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ECCLESIASTICAL ~l Kn\ axdlTkws fre-sbyteriax ° CHURCH. lower- symoxds street. 11 a.m.—Communion Ht-rvU'ft T p.m.— .Bvauirellstlc .Service. TIVOI.I THEATRE. Subject, '-Fifteen Yours' Special Grace." 0 Mtulster: RWV. A. A. .MUUIIAY. THIS iSATUHDAY) EVEXIXO, 7.30. Pcrauiuil Workern" Meet In*. Hlble study »»'l r«TH..nnl Worlt, Visitors invited to nil MeptliiKH. ST. STEPHEN'S I-UESIBY.TKIUAN I'HIMICH. JEEVOIS ROAD, POXSON'BY. Services: > 11 —'The Epistlr to tlif rhuroh In Thyntlrn." 7 p.m.-"The Fpiii' nf llio I-ord is tin- * UPKliinln* of KiiowlcdifC." A Senium to ' VoHiin Men and Wiimoii. ItKV. I. Jnu.V. All Se.-it« l"rce. UT. JJAVIii'S PUEvSBV'rEKiAN L'HUttClI, KHVUKIt PASS ItOAD. . I 11 .-1.111.. Ul'V. li. 1!. IllKllil. PllUjrOT, * "infam HnntlHiii." 7 p.m., llnv, \). c llpiTon. M.A.. M.C. V), Mpptlns f»r ] >11>11 Sulijpi-t :it IMwUMHIon, "l.iiboiir ami tbp i'linn*!i. from tlf i"iHtvh'u W;:i ml i-.»t n t." MiiMiAV. ycni. (!. ".-(."■ p.m.-—lllustrated '. Led lire (,ii "Kmlliiiii iii'il X-linys." __All Splits Vrep. ST. J.VMRS , JMtUSHYTRUIAV CHURCH. WELLIXOTI IN STREET. ' MVIXE SKKVK'K (IX SUNDAY, SETT. .",. Mornlnir nt 11. F.venlns (it 7. An til "in fur Sunday Rveiilne: ■Tin- Sun sii.,ll ».. x,> More 'xiv I.tzht l>y Day" iWiwlwnrdl Sn.TPil Kilo. "Lord f:o<l <]f Alinilmm" i"rcil.|iih"l. Mr. K. Impett. ,'. I Preacher. HKV. IS. 1.. WAI/Kl'jH. M.A. St. Luke'S piii:snYTi:niAN , HKMVEIW. ;l Minister: liirv. i. .1. TOrivEU. " SUNDAY, SEITEMUKR ."i. 'I :< m.—communion, iiev. c. .1. Tockcr. j 7 p.m. i:.>v. C. f. Itrown. All Scats Free. Tip , . KDKN PitHSHYTERUN CIirUCII, ' j i * JL \II>!"NT KDFV lIOAP. iNc-.u- Tram Tormlninl. ' Services: Morning nl 11, Evenlns ni 0.1," Pronc-hpr. HKV. .1. W. SHAW, MA. All Scats Free. • Tv~ N° x cnrll c "• rARNE LL ' I Jl n.4i!.—Pre-Communion Servi-'c. S-neetal I " ' Preparatory 'Preacher. lt-KV. c. K. roll- | -.TEH fof Papatoetoe). All Comtuunlciints specially Invited. 7 p.m.—ltKV. JAMES IXC.S. ' Tl'KSliAY.—Offlpp-liPenr* Meet. REi'TE'MiBHIt IJ -Qiuiricrly Coumiunlon. . QOME.IIVF.LL I'-RKHWYTEKtAS CHURCH RE-MPERA. Morniug Service, 11 a.m. f KVRXIMi BERVICK. C..-1O i>.m. ' 1 (Owing to low kus pressure.) r H.EV. J. PATTISOX, Minister. ■ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ' GARDNER ROAD. 11 a.m.—Quarterly Communion Service. ' 7 p.m.—Post Communion Service. REV. (,'. '11. MAODOXALD, MA.. P..5,-. ' QJT. ANDREW'S PIIrTSHYTERIAN f » CHURCH, OTAiHfHr. n a.m.— Mt. Wink*. - n •p.m.—ltev. W. T. Currie. Owliir I" curtailment n-r pas. ilip Kvpn--1 Ins Service will lie <-om'mpii.-iMI at li p.m. I This to continue until rlie full «».< prefisurc !s rontort-d. ' CJT. - PAT7I/S PKKSKYTKKIAX rilTllclf. ; O VICTORIA KOAI>. DEVOXPORT. ' 11 a.m.