOINERY ••rOVE TOUK HOUSE ON WHEELS. We have Special Equipment for Removing or Unislny Houses. p EO . TfHODES AND gONS, JJUD. Phone 1051. B
HOLIDAY RESORTS. -pj-oTEL JJORIHLASD. (Next to Y.W.C.A., Queen Street, first tram stop above Town Hall). tviU larco and commodlons Establishment Is one of the most up-to-date private hotels in Auckland. The Northland accommodates over 100 guests andls J '"nislied tUrongUout In modern style. Bathrooms on ,vprr floor are fitted with, the latest app.l■inces The Billiardrooin Is situated on the ground floor. From the Kecreation Kool 2nd Balconies estenstve views of tne Harbour and Gulf are obtained. MRS. EVANS, Late Royal Clun and Grand Vue, Phone 624 A. Proprietress. C ; British Rubl>e? r UXIQuI HOT WVTEK BAGS Chemists and Kwbber Stores recommend tnem, fcecanse they re IcSnom-ical. durable, lasting, eatUsfactory. ■ All British.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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