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SITUATIONS VACANT. IJAINTERS and Paperhangers wanted.— Coleman, 52, Graftou Rd. 547 ; I~>Ai-\ r i_- wanted; gT>o<l tradesman; top ' - wages.—4, Eden St., Newmarket. S3 ■OaTST'ITIDR wanted for Taumarunui.—Apply J- Andrew M. Patterson, 1-', Coaimerce <<v ' isj PAINTER and iPaperhanger; top wages to good in£n.—Apply after 6 p.m., W. Blaekwell, 8. Raleigh St., Dominion Rd. 572 TJAINTERS and iPaperhangers wanted, •*- good men only; hlg'heet wages and overtime; permanent.—Cthas. Goodall. Talhape. »2O PORK Butchery.—Shop Assistant wanted. | Apply F. Harrison, Bacoa Curer, Three ; Lamps,, Ponsonby. t>B j QALBS.MAN and Canvasser to work on i 0 Half Commission, wanted by Land Agent.—Some—ing Doing, 031, STAR. 17-t CJMART MESSAGE BOIC WANTED. Apply GF.O. FOWLDS. LTD., so(> Outfitters. Victoria Arcade.. riiAILORS and Tailoresses. —Wanted. First- -*- class Coat. Trouser and Vest Hands.— Fred. Conncll, ISO. Karangphnpe )id. r>oß rpROUSERS and Vest Hand wanted; none • - 1 - but the -best ueed apply.—T. W. Brough. Newton. 595 TROUSE'R or Vest Hand, piece or weekly. Permanent.—Anply H. Bunker, 2nd , Floor, fltrand Arcade. 516 ■ PIIOLSTEKER, first-class: gooil wages, no Saturday work.—F. Turnell, Jersey St., Newton. 000 I nlso for smithy. »' Gpo. Potter. Faithfull, Coach and Motor nniliinrs. Urnp nnd Rutland Ste. 177 YOUTH wanted who can ride and drive norsP y._T. Roe, Avondale. 223 ! oT - TH wanted for P.utter Depot.—X.Z. Coon. lialry Co.. Albert. St. 7U ry ANTED U R G E N T _ I. GOOD TAILORESSES for Costumes and Skirts. MACHINISTS for Boys' Sports Coats ana Knickers. 2 GIRLS for Button Table. GIRL for Ironing Collars. WEBB AND CO., 43, Wellesley St. 510 T ADY, YOUNG, EXPERIENCED, FOR FIRST SALE In TOILET AND FANCY DEPARTMENTS. ! Also. j TWO SMART GIRLS (15-16) FOR FANCY DEPARTMENT. I GEORGE COURT AND SONS, LTD., Karangahape Road. 550 TO LET, ' • COTTAGE, 20 minutes from station; rent 12/ti. —Particulars from A. V. iKuslege, HemltTeFOU. 10 Space, large, Ist flour, Queen St.; .suitable ouiett? op wor'krooins.—V"i<;tor Stewart, 58, U.ueen St. 143 a_UA-U_ or sued, with or without loft aotac-heu; reasonable terms.—Apply (58, liiiTuer Pusa. Puone 2S2IA. 507 |_I OU Slij 6 rooms, handy city; rent, 16/; ■*-*• tenant must purchase small quantity or turnltiire; Cheap.—House, j>, BTAR. 127 MOTOR Garage.—Apply -V, Mapau Rd., Green ljine. l^4 kJIiOP, with 4 living rooms, busy street; 3 immediate entry, small l>ou_.—Address lat STAKe usi ~ • iJHOP in Broadway. Newmarket, 7 years' ' 10 , lease; £MO goixln-111 wanted.-Raymond. Slieath. 7, Siiortland St. aSI 4 110OMS, convs., Greenlane, Tiaudy car, tniln; 27/G; adults only.—.Snow and Co., Phoenix Chambers. 103 4 ~ HOUSES AND -AND WANTED. BOUT 300-500 Sheep Country, near rail or township; must be value. —J. Foster, ■' ! I'iioeuix Cbaui'jfrs. ltM ADVERTISERS, JoUy and Co. (estab. 