—Rev. O. Hud<l. loaununlon Fcrvlce. T p.m., Rev. G. Uudd. "The Ciosptl of the 'Kingdoni of Oiml." ST. PBTffiß'S PRBBBYTBRIAN CHURCH Great Xortli Road, Grey Lynn. 11 a.m.—MR. YV. .T. MAINS. 7 p.m.—'REV. W. J. GOW. RICHiMOND PRBSIBYTIERIAN CIIUJtCII KranPla St. (Grey Lynn Tram TermlmiN). . 11 a.m., Mr. 8. U. Boot; 7 p.m., Mr. S. L. Hoot. All welcome. XIKHUXGA I'KKSBYTERIAX fIIUUCU. 11 a.m., "Tue reojile Outside tlio Clnirch." U p.m., ' Thp I'llgrlm Katlirr?." KICV. D. r>. SCOTT. ST. ENOCH'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning-side. —11 a.m. nnd 7 p.m. MlnlHter: RHV. J. LOnDKN. ST. GEORGE'S PRE»BYTKRIAN CHCRCII. TAKAPUXA.—Services 11 . a.m. und 7 p.m. Mlnlatpr. ltev. 1). J. Albert. LOWER REMCBRA MISSION HALL. 7 -p.m.—Communion Scnlcc R«v. c. J. Toeker. ' AICCKLAXII X;.XITARIAX CHUItCH, t 1-i. J'OXiSOXBY ROAD. ■Minister. 1 REV. ALBERT THOKXHIM,. M.A. TO-MORROWS SUBJECTS 11 a.m.—"SAHjTN-O OF THE MAYIT.OW]aR." 7 p.m.—WAGNER'S "TWIUCIIT OF TIIR «ons." Wncn-prinn Musio from 0.4;">. Scrripc at 7 Of-s;)pciiil Interest to music lovers. Spa Is frep jTtHRISTIAX SPIRITUAL CHURCH. CENTRAL HAUL, COOK STREET, Off Hon.iou Street. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AT GAT.. f Inntallini- of MISS LI.IA' BURGESS a Clf ted Child of God. to Solemn Position of llediumshlp. All Spiritualists are cordially invited. All Creeds and Dogmas are specially requested to attend this Sacred Service. MR. BURGI2S3, Spiritual Healer. Health <l Diaguoser, and Psychometrleal Teacher, will conduct the service, nnd will deliver . address. Subject: "Spiritual Gifts: How 1 they Manifest In Many Ways and not known." Messnges from Flowers liy Mlire 1 >Lllr Burgess and Mr. A. Burgess. 187 l rpilE THEOSOPHICAIi SOCIETY. -*■ (H.P.B. LODGE). HOFFMAN'S BUILDrS'GS, 331, QUEEN STREET. 3 i SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER o. PUBLIC LECTURE. '•■KIXD.XKSS TO ANIMALS," By MISS AUGUSTA WIHTE. A U.CKLANID Til EO SOI MI 1C A L • I\- SOCIETY. p SOCIETY OF AIRTS BUILDINGS. TO--M'OEiROW (31SXDAY1, AT 7 P.M. Public Lecture. I , FttAG'iLIuNTS OF THBOSOPIIY." (By iM'ISS .1, €, iII.AiW.EB. Music and Rewlin-'. OF SPIRITUAL UNITY, 1 Oddfellows' Hall, Pitt Street. ' I :: p.m.—MIS;: HARRISON and Others. ! 7 p.m.—ttl'lSS HAIHIRISO'X. Subject, -Why '■ Weep for tlie Dead?" ilessnges from flowers. , ' Mont-My Meeting, Tneiiduy Night S o'clock, 58, IBelgium Street. DKVOXIPO'RT GOSPEL HALL. ■Calliope Road. You- are Heartily Invited to Hear MR. E. F. SMITH. Who delivers his Closing Address oa SUN.DAY, 1 P.M. " TUB G.LOKY OS , TffE nROSS." . Special iSlDging. fße SuDe and Cojue.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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760Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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