D. and J. McCnUum's c'eUdous Scotch whlaky (Perfection I'raiuli rights the wrong. ' Take aa occasional ■•spot." old man, nnd the world will i-e-.'tn a hp-rer ■ place to live In. It lins wnnlorfnl tonic i mid Btlmnlatlr.g properties, vail leaves no ' uapleaGuut ■•heady"' fesllug in its train. Mako no rule; iv lie. Ask for Perfection Whisky. Bottled only liy the Proprietors, ■ I), and J. McCallum. Edinburgh, Scotland. DUtrlLutons: Cooke aud (Jo., Auckland. , (Ad.) Jiesars. T. Mamicno .Tacksoa report ihaTlug sold, at their p.roperty sale to-day, * corner section c-losp to Tsifcaniirt station, .watered l>7 creek, for £118 10/ an &«§.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
Page 2 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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