20 yearsj have many cash buyers lor a good Homes. Constant private salts.—-49, i- j Mt. Eden ltd. ___ D _ I A~PART-\IENT or" Boardlnghouse, 9-10- ---| roomed, good locality, one section; buy ! part furniture.—Cash, 87S, STAR. 18 '■ "|_»Al'H, amaiJ, and tew Acre.-; i>uywhe*e in J-* Aucklan-l district. About £3oU.—Thode Hrog., 17. rlioeuix I'lmrabers. ' BUILDING Section, anywhere in 'Epsom district or The Drive. —Write Section, c/o Wilson, Newmarket. 574 BOOCK., containing Tl-tree Firewood or 'Milling Timber, or both: solid buyer.— Tbodu Bros.. 17. Phoenix Cuatu'bers. > ",04 BUYERS waiting Houses in all localities ; all sizes. ull prices.—Ring 2SO2A. Stewart, OS. Queen St. 115 IT* or Suburban Shop Property, up to £'.0,000; must show interest. —J. Foster, Phoenix Chambers. lo'3 c TTOUS-, SUUttll, wanted, up to fiOO De--5 _1 j ws lt; no a^euts.—Apply ["rgent, f>, n Dominion Rd. -«S tTeS'l-i, 5 or U α-ooms. up-to-date and good order. Deposit ox all cash paid. — Speculation. 13, RT_._ W3 H~" OUSE7 modern, 5 or c> rooms, near Ist section good locality; fOoO deposit; no _ agents.—Urgent. 4. STAR. 1112 TTOt'SE. 5 or C rooms, In good order; -* Xl Jiiiudy to town; (rovt. valuation. No a pen til.— iSoMfor. 870. STAR. IS HOUSE, or Rungnlow, 4 or more rooms; must be handy to cars : pay to £1400 rash or Icrms.—liiiypr. SOI*, STAR. 107 HOUSK, 4, 5, or 0 roam*, wanted, prtoe fSOO to £l«l0: LMt. Etlen. Dominion ltd., Avondale rttetricts pref.—Write P.O. - Tiox 111 H. 20 T rvTAIICIIU District —House vrnnted. 4 to " 0 rooms immediately.—Price, terms. lloufc. Otahuhu P.O. 17G '• t>oojTs (7), electricity area: Interest. -" rates: £2 weekly off principal. No appiits.—Cli.. !)7ii. STAR J 47 EJECTIONS (1 or more) wanted, nenr f- , trams —Write Kra, Dominion Rd. P.O. 654 I- O TO 4 ACRES wanted, dose to Ruhnrban *" train or boats: state price and part!<-n----y l nrs .—Mo. n. Burnley Terrace. 77 TmIoOME-D. iHVto-tlote Hcsirlon<-" wantefl ! " " to Purchase : volcanic soil, with 2 or 3 '" lucres- south suburban.—Civil Servant. I C.P.0.. Auckland. 37 HOUSE. 7 ROOM?-. AND TWO OR THREE LOOSE RONES, With Good Section. O Wanted near Green Lane. Client waiting. HARROP AND MEDLEY, 13, Shortlana Street. 139 j \\7HT don't you let as Snow If h\ YOUR HOUSE IS FOR SALE ? . We have BUYERS waiting, and CAN SELL. We are not asleep. ROBERTS AND CO., Land Agents, 17, Endean'B Bullorngs. B . TUITION 'WANTED. — T>l ANO-TCXlNCi—Advertiser cleflreH in- „ -*- etructlon in Piano-tuning. — State 11 terms to Tuner, GtW, STAR. c 1 ALMOST every hardware <itore sell: North British Rubber UNIQUE HOI WATER BAGS. Chemists and Rivbbei Stores , recommend them, because they're economical, durable, lasting, *eati3factory All British.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
Word Count
859Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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