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MOTOR CARS FOR SALE. i UiCK, 2<iea'ter, surt Oaveller; splendid condition- bargain for cash. Also fur Sale, NEW HUDSON MOTOR BIKE. Motor Cyclists Note: We have told ail our last Model Hendersons and are now Booking Orders for the New Model K---E. i MAYDOOK, the Henderson Agent, «akej field Street, Auckland. "< * CHEVKOIyET Car. £2(iO. also 1913 Model Hudson, £400 ; both mechanically sound 4(3. Pollen St., Grey Lynn. v -* T7l!OltD Cal% late model, ■*- appearance: any trial. Price, £lis.— Ford, ]«5, STAR, f^ 2 J "AM.E.S , Ji 111.; 3-sp. gearbox, clutch, kick starter ■ accessories, spares, Lin J beny-inc—o7, Crummer ltd.. Grey Lynn. 3:iO AKWICK Auto Carrier, In good order. Bargain at £30 for quick sale.—s;",, Brighton ltd., Parncll. lj2 13S DAIMLER for Sale; 1-man hood (new), leather irp-noOstery, i-seater, wire wheels, dual ignition. Smith carburettor ; all in tip-top order. —Apply Cooper and Curd, Box 20. l'likekobe. 2GK O-BISATP;U Knglish Ligbt Car, perfect order: give same deposit on house, gcjml locnMty.— P.O. Box lirxi. 408 2-SEATER, small ; good appearance: per- j feet order: very economical. Price, ] jeinn.—p... iao, ST.\it. 343 , j K-SEATEU First Grade Car for Sale. *-* Would consider 3-seater part payment. Price £425.—8n1iy Grand, Box 170, P.O. 20 "VTEW ROADSTER, 40 H.P., number Wind Screens, Spot Light, etc. Weal for Medical Man. Too Powerful for Present Owner. E. V. nOYES, American Dental Parlors, Or 24, King George Avenue, Epsom.
I MOTOR CARS WANTED. I "CTO'KD Car, late model, O-seater; must be 1 -*- road ready.—Spot Cash, 153, STAiI. 355 i " OTOK Truck.—Wanted - to~Bu"y, l Ton Motor Truck.—Apply D. and J. Miller. " Wellesley St. F.. 230 ; i MOTOR GARAGES. I~ P yonr Motor Truck iieeds expert atten- , tlon or overhaul, ring Seabrook, Fowlds , I 'Phone A 2071. B ] ' TJiAOIATORS FOR MOTOR CARS, ! J-*' LAMPS AND <h;ARX>S, all makes.— jPiril.Lil' LEWIS. Ueuuing's I.ocker UarI asp. Chancery Street. 'Phone LT73A. S , L'KJKKST and B<-st Motor Kepair Sen-ice . Is at Roche and Hogg's, WakeQeld St. Any make car ; 232 :mo MOTOIRISTS. ( MOTOR HOODS AND LOOSE COVERS. We have just landed a large assortment of Materials. Your Inspection Invited. Prices on Application. I Note Address, New Premises: CAIRNS AND WOODWARD, f.S. Hobson Street. WS rp (TOMMY) "pAIRHURST, VULCANISE-R. MOTOR TYRES AND TL'KES REPAIRED . (U.F. Process). LIXE-US AND COVERS IN" STOCK. j Address: EXCELSIOR ULDU.-i., CUSTOMS STREET (Opposite Jolin Burns and Co., Ltd.). ' Ring UUiS. WS j
CAVE T>iilKOL ! EMPIRE AUTOMATIC ECONOMISEB AND VACUUM VALVK. 1 Guaranteeu to sa>e -, to S/ in the £ Petroi J Consumption. Increases h.p. o per cent to | 20 per cent. Gives better starting, clean plugs, mates hover sparKS. Presents carI bou deposit and over-heating. Acts as alr- , ' brake gotiig down hills. Cools eaguies and ' naves wear and tear on brakes. Waiiti no | aiteution frouj driver. You lit it in a few \ I nuuutes and forget it. It lasts a lifetime, mid proven itself in the hrst ten xul^es. Guaranteed. Car Slae, 98/6. Motor Cycle Size, TO/. - ') Apply GBOKGB HEALE, Sole Agents, (P.O. 80x , .' 