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ECCI.ESIASTICAI> _ £02() TKBwwTincA-Kir 19 2(] of thu OAII.INii (!!■" Tir-K "\TAYFLOW'En. I Speii.-il Sp?-vlcm will be held in all the Ain-kliind ('migrcKailouul fVtun'bM SI'NDAV. .SKl'Tl'lMlinCß fi. iaa<) a 10-o jITAYFr.OWE'H ryICMOXSTRATIOX Will IP held in the nEUJESWHIH ST. .I'ON<i.UEI!ATIO.\AL <IHV>RCn. rXTBDX.EBU.VY. (2-El'T. MW>. AT 7.4.-1 P.M. .Hl« Worship ihc MnrnriJ. 11. (imison. Esq.) will pn>«Mc RF.v IlvilliV .IuiI.NSON will tell the «lnr.v nf ttic Pll-.-rlm Fiilliors, llliKtratcd iiy Ta.lii-aux. t?i Iα 1 Mu*!.- l>y ■-Ma.-s^.l I'llrth-. Adnilwjtlnn Free. SUvic c.i!U-.:l.ui. iii-j) - -- — ' ii. .i. iHa;-I!)L !! l" n - ;<,, '- TIKIIKSI'OKI , ,«T. i-ONORKGATIONAL *-* rnriti'ii. iN.'xi I'pnirnl l-'lrc Station.l COMMKMdUATION OF THE TKUCKNTKNAUY UK Till-: HAII.INO 111 TUB UAVKLiiWKIt. SIMOCIAI. CDXiJRKUATIONAL HAY. II 11.H1.--RPV. Marry Johnson. "The DcBlnnlns-, of Con-nxntlonallsin." Anlhwn, "Ai-1.5.-. Wiliii'" il-.lvpyi. nf Mayflownr IlyuiuH liy t-hildi-en. :t"|°n"" 1.-pl'lnw"!!")',!'"' (1.-tfi p.m. -Sliciri .MiiHlcttl Service. Hi'lrctloti.s hy I In- l)i-«iinlsl. Mr. V. 11. Morton, ■•lli'rn's .March" I MondflHPolin). 'Tlip <'lliii,----luvlnlblo." "Pllsrim'K I'hiiriiß , ' (Woffucrt, "Waii-bmnii'H rt.m K -, iCrli-ul 7 p.m. llpv. l-'rcderl.' Wnriipr. "The Men nf Hi,. Mayll.iwPi-: Tlu-lr Mission and Mcssnu'o." Antlicni. "II')W l.uvcly Arc liic MPBKpnp-ci-s.-- s<. Ui by Miss Pottß, "Tile Pllh'rlm 1-'uilipi-s.--SI'KCIAI. fII'PKRIXIiH mil 11OMK MISSIOX I'TXIiS. AMEniI'AN CITIZKNS CORDIALLY INVITKD. SeptPtiibor 1J Yiiiinj- People's ServU-ps Soloist, Mr. llubprt Carter. MOUNT EDKX COXGREriATIOXAL CIIUIiCH, VIEW ROAD. COXCRISCATIONAL SUNDAY. 11 a.m.—Rev. Frederic Warner. -i'ly mouth Rock, the Corner Stone of uu.Nation." Soloist. Misß Pattie Wood. 7 p.m.—Rev. Harry Johnson. "The Church Horn in Prison." Soloist, Mrs. Dykes, of Yorkshire. GR L , KXL AX X CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. MlnlHler. ItKV. HAKOLD J. RALPH. ..UAYKLOVVKH I'-KIjERRATIONS. 11 a.m. ---The Incomplete Reformntion. ,, I'.-tr. p.m.—Children's Mayflower Service. Siieclal hymns. 7 p.m.—"The PlUcrlm Fatliprs. , ' Mr. 11. 'Wukelln will hlug "The Landing of the iPllgrim Fathers." .Mrs. C. Murray ami the Hcv. H. J. Ralph will Kins "I Heard 1 h e _ v ol ? ( '_ o 'L' T ' ,s " s Jsii>L- '1 VEWTUX CONdhKdATIONAL r-Ml'RCir l£<Uiibur(;li Street—ll am.. Supply; 7 p.m.. Rev. *!. <;rlfflths. Communion at close of Evening Service. Next Sunday F/venins the first of a series of addresses umler tbe auspices of the British Israel Atwofliitlon be given. M~~¥. ROSKILL C<JN(}RKGATIONAI. OHURCU—IRev. Ceo. Jackson, Minister. -iMaylloTver" Sunday. Morning at 11. lOvenlng at 7. .Preacher at borA Services, Rev. <Jeo. Jucksou. WESTKRN SPRINGS CONORICCATIONAL CHIUK'-H-—-May flower" Sunday.