AUCTIONS. PTIHiB FTIRADE. rjIHJD rTXRADE. rpHE rpniADE. rrmm rrmAOE. ii X'AT i ...*.4L i, j..:TVICHARD A ETHUR, T TD. WILL SELL, At THE SALE KOOMS, ELLIOTT STREET, •m/TOW'DAT AT A.M. ~",-r -pinsT cjale r\w ;: r . CAtTiGE. SALVAGE. OiALVAGB. fIALVAGE. BiITAOI. iQ A U V A G E. From MESSRS. ARCH, CLARK AND SONS , FACTORY, WILLIAMSON'S AVEXU-E. rpiIOUSANDS yr*F T>OUXDS vyORTH rpHOUSANDS QF "pOOXDS HORROCKSES CALICO. HORKOCKSES CALICO. CHINA AND Tl-SSORE SILK, CRBPE-DlrVCll INK, VOILES, VOILES, RHIRTIN'G'S, DR'E-SS MATERIALS. ITALIAN CLOTH AND LINING*!, I'YJAAIA CLOTH, CANVAS, STOCKINETTE, LACES, Etc., Etc. 1 Aft HWK'SES (Complete, except stitchAW. in K together and Trimmings?. Q7 BOY® , TWEED SUITS (ronvplt-tp. *J • except stltchin X nml Trimmings). /? TATRS TAILORS , SHEARS. -1 £?-| YATtDiS WHITE DUCK. A very large proportion of the above 1« only SOILED, »nd WET; very little artual dnmage by Ore. NO RESERVES. THOS. R. ARTHUR. LAND AND FURNITURE AUCTIONEER. 8 TSICHARD A RTHUR, T TD., WILL SELL, /"IHURCH CTREET, /^YTAHUHU. X O D E B S "RESIDENCE. A CRE OK T AND. VX7ELL- BUILT 5 ROOMS, bathroom, ** built-in wardrobe*, linen press, wash bouse, gas and water; p.w.c. Built about 5 to 6 years. Large shed and concrete fowl run. Included with the House, all Linoleums and Venetian Blinds. BY AUCTION" rpUESDAT, CEPTBMBER rr AT 2 P.M. AT SALE ROOMS, ELLIOTT STREET. THOS. B. AUTHOR, Land and 'Furniture Auctioneer. 27 ; SHIPPIWO. rpHE -μ-kw 2^ £a ~land chipping pOMPANY, T IMITED. ■pjIRECT T INE mo m«E TTNITL'D T^IN'JDOM, VIA PANAMA CANAL. ' CALLING AT CRISTOBAL, KINGSTON (JAMAICA), AND NEWPORT NEWS. LARGE MODERN TWIN - SCREW PASSENGER STEAMERS. With Unsurpassed Accommodation. Steamer. Tons. From About RIMUTAKA.. 8,803 Auckland Fept. 11 RUAPEHU... 8.&S1 Wellington Sept, 29 REMUERA... 11,276 Wellington December Return Tickets can be made available by ■ P. and O. or Orient Lines, via Buex. 1 Return First Saloon Ticket* tan also be made available by C.A. Line, via Vancouver, or Union Line, via 'Frisco. For particulars, apply THE NEW ZKAL4.ND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED, QUAY 'STREET. AUCKLAND. B /CANADIAN rjOVERNMENT ■VTKRCHANT '•-CARINE, T TD. DIRECT MONTHLY SERVICE BETWEEN CANADA AND NEW ZEALAND. S.S. CANADIAN PROSPECTOR will Load for VANCOUVER, taking Cargo for Inland Points of Canada and the United States, a boat 30th September. To be followed by the CANADIAN IMPORTER Early October CANADIAN EXPORTER To follow For Rates of Freight and farther particular! apply to RUSSELL AND SOMERS, Agents. Customs Street West, Auckland. B AUCKLAND rpO TjJXGLAND. VIA PANAMAIet Class—Single £115, Return £218. 2nd Claes—Single £80, Return £148. 3rd Class—Single £40, £42. £46. Return £72, £75, £82. VIA AMERICA— Ist Steamer, let Rail—Single £110/15/10. 2nd Steamer, Ist Rail—Single £75/10/10. 3rd Steame/, Ist Rail—Single £53 14/2. VIA SUEZ (Orient aud P. and O.) — let—Single £134 up; Return £209 10/ up. 2nd—Single £109 up; Return £203 7/5 up. 3rd—Orient Single (only) £42, £44, £48. No Booking Fees. For Sailings apply rpHOS. QOOK AND gO N, AGKNTS FOR ALL LINES, N.Z. INSURANCE CO.'S BUILDING, QUEEN STF.EET. TS HUDDART-T>ARKER LINE. ■t (Circumstances Permitting) FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. •S.S. RIVBRINA. .Thursday, Oth Sept., noon •B.S. RIVERINA Wednesday, 22nd Sept. MELBOURNE, via Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Bluff (from Wellington). •S.S. WESTRALLA. .About Tuea., 21st Sept. SYDNEY AND HOBART (from Wellington). •T.B.S. ULIMAROA Thursday, 9th Sept. Tickets mutually interchangeable with Union Co. 'Fitted Wireless Telegraphy ARente for HEBBURX COLLIERIES. Office: 7, Customs Street East. , TMVEKHEAD SERVICE. [A, jf"=3 -*-« S.S. WTOITOI, l*^T gl c£j. CALLING AT ALL WHARVES Leaves RIVERHEAD Dally at 7 a.m. Leaves AUCKLAND Dally at 3.30 p.m. Saturdays Exeepted. Leaves Auckland on SUNDAYS at 4 p.m. _ BRAJON'E V AMD BINXi Dt
Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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