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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. MT. EDEN HOMES. n 1 Oflfk—' MODERN BUNGALOW, in oi'-LoU'U i le6 t .part lit. Eden. Freehold section, 60 I 170. Handy trams. Six large rooms, modern papers, scullery, and gas stove, bathroom (callfont), wat>hiiouse (copper and tuTjs): motor shed. House in perfect ordf-r throuhgout. Insurance, £1000. A CHEAP HOME AT £1800. TERMS ARRANGED. r?-i Kpr/V-SEMI-BUN'GALOW, of 6 large gj±.OO\f rooms, pore, bath, califont, p w.0., range, washhouse (copper and, tubs). Fine large section, TO x 300. Free-hold. Recently papered -iroughout. PRICE, £1350. £550 CASH. Call Early to Secure This Bargain. REMUERA BARGAIN. RE'.MUERA WATERSIDE. - £2500 — LOVELY MODERN 7ROOMED BUNGALOW, 2-storey. best locality: magnificent views of harbour. (iooms large and noilappointed, riiningroom. sittini, r room, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, scullery. waßhhouse, copper and tubs, 2 patents, bathroom, califont. h. and c. water, range and gas Rtove. Section, almost half an acre. Freehold. pretty garden. Tennis lawn, fruit trees, fowlrun. A Great Bargain at £2500. Tcnii!', fbUl to £1000 rash. B. L. BAGNALL AND CO. 501, N.Z. INSURANCE BLDGS. Phone 23HA. Let us know your requirements, we have Houses and Sections in all suburbs. 010 DESIRABLE HOMES r- »»:■: n — remueka watkßside — .handy trams). —Modern Rroomed Bungalow, recently built, of best timber: nice papers, art friezes: large free- | hold se-tion, (ifift frontage: select locality; i large kitchen, gas stove; bathroom, porcelain bath, callfont: warhhouse, I'opper and tubs; every modern ronveniencc. Price, only £2250. Terms arranged. O-l CfXn— EPWOM—New Bungalow of (5 3J±\JO\J large rooms. 3 fireplaces: range and gas «-tove; washhouse. copper and tubs; sewer drainage: handy Epsom care; large section, 00 I 130, freehold. Trice. £1650. Terms. Full particulars from B. L. BAGNALL AND CO. 501, N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS. Phone 25HA. r>lo THE HAYMARKET LAND ROOMS, A INSERT DTRBET. KOHIMARAMA. y\ts say with all confidence '* cnut pn-),k yrALITV. LOiViKLY POSITION. AND CMJOIUOU-S VIEWS, we ran offer a Fine ReslJ-antiul Property, tjje like of which is not to b<. had in the POPULAR AND NEAR MARIrNK SUBURB. Un-ro-datn Bungalow Ki-sldcnco. 7 LARGE LOFTY 1100_\LS. and every modern onnAll absolutely in plni; .rf condition, in.side and out. Built of HKAHT OF TOTARA. under arcliltect's suiie-rvision. The pretty grounds of IJ ACRES are most tiißtpfnlly laid out and well kept. Lawns, prardeQs and cow paddock. Now motor »hed. The owner a.>iks CJIOO, the place 13 honestly worth £3000. Other 2 Acres lar.d may be" bad if required <e7op us show you this; you will endorse all we say. Immediate possession. £650—COMMERCIAL ROAD, ARCH HILL. PLEASANT OPEN POSITION, very convenient to car. Good Kauri House: f> rooms, scullery, etc.; city drainage and patent w.c. (<J7-) HENDERSON VALLEY. THE FRUIT CENTRE. TO ORCHARDISTS. —-An assured Income right away.—-1J ACRES in orchard, paddock and gardpn. Couvciiient to township and station, by metalled rond. CAPITAL HOUSE, 5 LARGE ROOMS: packing shed, nud necessary outbuildings. Owner wishing large farm, asks £1550. An absurdly low flgxire. (070) i ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LIMITaED. B PONSONBY, O-ititi DEPOSIT—Neat Villa Residence, 3JJ-O\J situated within a few minutes of the tram, containing 5 rooms, barhroom, washhouse 'c. and t.l, p.w.c; level eectlon, ■loft x 120 ft approx. Balance, £550, easy terms. MOUNT EDEN. TTP-TO-DATE ROUGHCAST BUNGALOW U RESIDENCE, ,-ontainln; 0 rooms and all iv>nv., including p.b. and b. and callfont: folding door between dining and drawingrooms; level section. 30ft x 140 ft; situated in the nicest part of UUs charming suburb, floor covering's and bliuds go with the property. Price, £1750, and terms can be arranged. DEVONPORT. AN IDEAL GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE. xUuaturt in the best part of the popular marine suburb and commanding views of inner and outer harbours; impossible to build out. Residence is faithfully bullit of heart of kauri, contains S large rooms, witb all possible couv. and spacious verandahs. Grounds comprise j of an acre of volcanic soil, beautifully laid out In lawns, Bhnibs, ami orchard. Located handy to befit beaclies. This elnss of an absolute bargain at £2,500. Terms can •be arranged. First time offered. Sole Agents. W- E. DERVAN & CO., 51, Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. B £750. THREE-QUARTERS OF AN ACRE AND GOOD HOUSE. BIRKDALE— Built 3 years. Six Rooms, kitchen, and all convs. Heart kauri 'and in best of order. Splendid elevated i position and glorious views. Threequarters of an acre of fine land and a numbe; of full-bearing fruit trees, etc. Apples, leu.mis, grapes. Owner has found growing of fruit and vegetables very profltable indeed. Right handy to favourite summer , store. Bus to property from Birtenhead. ' All this for the ridiculously low price of £750. Unusually good value. '[ VACANT. ' f'lftfJO ~ KINGSLAND—NICE HOME ' dwJArtJV of 5 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom: Dew, up-to-date papers and . friezes; sll in the beat of order; all convs., including pore, bath and callfont: waeh- - house, gas store. A good property. £525. £375. ' rpWO CHEAP LITTLE HOMES in NEWIi- TON. One 7 rooms, scullery, bath- . room, p.w.c; and 5 rooms and conva, inI eluding p.w.c. For further particulars apply GEO. SAVERS AND SONS I B.H.Z. BUILDINGS. SWANBOX ST. C
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
Word Count
828Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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