AUCTIOW. XJIOHARD \ RTHUIK, T TD. WILL SEIL.L, UNI>DR lINiSTiRUCTIONS IFR'OIM MR. R. iIcBRIDE. muoasDAY, qdptbmbbr rr 2 PM - JJUILDLXQ giITES. TJUILDING iQiITiES. CIX>SH TO RAIL AMD TRAM. SPLENDID ELEVATION. IBXTENISDVIE OUTLOOK. O atECTIONS r\iNLY. q CSIBCTION* r\NLY. q GiECTTOX'S QiXLY. THE EASIEST OF TERMS. £10 Cash, £10 In 3 months, balance 6 per cent in 3 years. Nos. 5, S, and 9 with frontage to Gladstone Road. No. A. Corner, Sit. opp. Dr. Beattlc's. Nos. 12. 13, 14, 15, IC, frontage to Woodward Hoad. Also, Af\ ACIIKS AT WAITAKBRE—«., r.t. 79, and X., pt. 80. WJChln mtle of station. f.">o on.»h. ivaLiuicp easy. Adjoining Mr. Drowns property. Full particulars, TJICHARD ARTHUR, I. TD - In Conjunction With ■GRAY AND COCKKOFT, SMEKirO.N'S BUILDINGS. Tims. 08. ARTHUR, , Land and Furniture Auctioneer. 23 piCHARD A RTHUR, T TD, WILL SELL, ■VpBAT CUMMEB i^tOTTAGE, ■VriLFORD T>OAD, fpAKAPUXA. WITH FURNISHINGS. 12 by 10 TENT, LAW\ - MOWISR, ETC. 'BY AUCTION. mCBSDAY, •QBPTBM4JE.R rr AT 2 P.M. AT SALE ROOMS. ELLIOTT STREET. ONLY £150 CASH DEPOSIT. BALANCE a I\EA.RS AT 6 PER CBXT. FnH particulars, THOS. a ARTHUR. Land and Furniture Auctioneer. 24 JJICHARD A KTHI'R, J TD. AT 'SALE ROOM. ELLIOTT STRE-RT. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER rr AT n FM. • BUTLDINO SITE, ALBERT— No. 03, TACMATA .RO-VD; 60ft frontage: high clevaUon: £10 cash, £10 In 3 months, balance 3 years int. c per oent. THOS. B. ARTHUR. Land and Furniture Auctioneer. 26 fnHE EXTENSION OF THE CITY BOUNDARY WESTWARD WILL INCLUDE THE TIVEJIPOO'L "pSTATE. TIVERPOOL TESTATE. A very fine piece of level gram country, lying well to the sun. No cold winds, good soil, and which has been subdivided by owner into choice building lots. We have been favoured with instructions to offer these by Auction, on OEPTEMBES OrV TyrOXDAY, Of) AT f> OQ O'CLOCK. AT OTJR SALEROOM, ELLIOTT STREET. THE VENDOR HAS DECIDED TO BELL EVEiRY SECTION, AND TO MAKE DOUBLY SUBE IS OFFERING ON TERMS THAT WILL ATTRACT THE SMALLEST INVESTOR OR THE HUMBLEST HOME-SEEKER. ONLY — Opr — ONLY 18 WANTED AS DEPOSIT, AND THE ■BALANCE AT THE RATE OF £1 P ER M° NTH WITH YEARS rpp T>AY. XT. YEARS TO T>AY TT. £ YEARS rpO pAY TT. INTEREST ONLY 5i PER CENT. These Terms no one can resist, for the prospects for advancement in this district are very bright indeed at the present time. The estate is only about 12mln. walk from Grey Lynn trams; motor buses pass frequently through the day. It is within a short distance of the beautiful Point Chevalier sea beach. A SUBURB OF "PLEiASANT SURROUNDINGS AND FRESH AIR, JUNE JJUSINESS OITES. "CIINE XJUSINESS CITES. A TTRACTIVE TJOME QHTES, ATTRACTIVE TTOME QITES, WITH FiRONTAGES TO pOIXT p»HEVALIER TJjOAD, Q..REAT -JT'ORTH T?OAD, JJUIA R OAD. M OA R OAD__ PLANS NOW HEADY. DON'T FORGETONLY £5 DEPOSIT OX AXY SECTION". TJICHARD ARTHUR, T TD. LAND AND FURNITURE AUCTIONEERS, ! ELLIOTT STREET. 9
Page 8 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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