—Morning nt. 11, Rveuinn at 7. l'rpacher at botii Services. Rev. Alt. 'M. Ctmtaln. X -X U U ,N U A I 'ONXJJtKU AT I t)uX AL CHUROII. — Rev. T. Southwortli. flower Celebrations. rtcrvices. To-morrow at 11 a.m., :! p.m.. and 8 P.M. IX'STBAiD OiC 7 IP.!iI. (See Wpfciai Advertlscnieut under iMeptlnss). KVONP t> R T CONrtKEUATIONAL) CHtTßCH.—Services: 11 a.m.. Mr. J. Conlon Smith. Comumnlon at clone. 7 p.m., Rev. ,T. M. Stcwnrt. THE T7IMPREBB rpHEATRE. HE ■*- HEATRK. NEAR RESERVOIR CORNER. NEWTON. SPIRITUALISM: MORE EXPERIENCES. SPIRITUALISM: MORE EXPERIENCES. MAY NOT SOME MINISTERS OF RELIGION BE DEMON INSPIRED? MR. WESLEY RICHARDS Will (D.V.) speak on the above subject. at 7 p.m. Come to the Empress Thentre Services EVERY SUNDAY EVENING At 7 p.m. sharp. Singing G. 45 p.m. 500 Free Seats. No Collection. THURSDAY EVENING, at Howe Street Hall. 7.30 p.m.—MR. HINMAN will speak: "The Son of Man in the Midst o£ the Seven Golden 1.,-impstaudM." 524 -pMPIRE THEATRE, DOMINION ROAD. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. SUNDAY. 7 p.m. Song Service, G.Ju p.m. Spenkers: MR. CARTER AND MR. MARTIX. TUESDAY, 7.30 p.m.—Edeii Hall. Prayer Meetiug. THURSDAY. 7.30 p.m.—Bible Reading. You arc Cordially Invited to Each of Th ese Services. (jl Mi V\ UMi'.VS CHRISTIAN! ASSOCIATION. Sunday: Bible Class, 4.15 p.m. Leader, Mrs. lnglls. Tea, 5.15 p.m. Mrs. Rosa will act as hosteSH, Kotiro Club aßsisttng. After-Church Sing-Sous; for Hoys and Girls, 8.30 to 0.30 p.m. Light refreshments. Christian Standard of Actions, Open Forum for Young Women, ,'i p.m. Subject, "Is the Principle of Excluding Asiatics .1 ustillablc r] ■y M.C.A. II O M E H O U R. 4 TO 0.30 P.M., SUNDAY. INCLUDING WORKERS' TEA. Cordial Invitation to Ail Xouug Men to be Present, 045 yrwf. tl ALVA TI 0 N AItM Y. io|s& ALBERT STREET, Services To-morrow will be conducted by MAJOR X.EWIIY AXD RTAVB , , At 7 and 11 a.m., and 3 and 7 p.m. Welcome to Stnff-CapUiH and Mrs. Bear. 10 o'clock! Open-air, Pity Itoad. PROGRESSIVE CHURCH OP SPIRITUALISTS, DRUIDS' HALL, NORTH .ST., NEWTON. NOTE OHANfiIO OP HAM.. 2.3o—Open Recession, Lyceum. 3 p.m.—upon Circle, r> p.m.—Ten. Meiii'liers and frieuds. 1 7 p.m.—Speaker, ilr. Lewis. SE-PTJEMBBR- flth.—Me:nl)ers' Annual Meetlnir. All requested tv attend if pofsihle. 7.4r> p.m. SEPTEMBER Bill.—Open Circle at the above Hall, 7.45, conducted by Xnrse Clayton mid ot-herii. *^ • ASS E M B L V O~V G O D, •*»- Corner Union and Drake Streets, Freeman's Buy. FIRST ANNIVERSARY. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School ' 3.30 p.m.—Lord's Supper. % nJn P ' m '~missionary Service. Mr. J. J »[ Bailey. An heartily Invited , . '
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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787Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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