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PROPERTIES FOB SAI.E. CHARMING SITUATION. PONSONBY WATERSIDE. i? 1 fIXA—BUNGALOW TYPE OF ! <m-L\>O\J HOME built about 0 yeara of first-class kauri, and containing 6 rooms, bathroom, etc., finished in oiled rimu; verandah back and front; pore, bath, califunt, gas stove, washhouse, p.w.c. Nice peep of bnrbour. Situated in one of the most attractive streets on Ponsonby waterside. Owner prepared to accept £1630 for a limited time only. (296) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON" and PUKEKOHE. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD " AVONDALE SUBURBAN ORCHARD AND HOME. SEVEN ACRES. ■PI house ok t large •3*-LO*J\J UOOMS washhouse, frultliouse, stable, etc. ' 7 ACRES nicely sloping lan-1 :4} ACRES ORCHARD. mostly commercial apples In bearing, 1J acre paddock, 1 acre garden and grounds. Tliret>(]uarters mile from crossing, and 1J miles from Avondale Station. Price, including trap, harness, disc. harrows, spray pump fowls, 2 pigs, etc., £1950. Terms.. £500 cash. 023) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. '•NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." NARROW NECK BEACH FRONTAGE. £> "I J_pr A—BUNGALOW 6b' r> ROOMS, '~~-L~i*J\f bathroom and large pantry ; finished iv up-to-date style: glassed-in I verandahs, open fireplace, pore, bath and basin, gas stove, callfont, septic tank, I p.w.c. i-acre Section with frontage to beach, laid out in garden, lawn, fruit trees, etc. Price £1450. (189) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET, Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHR "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD. FINE SUBURBAN HOME LARGE SECTION. ELEVATED POSITION. ■P1 TKA-WODEKN RESIDENCE of 7 JJX • O\J roomr, bathroom «nd pantry: 2 square bays and return verandah: rooms all large; finished in oiled rlmu and recently ro-papered an*d palnceo , ; pore bath and basin, range anil gae stove, n. and c. water, washhouse (c and t.j. LARGE MOTOR CARAUE (hold 2 cars). Section, road. Splendid elevated position, .com- ! handing line views of upper harbour.' etc-. Tul/s is a superior style of home, and one we can recommend inspection. Price, mod. 1179/MtA) j SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 1 83. QUEEN STREET. ! Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. ! . " NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD." REMUERA WATERSIDE BUNGALOW FOR URGENT SALE. jPI TAA-BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, | i \J\J bathroom a.nd large kitchen- I ette: built about 3 years; sleeping porch, plaster ceilings, large dlnlngroom ipanelledl; porr. ba-th and basin, range and pas ><tove, h. and c. water; sewer drainage and p.w.p. MOTOR OARAGE. Section, 50 x 20Oft. Nice surroundings Price, £170(1. Term?: £300 cash. Early possession given. (36) SAMUEL VAILE~& SONS, LTD, S3, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. ! " NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS GOOD " j NEAR PART EPSOM. X? 1 <>AA—HOUSE. 4 rooms, bathroom W an(l s ..,,iiery: built about S years, and in pood ordec: pas range, spwer ilrainagc, p.w.c, attached washhouse. Section. C<3 x 132 ft. Close to I'tm'ling Groen, and easy walk to Newmarket. Trice, £1200. Terms: Half cash. SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. S3, QUEEN STREET. ; Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. •■ NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." ! HOME SITES. : ON EASY TERMS. TO THOSE IX SEARCH OP HOME SITES we can otter Sections in the following estates:— . ROYAL OAK— 1 T EVEL. Sir-Ml-VOLCANIC LOTS, close : to cars at Royal Oak corner. Prices from £3 o per ft. Only £13 deposit. 1 HIGHLANDS— ON SLOPES OF MT. ALBERT.—Beautifully situated lots, within easy wais of cars. Prices from 40/ per ft. 10 per cent deposit. SUKREY HILLS— rpilE CHEAPEST LOTS WITHIN f -L REACH OF 2nd TRAM SECTION— • Good Lots from £3 10/ per ft on 10 per cent deposit. • SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. i S3, QUEEN STREET. f Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. ' "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS J IT'S GOOD." PONSONBY WATERSIDE ' DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ' ON CORNER LOT. O-l QfkA-RESIDENCE o f s room3i dJ-LOW bathroom, sleeping balcony, etc . all i" lirst class order; modern art. I papers and decorations; pore, bath and basin, califont, p.w.c. Insured for £1200. Nice water view. Freehold. Corner lot. Close to waterfront. Ideal situation for boating man. Price, £1900. i Terms: £500 cash, balance easy instal--1 rnents. ; SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. ' S3, QUEEN STREET. r Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. 7 "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ■ t IT'S GOOD." MT. ALBERT. 3 RESIDENCE AND THREE ACRES. j (T>f»K A—HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, bathcAVWU room and scullery; 2 bays ' and return verandah : City water supply • drained into septic tank. Outbuildings' comprising cowbails, stable •> sheds, diiiry, etc. 3 ACRES of rich semi" volcanic soil, all ploughable; garden and orchard : balance grass. Elevated position, commanding glorious views. Situated on main thoroughfare, only 10 mins from trams and train. Price, £2650 Terms, £650 Cash ; bal. 3 years at 6 per cent. (176) ; SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. ' 83. QUEEN STREET. : Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOBJ=.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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773Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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