1504), 21, Swanson Street, or CANADIAN SlOTOli CO.. Auckland. W^ N BASi CHANCE TO EARN A POCNJX ikrmewijere in our show window we have ' placwi a l'ound amongst our Motor Acces- " soriee. IV anyone loMtujg it we will allow it off any tyre imrcual-.ed. or -Q per cent off ajiy article up to the value of i 5. Come ami have a look for it. HARRISON AND GASH, Motor Specialists. Newmarket. B n OODE 1C II mil! ES. pi ood(r ie 11 myg cs. SPECIAL CUT. ' In the Following Sizes: Sls 1 Black Safety Tread £S net. 875 x 105 „ „ „ £S 10/ net. v - Sfc!o xIM „ ~ ~ £10 10/ net. ] ;ai 1 4 „ „ „ £8 net. ! , I S»i 4 „ „ £s 10/ net. j I Inquire at Yonr Garage. WE SELL All Sizee in tMotor Cycle Covers. ' ' WSJ CAJUiY iarge stocks of Liners, Solution, and Tubes. j , ■ptORDE' AND /"^O., THE GOOI>RIOn PIiOPLIE 5 "Serahl" Buddings, QUERN STItKIE-T. AUCKLAXD. B • rpXRES. mUBES. rpCBES. miRES. To open the Spring Motoring Season we are quoting Special Cash l TCBES I In Stock. Marathon, Barnett Glass, Goodrich, ' - North British, Clincher, etc. ,
rpOK />ITY AND OURCUBAN || "jLTOTOE /"COMPANY, \ BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. . JUNCTION REMUEHA ROAD. B : < MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE. ! (Motor Cycle (SngUshK tJ-8 bTp". ; ' J coach-built side car. What offer? —13, Randolph St., Newton. ltia - INDIAN and Side Car, 10ia electrle - , model; dove about SUO miles. Cheap.— " 1216. Fonsonby lid. 43 . JTi>fflJlA-N 7-!Wup., Solo, good condition: just ■' I ■*■ overbauled; new tyres; bargaiu.—-'5, ' J Commercial Kd., Urey X>yim. IjS l EUXVOE, ilulti, 5-C b.p., uud Sidecar, VJIM model; liret-class order; any ulal; £60 complete.—lo4, BToadway, Newmarket. SSO \\7ARjKICK Auto Carrierrwitli body coin : ** plete, aa (food as new. very little used; only £55. —tManager, Auckland Laundry ' Co., Upper Queen St. o&~> O/IK—EK9QMSH Motor-cycle; 3J; any SkS&AJ trlaL—3, Rowlings ltd., Haslett. - Chemist, on corner IMen Ter. 2*-S
NEW IMPERIAL MOTOR CIXLKs" England's Premier iioior Cycle; S h.p. J.A-P. Kngine, long wheel base, 28 i 3 tyres. 61n road clearance. Unequalled for sidecar work. Call and inspect, or write tor particulars of these superb English Motor Cycles. j J. S. IBVIX, Agent. , B 10, Waiefleld Street. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES WANTED. I ftAKKIEIi'-S Turnout n-auted, to .carr}- 25 I\J to 30cvrt_ —Write JKeasouuble, 36, Tennyson fit- Grey Lynn. 178 ' ■pwRAYS (1 or ;£>, Secondhand, wanteu; 1 J-'jaxd, or It, most be iv good <>njer; cheap for caab. Brewin, Kiwitaii EaUwaJ. j GKJ, Strong, urgent.—l, Willow St., Ctty. 28S HOBSK, Cart and Harness wanted. —8, Kanforly Rd.. Bpsom. 573 HOESB, 1-ton Cart, and Harness; to- j gpther or separate: In good order.— I Point Chevalier P.O. __iao HOKSES (2), part worn, wanted urgently for farm work; also Spring Cart and I Harness. —Buyer, 90, STAR. D 4 "TERSER Kulls i3j. good, grade or pedif gree.—Pull partirulars to 110. Lucerne j ltd.. Bemucra. 24"i I "PONT, staunch, ira-ntcd; must be <juipt IX and reliable Price £S to £10.—Send particulars Pony. P.f>. GTI l or Ligtit Cart, any condition. — -•- Price and wliere seen to Cash Buyer. ■ I J&4, aiAJi. eat
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
993Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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