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I TTNAHCIAL. ONKY TO LEND at moderate .-ate o* interest.—Jackson. Kussell, Tuutjs aui OBtler, Solicitors. Shortland St. O MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage, current rate.—'Chas C. Kaker, late EWinston «ud Baker), Durham St. Eatit. __D MONKY to Lend on ni-st and second mortgage.—Wake, Anderson, and Snedden, Sare_peposit Hulldings, High Si.. City. B MORTGAGES, First and Second, purchased for cash. —Send details to A. E. Deveson, 4, Security Kldgs. B fS Oi u> Tteducible Second Mortgage of £22.-,. Best offer over £150. Good security. Tollemache. los. Ponsonby Hd. i>3 "\TONJiY to L-end on FumitiLPe; repayable -*-Vi easy weekly iiLstalnicn.ts. —-Citizens , Loan and Discount ■Co., 28, High St. 440 PRIVATE Investor has a sum £.".00 and £400 to Lend on first mortgage.— Address at STAR. 424 (•QA warned by worker, good security, ~'->" furniture: repayable £4 month: lowest rates.—yo, P<insonby P.O : 4j:> X? 1 AAA £SOO. £700, £500, £300, £273, 3J±UW, and £250, on mortgage.-John-stone, Coates, and Fee, Solicitors, S;. 389 ! f'()AA WAITED to Borrow, toy railway i cViJUU man, on Second Mortgage; wiU pay 10 per cent; will pay back weekly or .■my wav suitable to vondor; good security. i House. Newmarket P.O. ■PTAA TO LENT , on First Mortgage at <3»< • W c per cent, 3 to 5 years, city or Btrbnrban freehold.—Apply B. L. Bagnall and Co., 501, N.Z. Insurance Bldgs. :*» • CIINANUIAL ASSISTi.KB (Temporary). CIVIL SERVANTS ONLY ilay obtain above, under easy conditions. In Small Sams.
Strictly confidential. BOX 1280. POST OFFICE. WS TKIROTJG-H OF PUKEKOHK. The Pukekohe Boronph Conncil offers for " Sale £15,000 o£ Debentures (£IOO each), having a currency of ten years as from June 1, 1920, and hearing interest at 5i per cent, payable half-yearly. 1 Interest and principal free of exchange at any branch o£ the Rank of New Zealand in. the Dominion. .' Further particulars on application to J. F. DEA.VE, 527 Town Clerk, Pukekohe. TV? ONE V T O T E N~b OX BROAD ACRE AND CITY BUSINESS FHKKUOLUb AT 5* PER CENT, With option of repaying part or whole loan on extremely reasonable terms. Apply direct to THE DISTRICT MANAGER. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE OFFICE, QCEEN STREET, And so save procuration fees. ' J. H. UICHARDSON, S Government iDsurauce Commissioner. GET away from that even, humdrum life, and do something that counte. I Consult mc about your Investments. I have TWO PROFITABLE PROPOSITIONS interesting to small investors, besides several of large dimensions.
