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ECCLESIASTICAL. Or. MARYS CATIIKDRAL. rARNHLr,. HIM SIND.U AFTER TRINITY. X i1.i11.-- ll.ilv <••■ unnuiik.ii. lil..'l'i 11.111. -M:l!tllS. :i a.m Merinnu. Preacher. RWV. F. I). P.IHSCIiK. 11.-i ii.m. II"!*' Ciiniinuiiliiu fclinral). •J.J.-, p.m. -,«uiii;ii,v-S.-liool. ■I pin l>..|y liii|itl»ni. ; 7 p.m. KvciiAOiiir. Pr,-i.<!i-'r: THE VII'AII. ijt. ir.,TTjii-:\ys viiiuiK'ii, \-\'KLLF.SLEY GiTREET. stVIiAV. SKITEMItKR .". 11 \I.-iiin.--. Holy Cnmnuinion mid Rpi-mnn. I'ri-a. hit: ItKV. W. K. GiI.LAM. Kciirinu- CnlliM-tliiii fur ttin Orphan Home. ■t.i.-i' pin. ii ■!>■ it.iptiMii. ItKV. C. 11. (iIIAXT-COWEN, M.A. Anihem: n [<ny for Ilip I , carp" i(Uw*\. All Seats Frp,> nt Five to Seven. iiSK TIIi'USAXII FRinc SIT riN'lS. XiITIC. The Tower Is open for Visitor* Mnndiij-H tv I-'ri,lny.<, iu.-hißlve, from :i a.m. u> I p.m. (JT. PAUL'S riIT'P.CII, SYMOXKS ST. SUNDAY, SEITE.MBER ."•. « n.ui. Holy KiirlinrlKt. in. i:. MiithiK and I.ltnny. II 11.,|y Kucliarlst (Kir n: nud Scr ni..n. Proacher: THE VICAR. ipvillliiK of Mural Tablet lo Memory of lair .Mrs. L. 11. Hurry. 7 p.m.— EviMiHuni; and Sermon. Rul.jprl, ■■Our Life After Dcutli" (-'. Preacher: 'tHIO VICAI!. All Seats Free. Oiirucii ok the holy sicri'i-CHKi:. KIIYRKH PAHX KO.M), SUNDAY, SIC PTKM It Kit B. s a.m. Holy (.'nniinuiilini. ll a.m. -Holy I'umiuituiuu (plalni. ami I i> iii.-dlolj- I!:i;yllsin. ! 7 p.m.— Ivwnaonjr inn! Sermon. Anthem: "II TilMtc nnd Kei>" ll.iii.-ts). REV. 11. X. JiRI'M'MOXD', nil Services. A 1.1. SAINTS' CHURCH. POXSONBY. ■"- SUNDAY, SKI'THMBEU . _ .. « :l.ln. Holy Collliiinnton. Id :i.m.—Cunlirnmtlnn cines. II a.m. Matins and Holy f'ouunuiiloii. TIIK VICAI'. 4.1S p.m. -Holy Ilnptism. 7 p.m.—Kveneong and Sermon: THE VICAR, lr !-':i« fulls, servi.-e will lie held in the Schoolroom. ' IIiORXK BAY. 7 p.m. — Ereiiaoiitf. Key. Julin Blnmtleld. tt T. L V X E ' S C II U R C H. MOUNT ALBERT. S a.m. -'Holy Communion, ll a.m. -Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon. Prenvhor: CANON ILASKI.DKX. 3 p.m.- Sunday Pehool. I p.m.- Holy UaptlHiu. 7 p.m.-■■ Evening l'raycr and Sermon. Preacher: CAXOX HA-SELDKN. All Scats Free. cj-T. p c t i: k • s <■ ii v re ii, ►° QCEEX STUBET, OXEHU.VOA. SUN-DAY, SEPTE'M.BFIit r<. S a.m.—Holy Communion. II a.m. — Holy Coiu-munlon nnj Sermon. 7 p.m.—Kvenlns Service as usual. Special Liphtlni; seenred. Preacher at both Services: IREV. J. R. JJI'UCIIX. OT. A I DAN S, R'BIIUERA. SnN.DAY, SEPTiEMTBHR .-.. mi'o. ASWIViBRiSArRT 'PBSTiVAIIj SBRVICKS. 5 a.m.—Holy Communion. II a.m.-J.VloruljiE Prayer and llolv ComBniiiion. Preacher: RiEiv. .l.vsr.EK CALDiER. 6 p.m.—■BveniuK Prayer and. Sermon. IPreacher: ARCH'DiKAOO,X *JVAX4«. CHURCH, NEWTON. S a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 a.m.