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SHIPPING. WOkl>ii -JTOBTHBRN OTEAMBHIP QOMPANY, T TD. j,;;, TIME TABLE. PROPOSED SAILINGS. (Weather, Other Circumstance* Permitting.) atesmtrs. D nte of Balling* 8.8. CLANSMAN. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Rueeell. M<in., eth, 5.30 p.m. Tn«., 7th, 8 p.m. Passengers also Wednesday, 4 p.m. •Cargo up to 2 p.m. only. FOR WHANGAROA AND MANGONUI. S.S. CLANSMAN; Wed., Bth Sept., 4 p.m. Taking Russell Passengers also. Cargo np to Noon. tFOR PARENGA. Clay mere Monday, 27th Sept.. 7 p.m. "Tfor awanui and waipapakauri. S.B. APANUI. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Awanni. Mob., 6th, 8 ajn.- Thnrs., Oth, noon ♦ FOR KAIMAUMAU AND HOUHORA. Claymore .-..Monday, 6th Sept., 7 p.m. Calls Whangaroa and Mangouul. tMARSDEN FT.. .Wedncs., Bth Sept., :t p.m. tURQUHART'S September 15, 8 p.m. tWHANGAREI HEADS Sept. 20, 3 p.m. tPAUUA BAY Wcdnes., Bth Sept., 3 p.m. I tFOR OAKLEIGH, MANGAPAI, AND REOTAHI. Daphne Monday. Oth Sept., 3 p.m. FOR WHANGAREI. S.S. RARAWA. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Whangarel. Snt., 4th. Tr. 11.30 a.m. Mon , Oth, 10 p.m. Tuee., 7th. Tr. 11.30 a.m. Wed.. Bth, 10 p.m. Thura., 9th. Tr. 11.30 a.m. FOR WAIPU. Elsie Ring Phone 34 Ring Telephone 34 for Booking Cargo. FOR WHANGAREI (TOWN WHARF). S.S. KAKIERI and CHELMSFORD. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Whangarel. Sat., 4th, 10 a.m. Sun., sth G p.m. Mon., 6th, 11 a.m. Mon., Oth, noon Tues., 7th, 11 a.m. No Ladias Carried on Kanlert. FOR TAURANGA, TE PUKE, MATATA. AND TARAWEKA OUTLET AND THORNTON. SS. KQAPUHI. Sat., 4th, 7 p.m. Mon., 6th, 7 p.m. Tues.. 7th, 7 p.m. Wed.,-Bth, 7 p.m. Tburs., 9th, 7 p.m. Mount Cargo, Monday and Tuesday only; Taoranga, Wednesday and Friday. No Cargo lecelved after noon. All freight payable Auckland, except Tauranga. Te Puke and Railway Stations, via Mount Tarawera and Mntata, etc., via Tauranga. FOR OPOTIkT~AND OHIWA. NgaUawa Tuesday, 7th Sept., noon No Cargo accepted for Ohlwa. FOR" WHAKATANE. Tasman Thursday, Uth Sept.. 1.30 p.m. tFOR TAIRUA. Da.phae Monday, 13th Sept., 5 p.m. tFOR WHANGAMATA. Walotahl Monday, 6th Sept., noon ■ fFOR MERCURY BAY. Walotahl..■ Monday, 6th Sept., noon tFOR KENNEDY BAY, WHANGAPOUA, PORT CHARLES. MERCURY' ISLAND. KUAOTUNU. Kotltl Thursday, 9th Sept.. 5 p.m. tFOR WHANANAKI, TUTUKAKA, AND WHANGARURU. Paroto Tuesday, 14th Sept., 4 p.m. tFOR GREAT BARRIER. Walpn Wednesday. Bth Sept. midnight FOR THAMES. P.S. WAKATERE. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Thames. Mon., 6th, 7.45 a.m. Tnes., 7th, noon Wed., Bth, 9.50 a.m. Thurs., 9th. 2 p.m. Frl, 10th, 10.30 a.m. Frt, 10th. 4 p.m. tFOR KEREPEEHI AND PATETONGA. S.S. GAEL. