COMPLAINT OF PRIVATE SALE. DISCL"S.*TOX AT CITY CdLTN'cn,. The sale by the City Conncll of throe liit? oi land fronting Anznc Avenue and JJraiii Koftd was the mibjeet of discuseion n.l the fity Council meetin« lust niL'i't. T!ie sections K-e>r<> among a number of others put up for auction by the council, and a complaint was received eii!'se ( |ueiitiy that Mr. J. C. Hnrdio. nlio ha<l iiK|iiirecl about tlie three lots in question, was infortned liy the auctioneer before Hi o auction that tliey were not for private sale, nnd when he wuitml lie learned that they ,had been withdrawn from auction, ns they .liad I, ™ sold privately to A. .1. Entrican and Co.. Ltd. Tnc Mayor reportinl thai, he had nuthoririej tlie sale of lots before the auction, as it was desirable to realise a> quickly as possible after tile upset pile- had been fixed, in view of tlie heavy interest charges on the outlay on tlie s.-heme. But ho had never authorised any sale to any particulaperson or arm. The Works Committee decided to report the facts to the Council without recommendation. Mr. TI. X. Bnpnall, who had raised the matter, stated that he had heard a Tumour and had made inquiries. He found that there was a complaint. At first ho was of opinion that some mistake had lx>en nmde. for he knew that it was not allowable for a local body to sell sections privately. His Worship: The Anzae scheme is under a special Act which gives 'us power to sell privately. Mr. Bapnall admitted that he had found that this was so, and had 'been satisfied that the instructions given to the auctioneers were as stated by tlie Mayor, though he was not satisfied that those instructions hnd been carried out uniformly, for he had heard another complaint from a firm of having been tokl that other sections' could not be sold privately before auction. Mr. A. ,T. Entriean said he wished to make it clear that the sections were bought by the firm of A. J. Entriean, 'wtd. The report was ado-pted.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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