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TENDERS. -pRICK for Palming Hoiwe, Labour only J- or otherwise.—Apply S2. Prospect Terrace. Mt. Mm. 013 piUCH wanted for Painting aMmitaniey. j pRK-.1-: wnntc-d. for about 2."ft CrtmritC ■*- breakwater, with Ster«; dim CleaninK! ■JUotnipnt.-IJ7, Calliope Jtd.. Jtevonport. I "I>A.INTEI{.S.— 1-rice wanted for ].aintlus I -*- inside and repapprins ti-rooineil 'House. Apply t(, Cheltenham Terrace. Devonnort. ,ns j QUOTATIONS wanted for Pointing House. ' ■f* Particulars from 1, Canada St., Mt. Rcll *n. - fig i rjIKXDERS FOR CARTING T rifß ER. Tenders aro inrttctl for dpllvprinq two or throe million fee; of snwn llinlu-r from •'eyre's Mata-nnin Mill to this K-il!«-iho H:\ll-! «•»)• Station, fibwit .1 miles. Tenders ■ luse on TUBSDAY. September 21. Lowest or any other tender not npeessarily accepted. Conditions on application to 52 A. E. JOYCE. Kaikohe. mO .R- U I L D Fi X S. Tenders for the erection. In wood, of a l> - ew School Bullrllns at Walttinguru iWnitomo Conntyl -will be received at the Office of the Auckland Education Board until Noon on TUESDAY. ■September 21. lOCti. iPlnns. etc.. may be seen at the Te Kuiti Post Office, and at the Otllce of the Board. 527 JOHN FARRELL. Architect. rp o ii uii.i>ic It 8. I Tenders for the KrecHon (in wood) or Additions to the RAWKNE S-Vliool BuildIng (Hokianpa), will be received nt the Office of the Auckland Education Board until Noon on TUESDAY, 2lsi September, 1021). Plans, etc., may be seen at the Rnwene Post Office and nt the Office of the Board. 610 JOHN FARRELL, Architect.
mo b v i l d E It s. J Tenders for tlie .Erection (in hrielO of -J Additions to the Infant School Building "t t Ci'RF.Y LYNN will be rc-elved at the Oltlce of the Auckland Education Board until Noon on FRIDAY. 24th September. J'.KiO. < Plans, etc., inav be seen at the office of the ■ BoirJ. " • . I G2|i JOiHN FARRELL. Architect. j Irp O BUILD ERS. " Tenders for the F.reellnn (in brick) of ' nn Infant Sr-nool P.nlldin!: ut TIAR'GAVII.I.K ! will be received at the O'fu-p of the Auck- : ] land I-MiK-ation Board unlil Noon on TUESDAY. 21st September. W2O. Plans, etc-., irmy he seen at the Danniville Post Otllce and at tie Office of the Hoard. 020 .IOHX FARRELL. Architect. rp ob v i i< i> c it »• T»ndprs for tlie Erection (in brick) ot an Infant School Building at TAURANC.A will be received at rtie OitW of the Auckland Education Board until Noon on TUESDAY, 21st September. 1020. Plans, etc. ' may be seen at the Post Oflice nnd ft the Oflice of the Board. 621 JOHN FARRELL, Architect. ■rp o B U 1 iL O E ll S. TKNDFIRS for rhe I-7RECTION'(tn wood) of ADDITIONS to the Swaiwoii School Building will lie received at the Office of . the Auckland 'Education Board until Noon on THURSDAY. f>th September. 11120. Plans, etc., may be seen at the Office of Che Board. JOHN FARRELL, 632 Architect. "OOIROUGH OF MOUNT EDEN. f Tenders -will be received hy the- undersigned until 5 p.m. on 'MONDAY. September 6. 1020. for the Construction of (>in Diameter :Main Sewer In tunnel 1700 ft In length Finns nnd specifications may lie , seen on -apuhca-tion vi the Bvrougu .Enqueer's Offlce. g GRAy Angnst 31. IMP. Town Clerk. 533
A UCKLAND .HiAiIiiBOL'R 80-VRD. XX TIMBER FELLIXO CONTRACT. Secretary's Odice. August 'J3, 1020. Tenders will be received at this Office . ■ until Noon or TITBSSPAV, Soptemtier 14. | for Felling. MilKnir. and Delivering Timber from Orere. in terms of Spe<:ilU-atlou nnd Conditions of Contract, to be scon nt the Office of the 'Board's Engineer, Quay Street. Tenders to be addressed in the Chairman, nnd endorsed on envelope. > ,- Teu<ler for Timliex Felling Contract." The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. •By Order. 373 !H. B. BtTRXiBTT. Secretary. VX/AITEMATA COUNTS COUNCIL. Tenders nre inrited until Noon on FRIDAY, 17th September Next, for the following Works :—■ « CONTRACT No. uG7 — Ruao-te-Whenua Road: 28 Chains Rond Construction. CONTRACT No. r>oß—Forest Hill Road : 22j Chains Road Construction. CONTRACT No. rififl— Braliaut Road : 34 Chains Road Construction. CONTRACT No. 570—Parr's Cross Road : 2ti Chains Road Construction. CONTRACT No. r.71 —Waimuku-West Coast Road : -10 Chains Road Construction. Plans and Specifications may be seen at th« County Office, 410, N.Z. Insurance
Building,- Auckland. OERALD A. JACKSON. 637 Connty Engineer. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. NEW ZEAL/AND. WAIKATO ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY. SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT. AUCKLAND Tenders, closing at Noon on TPWDAY. 7th September, will be received by the Secretary. Public Works Tenders ißoard Wellington, for the Supply of 'SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT for Walkatn. Specifications, etc.. inny !•«* ot>tnin<Ml ml anolication at the Public- Works Offices. Auckland, Christcburch (Electric-all, Dunedin., and nt this Office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. p rvKKX B.T. Engineer-in-Chief and Undersecretary. Wellington, 27th August, 1920. NOTE —The closing (late In respect nf tlie above tender has been extended until 30th September. 1020. Mji PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, NEW ZEALAND. WATT METER'S WITH DEMAND INDICATORS. Tenders, closing nt Noon on TU'E'ftnAY. 7th September. 1020. will he received by Secretary. Public Works Tenders ' "Station*, etc may be on A Sr^n^ P * a T .he"owe B t th i? not necessarily accepted. p FITRKE .RT. - E^^of h 2 ?^ a^ K s: , %if rctarT - NOTE —The closing date in respect of the above tender has been extended until .JOtli
September. 1020- aii> PUBLICATIONS. the bible H Should Be Jn Every Home. The complete Bible Story, from Genesis to Revelation, told in simple language of tO - d sne t h r und?enn n^ixty.e| f ., t .torie,, each complete In itself. With Coloured Tlates nnd nn Engraving on Witn loi almogt every pllßc . New edition, with maps and hiindreds of i»««»- aUd 6 ?r e s r t S ori t e°s. COrrCSPOn<l i)/G each, 10/4 posted. *ITKIAND SrXDAY SCHOOL CNION Darby Street, off Queen Street. FOR HIRE. _ WANTED TO HIRE. _ STAR to purchase.—Kntal, 4-, SlAtf.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
Word Count
969Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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