J. JOLLEY THOMAS, 31, Uellaby's Bldgs., Auckland. r.O. Box 1471. 'I'hone JW7. D TDEAL T, OAN AND TjMNANCE f~\O.. LIMITED. WE TEND .Tl CONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS (Without RemoTal from the Owner), ?E^^ SOCIBTY SHAaES - AND ON ANY REASONABLE FORM OP SECURITY. j Repayments by Instalments or Otherwise. tS- FOR LOANS ON JEWELLERY we quote a. Special Kate of Sd. in the £ per Month (one-halt the usual amount chained ia Auckland to-dayj. INQUIRIES INVITED. j ADDRESS: A LSTON /CHAMBERS, 63, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. A. E.MAXCEL. Managing Director. D NET. jyTOXEY. jyrONKY. THE EItPIRE LOAN AND FINANCI-J CO. will Lend You Any Ainoujt, from £r, upwards, at lowest rates of interest ia town, and without any removal security whatever. You can pay back by easy ness is strictly confidential. Civility and fair treatment cuarauteed. We Advuu<-e Money on FUKMTUKE, PIANOS ■SEWING MACHINES, or any other security. SEE UK AT ONCE, AND WE WILIi FIX lUU UP. rjTHE J.OAN AND "piNAXCE QO., WYXDHAM CHAMBERS (Second Kioor), WYNDUAM STREET, CITY. Phone 2061. Opp. Gas Office. D LIVE STOCK MiO VEHICLES FOR SALE, CHOICE liolstein Cow, near profit." Priced £17.—OUS, Mauukau ltd., Ureenwouu'a Corner, Epsom. 570 COW, liolstein ( at prolit next week; heavy milker, guaranteed sound and quit-L--Ryan; Kdendale Kd., Mt. Albert. 31 DAiLItY Cows, several, choice, near caJvin?; guaranteed sound; clirap. —F. i£swardy, Kosebaiik ltd.. Avondale. Zl strong, scat If: £l(i. —Oeorge Britton, WalmslHy ltd.. iMangere. GSo'ElK (Aldernej), 3 yeaitj old, to calve any time; Ist calf.—J. McNaughtoa. Boundary Kd., Mt. Eden. 7 TTOUtiUTON Racing Sulky, flxst-claiflT -*-»- order.—2o. Portland Kd., Remuera. 158 TTOLSTIiIN-JEKSKY, 1 Pure-bred, for ' J-L Sale: due calve in Octoher : quiet urni sound; 1 Grade Jersey IlolSteln, milking, quiet and souad.—Apply Pronation Uvuip' L\lt AlbKTt. (Jl7 IK! liX lieklin?, 15J hauds. quieL -> ride or drive, fast, suila'ble for i15.-AppJ\; "Walroa," 'HUkborjugi near Veterans*' ITonii 1 . E;ty.mi. 73 PIC C months old: offer wanted. 1Sawyor, New Windsor Kd., Arondale. s«:j PONY. Harness and cart, with top: Small. Suit lish dealer.—2.s. Hurgreaves St Ponsonliy. 79 J3ONIE.S (2), for Sale: quiet and vrilllns — - 11. 11. stiller. Kohiiuarama. 'Phonos i:va and 4-414 |3 rings). '3x7 ,"I>ONY Turnout, 13 hands, guaranteed, for ' !S- lady: drive or ride: also Pony. 11 hinds for caMdren.—Lake View, St. Helier's Bay jEd; 407 •JUORTHORN Co-w. at profit nert week; !K5 ."» srallons guaranteed: sound, quiet, and I good creamer. Prlnci'. K"h'.niarama. S !-I 3-si>riin.- I'ouy Gls i«.'usiii~ .-uid Atktus': IJ- lias small seat tor cl'.lWl; Hrst-rtass order.—Fanner. Box ",. <;.!• o. l<r, |f) GLMJI) <;ijts. Ponies an. i" "l Tarn ess; .l7i~ni 1 v and Heavy Long-sha-fter: Phaeton, etc.—s3S, llaniriaiu Rd., £-pso>m, n'^x £am. *J4 3/ -SIR-V FTfECR for Sale, in cood order. - /4 Ad<lre?.-! at S9 0 / ..SILAFTESR. practically new.—Ar«pJy /4 Henry llat', CoaeKbnilder, ilangpra 'Bridge. sgr j BIRDS FOR SAKE. ItKEDING Cayes fruin j,. in good order. Also Young C:lnary Heus. —lliirnett. Director, S7. Symoud-S St. 1° ptANAB.IT Aviary for Sale, in good condition; cheap.—Adjrrss_at_SJ Alt. — • Rohinsnn hns Pairs from i O 2.-/: Hocks leanrunteed : U^. .heap; .T-.-ompartinent Rreedins Cages, a>^. /-v.ANARIFiS.-Bny dirct from brei-der. \-i Kinr healthy hens. Songsters soax«nteed. Breeding Cages from 5/. — 51. , 1 B j>jnunU« St.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
914Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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