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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. , . i /"^RAFTOX —£1430 —(i-roomed Bungalow, r»J ouilt 7 years; ail modern conveniences; closo Oraftou Bridge; freehold. Terms. rXTOKTHCOTE— £138O—Canadian BungaJN low of very pretty design: kauri: built 6 years; all conveniences; handy position. Grounds well laid out. Govt. mortgage at 4i per cent. L.T. Title. Terms. A bar-, gain. I SUBURBAN' (South).—H Acres, with 5-1 roomed House, built :i years; J-acre orchard, cowshed, etc. Free of niune. Can | «lso lease (i acres adjoining at IS/ per month. Freehold. £9UI. Terms. MT. EDEN—tlOuO—- Beautifully finisbeo. β-roouied Bungalow; every possible convenience; motor garage ipll); 1 minute cars. The cheapest ami most attractive bungalow on the market, liar Dune. T>ON'SONBY — £1117.-1 — Apartment House, -t furnlsheil throughout; S rooms in two flats- separate meters, sinks, etc.; :i verandahs , lofty rooms. See this at once. There's money lv it. We can sell on £500 deposit. It you know of anything cheaper, we'd like to know It. COLLIER AND SMITHER, HIS MAJESTY'S AUCAI>E. WS MOUNT ALBERT, •JV/TODEIIN BUNGALOW of -1 rooms and *»J-*- kitchenette; h. and c. water, p.w.c; up to date In every respect. Price £900. Terms arranged. "DARNELL. RESIDENCE of 0 rooms, in perfect order, suitable for Data. Price £2000. Kasy terms. STEPHEN SON AND CO., 16, WYNDHAM STREET. C WILLIAMSON AVENUE. £1600. : TWJAUTIFUL MODER.N 6-<ROOM'ED x> BE6IDENOE, with every possible ' «onv., Including electric light, lovely papers i Rnd friezes, wide reception hall; In fact, J the place is perfect right through. This house is built of heart of kauri, with the beat workmanship, situated on a large corner section well laid out. and is one of the finest homes in this select street. NEWTON LAND AGENCY 201. KARANOAHAPE ROAD, Opp. POST OFFICE. C GREENLANDS ESTATE. ■ i"piEMUEBiA. —fPull Quarter-Acre Level „ •t* Building Lots, at £150 peir section. , Grose to car and railway, sunny position. ■Land Transfer Titles. Only a few low left. Do not miss Kiese sections. No eShoapor Jots on tihe market anywhere. X? fii"M>—CTTY W'DST.—SUBSTANTIAL dL*OUU 5-ROOMEOO HOUSE; verandah, bathroom, .bath and basin, p-antry. cupIboards, sheflves; deep sewer connection, and gas and water ladti on. v r ery 'handy position, near Ist tram section, Victoria lark and City. £50 Cash. (13) ( jO-t HOifi— D'BVONIPOBT (A'lctoria. Rd.)— 3wJLOyU V:ERT VALUABLE PfROPEiRTY, rlgit in tlie business centre, 3 minutes from ferry. Splendid section of land, 40 x .100 feet, almost level, and good broomed Dwelling House, with all v.-.vail conveniences. Winding up estate. Accept £.1600 for quick sale. (SL<J) X?"l QT^K— EPSOM—Grand m g h psi- O-cw-LO 11> t i on . Valuable }-acre AHlotment, nicely Sold out. Capital 8-room-ed Semi-Bungalow, two-siorey, with lookout tower used as smoking-room. Every modern", convenience; electric* liglit, — p.w.c's. sewer ■ drainage, gas range, window seats, eic. Motor garage. Near car. (115) X? O An)ft-^ E ' PSOlM— Grand level street, 3J<2\j\J\J near car. Capital section, 66 I 132 feet. Quite Modern Bungalow, just completing, 6 magnificent rooms, bay windows, wardrobes, pilaster ceilings, verandah, p.w.c, and every up-to-date. conv«nlence. Immediate possession. (lOtf) n O-| O)(y— RiEM LIBRA WATEiRSIDiE.— i' 3*£i±\J\J .Magnificent water view and, ; landscape.—'Really Fine ißungalow, 6 grand ■ rooms, all beautifully fitted up, and lhaving ! fulll sunshine and fresh air. Large Section, Oβ by ISO feet, very nicely planted and Qaid out. 'Five minutee from tram. Immediate .possession. Quick sale at £UOO. (472) T. MANDENO JACKSON, iLAjND, A'N,D T>STAT.B AGENTS, AUCnOK'HBIIS. lETTC. ( CUSTOMS STRiEiET EAST, AUCKLAND. C MANGERE. ■r\AXttY -pARM. GOING CONCERN. TO ACRES GOOD LAND, HOUSE AND SHEDS. I All well enelterefl. Long road frontage. Good Cows anfl Implements. NEW BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS. Bplendld Position. Every convenience. Close to Station. Early Possession. Equity, £500. t W. B. LLOYD AND CO., OTAHUHU. Phone 4GI. B IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. \ REMUERA. I _____ I fVT-erw KOUGH-CAiST BUNGALOW, Just - 1 - 1 ont of Builder's hands; 5 Eooms, with ■kitchenette, replete with every possible -«bour-savlne device, .. including porcelain ihath and 'basin, callfont, gas range, p.w.e etc. The ineifle Iβ artistically finished In oiled rimu. w-ith modern wall papers and friezes, window seats, sleeping porch, two open and one gas fireplaces. 'BP.I/EJNDTD VXBWS. which can never be ' built out. 'Standing on Good Section approximately 60ft x 300 ft. j This Property must be aeen to be appreciated. INSPECT T-MiMrar-Ti ATtF>T/T. -fBICB, |?;I£5A TBR-VIS ARRANGED. SMITH AND HALCOMBE,! 5, CUSTOMS STBBBT BAST. '. O HENDERSON. A CEEIS. 2 ACRE'S IN AiPPLES. 2 ACR.EH PEA'CHJBS, 1 ACRE OLD PEACHES 1 ACRE PLUMS. AXD 1 IN GUAivIl , BA-LANOE IN CRASS. U.UAI\AJS, (WEILL SHELTiE'RED BY LIVE HEDGES. PIiBNTY OF FIREWOOD. POWIiHOUISB AiND R.UNS. fVOOD 5-EOOMED HOUSE. Hot and Cold VJ water, General Conveniences, Small 3-Boomed COTTAGE. About 20 MINUUBS from STATIOW Good Road. r ZAjBB, £500; Balance, £1,350, as arranged. GEORGE" COLE, 153, SYMONDS STREET, Next Lyric Theatre, And BEMXTEEA EOAD (opp. Victoria Ay.). (3
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
Word Count
785Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 4
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