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Kereptehl. Tuae., 7th, 4 a.m. Wed., Bth, noon tFOR TAHUNA. S.S. GAEL. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Kerepee'uL Toes., 7th, 4 a.m. Wed., Bth, noon Cargo Noon, Monday. Also Ngarua Cargo this trip. tFOR PAEROA. TB aROHA. KOPU. AND TURUA. a.S. WAIMARIB or TANIWHA. Leaves Auckland, Leaves Paeroa. Sun., Bth, 3 p.m. Mon., 6th, 11.30 a.m Tnes., 7th, 4.30 p.m. Wed., Bth, 1.30 p.m. tFOR OHINEMURI RIVER, KOPU TUBUA, CRYER'S, HIKUTAIA. AND NETHEBTOJt. S,S. WAIMARIE or TANIWHA. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Metbertoh*. Mon., 6th, 3.30 p.m. Tnes., 7th 11.30 a.m Wed., Bth, 6 p.m. Thurs., 9th, 2.30 p.m! FOR COROMANDEL. S.S. WAIPU. Leaves Anckland. Leaves Coromandel Mon., 6ta, 2 p.m. Tues.. 7 th, noon tFOE CABBAGE BAY AND AMODEO BA* AND PAPAAROHA. S.s! WAIPU. Mon., 6th, 2 p.m. Tuee., 7th. 0 a.m. tFOR WAIHEKE. S.S. WAIPUi Leaves Auckland. Cowes Bay. Mon, eth, 2 p.m. p°™ tFOB WAIWKRA, MAHURANGI HEADS WARKWORTH AND OREWA (GRUT'S)' 8.8. HAUITI. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Warkvorth. Mon., eth, 7.20 a.m. Tuee., 7th. 11 a m Wed., Bth, 7.20 a.m. Wed., Bth. 2 p!ni tFOR MANGAWAI, LEIGH, ANI) KAWAU ISLAND. S.S. KAWAU. Leaves Anckland. Leaves Maneawai Mon. eth, S p.m. Tuee., 7th. lpi! Frl., 10th, 8 a.m. Sat., 11th. 5.30 a.m. t KAWAU, LEIGH. BIG OMAHa! S.S. KAWAU. Wed., Bth, 8 a.m. Wed., T.W., 2.80 p.m. Wed., Bth, Leigh, 4 p.m. tFOR PUHOI.—S.S. OREWA. Wed., 18th, 2_ p.m. Thurs., 16th, 7.30 a.m. tFOR MATAKANA AND MULLEtTpoINT (ALGIE'S). S.S. KOTITI. leaves Auckland. Leaves MaUkana. Mon., 6th, 4 p.m. Tues., 7th. 11.30 a.m. tFOR MURRAY'S, BROWN'S, DEEP CREEK, ARKLE'S, AND SILVERDALE B.S. OREWA. Leaves Auckland. Leaves Silverdale Tues., 7th, 8.30 a.m. Wed., Bth 1 n m" FrL, 10th, noon Sat., 11th, 4 p.m! Steamers leave Arkle's 45 minutes later than Silverdale. FROM OtfEHUNGA. (Cargo Trip Only.) fFOR AWHITU, POLLOK, TE TORA WAIPIPI. ' Cargo accepted Saturday only up to 11 a n> A.V. Victory. tFOR WAIUSU ONLY. Cargo accepted every day. tFOR HOKIANGA. Aupouri. .Thursday, 9th Sept., 2 p.m. Tr 113 Cargo Tueßday and Wednesday up to noon. tFOR KAWHIAT Auprturi Monday, 6th Sept. 2 pm Cargo Saturday, 11 a.m. tFOR RAGLAN. Aupouri Monday, 6th Sept., 2 p.m. Cargo Saturday, 11 a.m. FOR NEW PLYMOUTH. Rimu.....Monday, 6th Sept., 2 p.m. Tr. I.IS Rimn.. .Thursday. 9th Sept., 2 p.m. Tγ. 1.13 tFOE OPUNAKB. 'Arapawa To Sall B«ok Cargo. 7SOj-nou> FOR WANGANUI7~ ' Ring Phone' 750! T ° Sa " COUP ANT'S OFFICH: QUAY BTREBT. t . CHARLES RAN'BON. Manager. '
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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804Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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