BILLIARDS. t> I L 1 R S. ~ THE CRYSTALATE CUP COTHPETITIO-N And AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP i Will ne commenced In the T aHowaooMs of & co., utd., j Strand Arcade, t On I ■\TONDAY. (SEPTEMBER g , AT 7.30 P.M. j The following is the draw for the First ', Play:— i MERCER V. BURKE—MONDAY, SpptemI bcr 6. •HA/CKETT V. September 7. WILLIAMS V. VALENTINE—WEDNESDAY, September S. ; FITTON V. ROBERTS—THURSDAY, Sepv! MASSEY—FRIDAY, Septem- _ ■ber 10. WAKAM V.. FRIEDATOVICH-—'SATUBDAY, - September 11. JOPLIN V. September 13. BOWIE V. FARRELL—TUESDAY, September 14. sas DANCING. TITISS LAURIE KINGSLAND-S CLASSES. Jazz. One-Step, Fox Trot, etc. SATURDAYS, 8 T.M. BEGINNERS. THURSDAYS, S P.M. Private Classes, Day or Eveniug. Terms, etc., IS, LOWER SYMONDB STREET. 417 DANCING.— Foresters' Hall to Let.—W. J. Daw, Caretaker. 2^9
MEETINOB. rpliE evening si:ifv~ici: vr the J- RICHMOND BAPTIST fllVUCll will be held at t> p.m. instead of 7 To-morrow, ! on account of the gas shortage* <>'.*7 "mrAVFI/OWEIt mEUJCBNTEXARY T* /"^ELEBRATIOiNS. IN THE OXEHU'NGA CONG.UEGATIONAL ■CIIU-RCH. •SUND-AY. September utb, at 11 a.m., .1 p.m., and 6 p.m. TUESDAY, 7th, at 7.30 p.m. Special Hymns and Anthems, Etc. ( Soloists: Miss Irene Clnrk. Miss Winnie Christie. Mr. Harold Goode. .Mr. Frank Sutherland. . Large model of the "iMnytlower" be-juti- i fully decorated, Jias 'been erected In the Church. __ .Don't Miss These Historic Services, i>o? CITIZENS' WATCH COMMITTEE MEETS QUAY ST., SUNDAY, 7 p.m. Petition Against Asiatic Influx ready and awaits your Signature. Speakers: MR J P. CRAWFORD. MR. M. BOYLE. i ' and MX. H. WOOOROFFE. 34 "VfEW ZEALAND LABOUR TARTY. QUAY STREET MEETING. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2.43 P.M. MR. .1. A. LEE. Subject: "The Red, the Green, the Yellow, and N. McMullen." Collection In Aid of Party's Activities. RAPT O N LIBRA R Y. MONDAY NEXT, 7.45 P.M. Lecture on "Economic Waste and the Cost of Living." Speakers: M. Walker and C. A. Wilson. Questions aud Discussion. It is a Vital Subject: BE THERE. It ivUl PAY YOU to Attend. Silver Coin Admission to Defray Expenses. 671 AUCKLAND GROCERS' A?iS IST A NTSINDUSTRIAL UNION OF WORKERS. A General Meeting of the above Union will Tie held in Union Rooms, l>2, Siranson Street, on MONDAY NEXT, the Cth inst., at 8 p.m. The Secretary will he in attendance at 7.30 p.m. to receive monthly subscriptions. Roll Call at 8.30 p.m., when all Members are expected to be present. Business: General. J. H. MORTENSEN. <jjg Secretary.
THE W.M. AND OFFICERS OF T..0.L. No. I, 'INVITE MEMBERS OF KINDRED LODGES TO JOIN WITH THEM ON jy£ONDAY JSJIGHT gTH JNST. 1 i AT 8 r.M. £ IBY ORDER. ■' I i>4>i ",M. 1 QEKCLE Jl R A N C A I S. j !' , — La prochaine reunion dv French Club anra lieu dans le local habltuel Ie Lundl 6 Septcinbrc a halt hcurce dv coir. Les menibces s«nt pries do' conßidf'rer le present" nvis comme -tenant lieu d'invltation. progrnoime e»t place sou» la direction de Madame Galitzenstein et de Mesdemoi- .- selles Rebours. S. I. CL.ARKE, ■Secretaire. .TO" — -Y|-EETIN« IN HEADI'l QVARTKKS ON < 1 JT~V_ \ WEDNESDAY, AT 2.30. V*"J— MUS. MILLER will Speak. C. / V All Ladies Heartily Vnr.U >« InyUedL 8 * 'UCKLAND RETURNED SOLDIERS' A. ASSOCIATION (Incorporated). A General Meeting of Members of nnove : Association will be held at the Concert Chamber/ Town Hall. at 7.30 p.m. THUUSDAY, September i>. BUSINESS: 1. Election to Fill Vacancy on Committee. 1 As "matters which vitally affect the '. future of the Association will come up for
discussion at thia meeting, it is imperative that every member who takes an interest in the affairs of the Association should be PreSent - E. F. ANDREWS, Ql3 Secretary. MEDICAL TREATMENT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN. Members of all School Committees are earnestly requested to ATTEND A MEETING To discuss the above, at the TEACHERS , INSTITUTE ROOMS, Williamson's Chambers, Staortland Street, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, AT 7.30 P.M. The Government Schools' Medical Officers have been invited to attend, and explain 11 what has already been done in other ', districts. I C. H. FURNESS, President, i; Primary Schools' Committees Association. I«rpAJnW«A" la the molt popular X Household Boa?. »
Page 11 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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