, LATE NEWS. I 1 1 PROPERTIES FOR SALE. IS THERE ONE SPOTi IN THE WORLD YOU CAN CALL YOm OWN 1 moi::t eden. NEAT SE': :aI.O\V of f> room* scullery bathroom; gas and water; .■,_ drainage: washhouse, c. and t. !• ine section. PRICE, £1000. GREENLANE. ■JITODERN BUNGALOW OF 5 ROOMS -*•*-*- and convs.; heavy beam and plaster ceilings; h. 'and c. water; pore. b. and b., p.w.c; wa3hhouse, c. find t. All under one roof; sewer 1 drainage. 'Section 50 1 ISO, laid out j In lawns, gardens, etc. A REAL UP-TO-DATE 'LITTLE HOME A.NIJ HANDY TO TRAIN. TRICE, £1230. GREY LYNN. noOD SOUND BUNGALOW of 6 rooms nnd every modern cony.; pore, b and j b., h. and c. water, gas In every room; washhouse, c. and t.; p.w.c, i good elevated position, laid out in • lawn, gardens, fruit trees, and con-' crete paths. THOSE SEEKING A NICE. CLEAN HOME SHOULD AT 1 '••■ "I". ARRANGE INSPECTION. It' : ■ in nn at PRICE, £1230. EPSOM. TA7ELL-BUILT BUNGALOW of 6 rooms TT and every modem cony. and comfort; in nerfeC order; pore. l>. and l>., h. and c. water service, cupboards, presses, etc. Section 36 x 100, nicely laid out in lawns, gardens, etc. Handy to car. PRICE, £1750. TOM HADFIELD & SONS, GROUND FLOOR, IMPERIAL BLDGS., Opp Smeetoiis, QUEEN STEEET. G HOUSES AT VALUE. TVEMUERA (1 minute from tram)— Modern t- , -* . Residence of (5 rooms, kitchenette, and every modern convenience, sleeping porches, etc. Rough cast. £2030. Terms. (3:3) "YTT. EDEN.—7-roorned House and motor • XTJ - garage; h. and c. water, p.w.c; on tram stop. £1750. Cash, £900. (lWi) "VrT. Residence, bean- ■"*• tlfully finished: nice groundg and loi-oly ■view. You must see this to appreciate It. i Price, GIOO. (IK)-- , ) THE HB?<E BAY HOUSE ADVERTISED YESTERDAY W"E SOLD THIS iIORNTNO. HENRY CLAYTON & CO. SMEETON'S BUILDINGS. D HOMES, HOMES, REMUBRA— £575 CASH—Modern Bun--1 galow Home of c rooms, latest modern appointments installed, porcelain bath and basin, gas stove, flve register grates, plaster ceilings, large dining-room (rlmu panelled), sleeping porch off dining-room, front and hack verandahs. Blinds included In price. Section, }-acre, in garden, etc. 'Motor garage; only 2 minutes to Hemuern cars. Total Price. £1,700. Immediate ! Possession. MT. E'DEN—£l,6s0 —Modern Bungalow of 0 rooms, verandah in front, range nnd h. :ind c. water, gas cooker, porcelain ■bath and basin, rimu finished Interior. Olaeter and heavy beam ceilings. House is in perfect order throughout; septic drainage; on section BOft 1 iflOfr. in gnr* , etc. Elevated position, splendid vle-ws, and only 3mins. to Mt. Eden cars. I "The Land Man" has the Best Selection at Homes in Auckland to choose from. , Make an appointment to inspect to-day. WM, A, HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN." AUCTION" EBRS AND RiBAL BSTiATE SERVICE. SHORTLAXD STREET, AUCKLAND. B AUCKLAND, one mile station - ■»-' 20 Acres, all ploughaDle, well fenced and subdivided: Iβ acree grass, watered artesian bore; 2 acres nursery (return this year £350). House, 5 rooms and cony., cowshed, stable, eartshed, etc. ! /"YFF KAKANGAHAP'E ROAD— House, 5 ! " rooms, gas throughout, gas etove, washj house (-C., fixed tabs), p.w.c. £860; £350 I cash. HANDY ClTY—House, 6 rooms, range, "washhoTise (copper, fixed tubs), p.w.c; about 33 x 1)0. £500. TKOvSONBY — 'Semi-Bungalow, substan -t .dally built, 0 rooms; poillte ceilings, pore, bath and basin, callfont, gas flre, unique plaster mantels and mirror, p.w.c., all neceesaTj" cony.; Imln. tram or beach; aott Gin x 125 ft. PERC. STUSSHER, 30, 'H.-M. AiRCADE. B AYONDALE. HOUSE, 4 rooms, porch, washhouse, copper and tubs; i-acre section, first-class land; about one mile from station. Price, 1 £630. Present mortgage, £204, at 5 per cent., repayable principal and intereet at j£B 14/ per quarter. Cash over mortgage. HOUSE OF c BOOMS, 7 acres 3 roods 11 perches, long frontage to Main Road, near station. Price. £2500. £500 caeh. balance o years, at 5i per cent. HOUSE, 4 rooms and kitchenette; glasshouse 100 ft x 25ft, shed 16ft x 10ft. 40 fruit trees, 1$ acres land, two road frontages; lomln to station. Price, £1150. Terms can be arranged. F. BLUCK AND SON, I ' 3839 (3 rings). AVOHDAfcB. C