—Choral .Eucharist and Sermon. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher: REV. F. LATTER. Vicar. /HhUROU OF ST. COLTOIEA. — 8 a.m. *-> and 11 a.m., H-oiy Comlunioh; 7 p.m., Kre-naonir. Rcy. J. H. Cable. AUCKLAND A V I S S I O N. PRINCESS rnUEATRE, QUEEN -i- STREET. TO-MORROW DVE-NlN'a. Doors open 0.30. 7 o'clock—Mr. Cunningham's Orchestra. 7.30 p.m.—Service begins. Offertory Solo: "Dc I'rofundlß" (Verne>. MRS DOROTHY WILLIAMS (Violin Obllgato, Mr. H. flapsford). Preacher: XJEV. JASPER /BALDER. Tlcase bring Hymn Book (A. and M.I if possible. N.B.—Extended Ad. on back page. nn_B A UCKLAND BAITIST T.U3ERNACLE. SUNDAY, PE-PTEOIBE-R 5. THE PASTOR, JOSEPH YS7 TTEMP, "Will Preach Morning nnd Evening. 10.15 a.m.—Season of Intercession. II a.m.-MORNIX'G SFJRVrCE (.followed by Lord's Supper and 'Reception of New Member.*!. 7 p.m.—EVENING SHRVrCE. THU-RSDAY, 7.30. " BACIv TO THE BI1BDE" LECTURE, By REV. JOSEPH W. K'EIMT. " EXODUS—The 'Book of IBc-deniptlon." Brinj, Bible and Notebook. OPEN TO ALL. "jyrOUNT EDEN BAPTIST CITURCH, MOUNT EDEN ROAD. EEV. ERIC EVANS, J.I a.m.—Communion Servtce. 0:."0 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m.—A. Bright (Evangelistic Service. PiiTijp^'t; "Inimflmicl.** GBANOE ROAD BAPTIST CHTJROH. REV. W. 11. lIINTON. 10 n.m. —Jnnlor Endeavour Socletv 11 a.m. -Jlr. F. Knde. 7 p.m.—Mr. W. H. Newton. Communion after Morning Service. ALBEHT BAPTIST CHURCH. Services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Preacher: EEV. A. ANSTICE. KDKNDALE, 7—Mr. Leslie Uttln.g. T7l PS O M BAPTIST CHU RC H ■a-* 11 n.m.. "A Pace from Puritan History : , p.m., "rilgrim Father Ideals " EdhJ?Td n Chara f Mlnl«ter nUne BBn ' lee — Kev - PiOxsonry "baptist" ciiuhch REV. L. n. BUSFIELD. 11 a.m.—"The Individuality nf Duty " Communliin nt dose. 7 p.m., "Tbp 1 tlon Of flic Blavea." All henrtlly wlleomo RICHMOND BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: REV. R. HORN ' 11 a.m., ' ConrilßP"; 7 p.m.. "I'ny Thy Vows." All welcome. Wednesday 7•» P.m. ' rpAOKAPUXA TJA'I'TIST rynTlTi"-^ J- -MI-IJFOin-D-ll a.m. and 7 p m £ p' 18. 'Radford. Cele-liraitton of the tkpVi,' tenary of the -Sttllln-R -of the Mayflower" 2.50 -p.m.. -Sunday School. " .- 4 ,j '¥* ORDER OP THE STAR IX THE EAST. PUBLIC ASSEMBLY. SUXDAY, SEPT. fi, AT 3 P.M. THEO.SOPHICAL HALL, 351, QUEEN ST. „ Addresses by rvfTJ. , ? FT.ETCHER AXD MR. J. KAHAUA. ° "THIO COMIXrj OF A .SUPREME Spiritual -telCHer." 1 -Who is He, and What Will He Teac-h ?
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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758Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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