smppnrq. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANT ■ 0V NEW ZEALAND. Circumstances Permitting. Sydney Direct. •Atun..^,. M WedneHuay, Bth Sept.. 5 p.m. •Tahiti...... Friday, 10th Sept., 8 p.m •Maheno Thursday, Kith Sept., 3 p.m.' Sydney (from Wellington). •MoeraM Thursday, 16th September Gtsborae and Napier. •Arahara Tuesday, 7th Sept., 11 a.m. Calla Tokomaru Bay on 'Southward Trip for Passengers only. Wellington and Dunodln. *Navua About 10th September Glsborne, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Bluff, Oaiuaru. (Cargo Only., Wanaka About Bth September Wellington to Lyttelton. Steamer Dally (Sundays exrepted) 7.45 p.m. New Plymouth (from Onehunga). Ktmu Monday, 6th Sept., 2 p.m. Tr. 1.13 Fiji (Suva), Samoa (Apia), Friendly Islands (Nukualofa, Haapal, Vavau). •Mobola About 25th September Rarotonga and Tahiti *Talune About 11th Sept. Saa Francisco (via BurotonKa and Tahiti). (From Wellington.) Tofna About 10th Soptembor Suva, Honolulu, Victoria, Vancouver, B.C. (For All Canadian and American Points, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, etc.) 'Tahiti About 23rd September •Fitted with Wireless Telegraphy. All Cargo must be booked at office before I «hlpmqnf ALl> TJ, Kr> "ROUTE FROM AUCKLAND TO lONDON, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, VIA CANADA AND U.S.A. In Conjunction with Canadian-Pacific Hallway Company. PROPOSED SAILINGS: TAHITI..,. ABOUT 23rd BEPTEMBEK NIAGARA.... ABOUT 10th OCTOHKB TAH1T1.......... ABOUT 16th NOVEMBER EOYAL MAIL SERVICE. FROM WELLINGTON TO AMERICA AND EUROPE. PROPOSED SAILINGS: TOFTJA ... ABOUT 16th SEPTEMBER MARAMA... ABOUT oth OCTOBER RETURN AND ROUND TOUR TICKETS INTERCHANGEABLE. Through Bookings to Europe at Cheapest Rates. Quickest Routes to London. Through Bookings to U.S.A., via Honolulu. Beturn Tickets to United Kingdom cai be made available for return Journey by P. and 0. and Orient Unes, via Suet, or by X.Z.S. Co., via Panama. All passengers oversea require passports. For full particulars, apply to UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF N.Z. D QRIENT L INE OF OTEAMKRS FROM CJTDNET rpO T ONDON, VIA MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE, FREMANTLE, COLOMBO, EGYPT, NAPLES, AND TOULON. Steamer. Tons. About 0R80VA..... . 12,036 Sept. 25 OBMONDB 14,853 October Iβ KONIGIN LOUISE. 10,785 October 30 OSTEBLBY 12,129 Kpy. 13 For full particulars apply to the Agents, UNION 6.5. COMPANT OF N.Z., LTD, Agents in New Zealand. B gHIBE J^INE. AND £»OAST pOBTS TTNITED T£INGDOM— OUT AND HOME. S. 8. A RGYLLSHIBE SAILED FOR LONDON. CARGO carried at 0w rates of freight. Offers of Cargo London to New Zealand wanted. SHIRE LINE built first steamer specially constructed for New Zealand Refrigerated Trade, which vessel loaded in New Zealand, 1884. Since then Company have been continuously in the Passenger and Cargo Trade to and from New Zealand. For Passage and Freight, apply to rpURNBULL. A/TARTIN AND ptO., DUNEDIN, LOADING BROKERS. D gHAW, gAVILL AKu » LBIUJK pO., T IMITED. THB DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAL. THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMERS IN THB NEW ZEALAND TRADE. Carrying Ist, 2nd and 3rd Class Passengers. PREPAID PASSAGES.—Persons desiring to arrange passages for friends from England to New Zealand may now do so, by prepayment or guarantee. Full particulars supplied on application. Steamer. Tons. From About ATHENIC. 12,345 Wellington October CORINTHIC 12,343 Wellington Early Nov TAINUI 10,000 Wellington End Nov lONIC 12,332 Wellington End Dec! ARAWA 10,000 WelUncton Early liarch, ATHENIC.. 12,345 Wellington En<l April For full particulars, apply to A. 8. PATERSON AND CO. LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO LTD DALGETY AND CO.. LTD. D P. A s D O. Ll N E rpO TONDON, VIA COLOMBO AND SUEZ. Vessel. Tons. From Sydney. NALDERA 16,000 October 5 MALWA 12,000 Nov 1R MANTUA 12.000 Nov' 30 MpEBA 12,000 Jan. 4 N ALDER A 16,000 Feb. 1 All Steamers fitted with Wireless TelegTaphy. Through Passengers from New Zealand to Europe can embark on arrival of the last connecting stenmer at Sydney For further particulars, apply to RUSSELL AND SOMERS B 3. Customs Street. 'Agents. pORT SYDNEY FROM LONDON. Conaisnees are requested to nresent R111« IB cargo unless lodged' On" qua'drSpUcatef at d^f|er Of dLVr Q B e er o« ~ SdiVaV'm» o \r r fd^S' ■ Captain W. H. Lea will not be responsible for any debts contracted by hie crew HHATHER, ROBERTON, LIMITED A g ep tß. ' 647 lAKO RIVER SHIPPING COMPANT S.S. ONEROA—TIME-TABLE Lea Tee Auckland: Leaves Kereneehi: prl., 3rd, 1 c.m- Frl., 3rd, 8 p.m. Tuee., 7th, 3 a.m. Tnes., 7th, 11 p.m. Thnrs., 9th, 7 p.m. Fri., loth, 2 p.m. Patetonga and Ngarna Cargo, Monday Only Freights payable at Anckland? r ' \ .WAIKJIi AND WALLIB, Agents. D'
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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