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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. JUST IN r?o?cnn— cnoicE epsom home, nred*ji,O\J\J p roo f ; ij rooms, all convs.; choice position, Jroln tram: good Section. Inspection will sufilce. Terms. (I 72) jPOQAA—NEARLY rij ACRES, splendid *«'«"» volcanic and free from stone. 4 ROOMS, washhouse, stable, shed, cowshed : 2 frontages; 12mlu Royal Onk. Terms. O-l OPTA—MT. EDEN.—7 ROOMS and AfXOiJvf convs.: Imin tram stop; cicellent condition. Section, 6G x 173. Terms. (.r. 158) 0-1 i?K(\ —MT. EDEN (high side).—NEW dJ-LIOV BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, kitcbonette ', everything of the latest and beyt; 2 sleeping porches : fine elevated position. £750 Deposit. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. (J 159) r?o^t- —roNSONBY. —5 ROOMS, bath- ' t-* room, waslihouse, range and gas stove; 2mln Heme Hay mini; well built and good value. £3110 Deposit. (II SOI •PI 4K(\— MT - ALBERT. — 6 ROOMS *~--i-r±O\J anf i convs. 3 fine elevated Sec- ! tlons Ino stone). Nice views. A dicup Homo on £300 deposit. Quick Possession. (I n:i) P^TftO— MT - ALBERT.—SI Acres volA/*J|VLT civic land. 11OUSK. 0 rooms, pore, bath nnd Imslu : dairy, sheds, etc. Nearly 350 ft mnlu road frontage, ("lose to terminus. £10uu Deposit. <L !)-l) ! *■' 11 wa 'K''METE 3 Acres. in j it-LJ-tjyj s Sections. 4-KOOMED BT'N,i""rALOW. Nice piece, right at statlou. Terms. (I 95) T. R. SMYTHEMAN, GROUND FLOOR, IMPERIAL BLDGS.. (Opp. Smeetous'. Queen Street. AND AT HAMILTON. B EXCLUSIVE. LADIES' MILE ! ! WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO SELL, BY PRIVATE TREATY, J -jyjAGNIFICENT Q^ECTIONS IN THIS FASHIONABLE LOCALITY, AT A FIGURE THAT WILL JUSTIFY BUILDING. The Sections are on a SUNNY SLOTE, ENSURING PERFECT DRAINAGE AND COMMANDING A FINE VIEW. RING OR WRITE AN APPOINTMENT AND WE WILL MOTOR YOU TO THEM. RICHARD ARTHUR LTD. AUCTIONEERS, Phones 1025, IB3S. ELLIOTT STREET. I 5 I r-OO«—WIWON ROAD. Mt. Eden— I o»i/*~*-» Solid Kauri House of i rooms and oouvs.. in good order, p.w.c. to sewer: cash wanted. £2.J0. (H) OQrtA—(NEAR Mt. Eden Bridge)— Kauri <3JiJtJU Residence of t) Itooins ami convs., easy walking distance to town, and | everything In perfect order. tioajj ff -| AAQ— MT. ALUEKT — Seml-Buugn-I o*X\J\J\t ) OWi 5 extra large rooms and kitc-tienette. pore. bath, callfont, ami AuckI land Gas Cooker: pulnt and paper as new. iVI OAiV—.ErSOM — -Rouph-cast BungaI SjloUlr low , ,i rooms and large range of convs., electric Uffht; In fact, everytliiuij possible to save labour and add comfort. Section, 08ft x 132 ft. One minute to car. (1038) fJ-IQAfi —MT. DDiDN—Snug Littls Uun-dw-LOUU K alow of 5 Rooms and Kitchenette, full range of convs.. built of best I timbers, and well worth lnifpectlug. » c ' cau give Immediate Possession. (1031) BUCKLEY AND BULL. 13. BMJEETON"S BLDGS. QUEEN ST. B SUBURBAN HOMES AND FARMLETS. 9ACR-EB, goid loam soil, level, watered; about 4 acres In good fruit trees; alasshouse and pood (new) 2-roouied Cottage nicely finished: water laid on. A great Snip at £050. Eas.v Terms. ri/ ACKEiS, In grass, well watered, nice 1/2 aspect nod great prospective value; House of 5 rooms and Bheds; good buying at £1.200. Easy Terms. 5 ACRE'S, In grass and fruit trees, some native bush: splendid House of 6 rooms and outbuildings; reduced to £1,4X10. Owner leaving the country. 8 ACRES, level, In grass; good 5-roomed House. SJieda suitable for pig or , poultry pen. Cheap at £1,T>00; terms. Stork can be had at valuation. , HERBERT GRAYSON, SHORT'S BUILDrSXiS. B IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — REMUERA ] —l-rd. House. In good order. 3mlns. to ■ car; sec. 6U x 170; level sec; worth £S pi-r ft. A chance for v builder or speculator. A Snip. Price £&00. Terms arranged. TM.UEDIATE POSSESSION—7rd. Home, ■*■ all In good order; good sec, handy to offering to-day. Price £1000. Terme arranged. PONSONBY— Modern Bungalow, 8 rooms, all In good order; Imln. to err; nice sec; tarred paths, etc. To see Iβ to buy. Price £1500. COUGHEY BROS., 30. EXCHANGE LANE. Phone 2812 A. C PONSONBY WATERSIDE YOUR CHOICE of THREE GOOD , HOUSES, each six rooms and ronvs.; ! recently painted. Good sections, situated close to beach, baths, and park. PRICE EACH. Reasonable Terms. (-44) EPSOM. THE IDEAL HOME. MAGNIFICENT BUNGALOW HOME of 6 rooms and kitchenette, with tvery . device for convenience and comfort. Built ' I for the owner a year ago. The decoration and design Is superb. Fine section, well laid out, lawns, garden, hedges, etc. Motor garage. . THERE IS NOT A PRETTIER OR MORE CONVENIENT BUNGALOW IN EPSOM THAN THIS. PRICE £2650. Terms Arranged.- (46) :A. W. READ" AND CO., ELLISON CHAMBERS. 138, QUEEN ST. (opposite Wyndham St.). C 1 VICTORY ESTATE^ j VICTORY ESTATE. SITUATED DOMINION IRD. TERMINUS. 5 SITUATED DOMINION IRD. TERMINUS. > ONE OF THE FINEST ESTATES EVER SUBDIVIDED ; IN ANY SUBURB OF AUCKLAND. OAfb CHOICE FREEHOLD BUIDDING 1 SITES. ' OArt CHOICE FKF.EIIOLD BUILDING ; SITES. ; EASY WALKING DISTANCE TO DOMINION ROAD TRAMS. VICTORY ESTATE. ) Sections such as are offering on this fine ■ Estate, commanding magnificent views and lying well to the sun, are hard to get in and around Auckland, and to secure one of these ' magnificent sites, on such easy terms, is an s , ideal investment. • VICTORY~~E6TATE. RICH GRASSY SLOPES AND ELEVATED POSITIONS. GttEAT PROSPECTIVE VALUES. GREAT PROSPECTI%'B VALUES. 1 TERMS: 10 per Cent Deposit, 10 per Cent. U Six Months, and 10 per Cent 12 Months. Balance in three years at G per cent. - Plans and further particulars * TOZER AND TOZER, LAND AJJD ESTATE AGENTS, DOMINION ROAD TRAM TERMINUS. C Telephone A 2273. S
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
Word Count
882Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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