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PROPERTIES FOR SAI.E. P. W. Donglas. 'Phone BaeA. DOUGLAS AND CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, i -pVACTORY OR VyABEHOUSE QITE. P-1 AAA.— THIS Property is situated in dJJ-U\J\J t )j e heart of the City. Section 50 x 112; also 2-S'I'OREY SHOP. 3 COTTAGES. Balance, £6000, at 6 per cent. TJEMUERA. n -1 on A—ROUGH-CAST BUNGALOW, owiOUV situated In the best part of Remuera, standing on Section 55 x 300; built only 4 months, containing 6 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, c. and tubs, built-in wardrobes and cupboards; every cony. You can have Immediate possession. Cash, £1000 Deposit. "DEMUERA. fi Q^A — 6 ROOMS, bathroom, pore. 3JXOO\J bath and basin, califont, washhouse, c. and t., patent; nice garden and lawns. Easy terms arranged. douglasTand co., ALL THE TIME, VICTORIA STREET EAST. B A TAKAPUNA BARGAIN. BEST VOLCANIC LAND. EQUAL TO QIANGEKE. FINE WELJXBLTLT .HOUSE, wich 3J acres of land, wifh splendid sole of grass. Well fenced, gnod outbuildings. The property is level, with long frontage to two roa-ds. Owner will sell louse and one acre, £1800. To be withdrawn in a fortnight. This Is good value. For price aud p-arttculars, STEPHEN HUNTER, GOVERNMENT LIFE BUILDINGS, Or ■HPRSTME.RE iROAD. TAKAg>UNA. B "COMFY HOME." OF 5 LARGE ROOMS AND KJTOITENETTK, buthr.jom, porcelain bath, 'P.w.c, plenty of cupboards, wasiihouse, c. and t.: 2 back verandahs: beautiful elevation. Five minutes tn Maungawhau School. ■Splendid Section, past .Dominion Road Terminus. A very nice Bungalow, well-built. i years ago. As the owner is leaving immediate possession may be obtained Price £1325, with £575 cash. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. y-ROOMEID HOUSE, all conveniences, on • Walters Road, corner section -three minutes from tram. This is a good house, and .the price has been fixed low to clear up an estate. £1500 will buy this fine property. ROBERT HOOD, 20 AND 21, WAITEMATA CHAMBERS. CUSTOMS ISTBEET WEST. B FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. !1 92 ACaES - «EASIDE, at the BAY OF J-trw ISLANDS; about 1 mile of sea frontage; beautiful views. X'i-'e, L.1.." ; freehold can bo obtained it I<V per acrt. I Improvements—Cottage (5 rooms), cowshed. i fowlhouse (14 s 16, concrete floor', sruokei house, pie styes for 12 pigs, dairy, bc;it house; 60 acres In grass, 70 aor:s fenced. I plenty of fem-lng posts to finish the block; orchard, 350 assorted varieties. This js }an ideal seaside home, and is the makings of a very pretty place. Splendid lish Lg and bathine. Views unsurpassed. Owner wants £1.000 for his goodwill. Will ■Exchange for a place in town Tvith a few FARMERS' BAZAAR, ! 96, ALBERT STBEET. B 4 : PJ.REY LYNN—BAILDON . RD.--Seml- '-' Bungalow, 6 rooms, bathroom, pantry, pore. bath, hot and c. water, washhouse. copper and tubs, p.w.c, under same roof; verandah back and front. Level section, well laid out. Price, £1,100; terms arranged. ■pONSO-VBY BARiGALN--5-Roomed House, I-t washhouse, c. and tubs, bathroom, p.w.c. '2 minutes from car. Price, £650; terms arranged. Less for Cash. I T>ONiSONBY BARGAIN--1-Roomed House, j-t conveniences, p.w.c, 2 minutes from • car. Trice. £350 Cash. ' "W 1 - E D EN Maln Road—Real Good Villa, I ■"■*- S rooms (heart of kauri), bathroom, califont, pore, bath, basin; section worth ! £1.200: motor garage. Will suit Doctor, ior make good family home. Price, £2,100; i terms, about £900 Cash. EPSOM —Villa Residence. 6 Rooms, bathroom, pore bath, basin, califont; cor--1 ncr section. 60rt s 198 ft; beautifully laid out lawns, etc., live hedges.—Price, £1,750; terms, half cash. ij. C. SHARPLES & CO., LAND AGENTS, 11. STRAND ARCADE, AUCKLAND. B THE BEST PROPOSITION. OX THE MARKET TO-DAY. <)A-EOOIIED FURNISHED APARTMENT) '*'" HOUSE. subdivided into eelf-con-tiiiued flats of 2 and ;i i"ot>ms, with kitchenettes, bathroom, pore, bath and basin: ; commands beautiful harbour views; 1 acre > ground, nicely laid out. PRICE, £3330. TERMS. j *" >le Agent—• H. R. BURRETT, I 4, DURHAM STREET E. O r? f)CAA-REMUERA—HOUSE. 7 rms., <S<a£)VA/ p.b. and b., hot and cold water, • aleo califont, gas stove aud range; very ' large dining room; section SO by 200, lawns, '. asphalt paths, choice shrubs, situated in I one of the best streets In Kemuera. Terms hp-jQAA - EIISOM—MODERN BUNGAI iliJuU LOW, 7 rooms and sleeping porches: large entrance hall; 1920 eonve."; ■ latest papers and friezes; large section, i lawns, concrete paths, etc. Owner leaving. ! Terms. ■I -C 1 fiPCA — REMUERA—NEW BUNGAI XIOJU LOW, 6 rooms and conve., p.b. land b., califont, heavy beam ceilings; good section, laid out in lawne and paths, etc.; 4mlu. to cars. Terms. I G. F. MELLARS AND CO., 99. QUEEN ST. (Govt. Ins. Bldgs.) WS RECHERCHE BUNGALOW. t. . I\H ROOMS. Attractions and meucements: I • Handy to cars (S sections), also level, j • volcanic soil and laid-out garden. House ! has a refined and good quality look, and 1 I will appeal to the artistic. Panelled vestibule and living room; folding doors; builtin buffet; electric light throughout; best porcelain bath, basin, califont, etc- w c connected with sewer. Glasgow Lease' Only £12 10/ g.r. Price, moderate at £1750. Offered with confidence. HARROP AND MEDLEY, 15. SHORTLAND STREET. D i MOUNT EDEN. Q.-LORIOUS "DUNGAiLOW. I P 1 CTX—TEKMS-BKAUTrFTJI, HOUSE 3 cWIUIW - rooma, heart kauri, only five • years old; really up-to-date, ii and c ; water, pore, bath, p.w.c, showers, basins' • linen 'presses; splendid anish. IFine .Corner : Section. • GOOD POSITION. ' ' EI.ErT.RTC LTG-HT ' ' SUBSTANTIAL HOUSE, (j • cW-L'JifU rooms, perfect condition; g-ood equalled at Che price. . LLOYD AND^EDDITCH, 1. SHOUT'S BUrLDINGS, *• 134. QDEE-X STK'KET. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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885Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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