SITUATIONS VACANT. JITTERS and Boilermakers wanted.— L Steel Construction Co., Sale St., Freeuan's Bay. D 4 wanted, to looK alter garJ den and fq-wls; please state wages; ;ood home to Vultatfie man.—Tony Keane, 'Illnemoa." Hei-eiiavllle. 038 CJ.AS Stoker, experienced, wanted; award *-* wages.—Apply at once, <Jas Manager, L'aeroii. 127 EXAIRDR.ESSEIR, flrstclass, wanted; '-'- wages, £5 week.—Reid and Burke, j2, Itldgway St.. Wauganul. IMHAIKDRESSEUS.— Wanted, good Man to rent Saloon; low rent, good prospects, lalrdressem' Union, 28. Victoria St. :a ANDY Man wanted, to keep lawn and Jiedge In order; one day a week.—E.M.. . "2 HOUSE POHT—B, EXPE.RIENCED. c<o Sunday Work. Apply MIANAGER. WAVERLEY. 03 LABOURERS, good, for Nlhotupu Impounding Dam. Top wages suitable nen Men liud own blankets. Train leaves Auckland for Walkumete '>'-X> "•"'■ Coach meets above Mondays, Thursdays, fcaturJnys.—ATjply «v Worlis, ox 'Phone, Mhotupu p^j JOINERS wanted; good wages.—Apply worl—hop, George Ruodes and Son, Ltd., Builders, -'7. Paltersou St. 524 TOINERS (good), also Machinists), wanted; J top wages.—C. 11. Frankham, Mahuru St., Newmarket, past Railway Workshops. ' l'lione 3030. f>1 8 JOINERS.— Wanted. Several Oood joiners and Cablnotiru_ers; permanent work; 3/ hour, 44 hours a wuets.. —H. K. Hum-ph-rcys, Sash and Door Factory, MorrinsvllleL~ ABOU-ItBRS (2) wanted.—Apply on job, Nn. !», Orakol Rd.. li lADS, strong, £2 15/; also Boy, £2, rasj J job.—J. Pomeroy and Co., Ltd. .Hamilton. 4C AD. smart, intelligent, about lo or id" to learn vulcault-ing.—Brown Tyre and Rubber Co., 12. Market Dj MAN. competent wanted for maintenance work.—Apply immediately to Manager Thames Gas Works. HI MAS -wnntcd. for broakingdown bencn also Man for tallingout; output 4.OCX per day; wages, 13/.— Apply Box 57 Talhape. ' « MAN, reliable, young, wanted for countrj store, as Carter and to assist in stor< (slnnlc): copies of references. —W. iMnr-ferson. Box 2. Mnnunul. Sjo( ESSAUE Boy wanted, nmart, respect able: wases £1 week.—J. C. Snarlanrt ("llpnilst. Sliortlnnd St. IS ■XTAVYI-S. —Wanted, 4 gowl Navvies foi bu-h tram —Oammac, Ohakun-c June tlon. — JUNIOR FOR OFFICE WANTED " Good Prospects for Sharp Lad. One just leaving- school preferred. Apply N.Z. LOAN AND MhitCANTILE AGENC , COMPANY, LTD., Albert and Customs Streets. 57 ,/~IFFICE BOX WANXISJ For Solicitor's Office. fl a week. * MAHON'Y, SON AND SCOTT, 3S, Shortland Street. 2] J3AINTERS W A N T E I 12 BRUSH HANDS. C SCRIirMF.RS. « PAPERHANGBKS. .T. ifk.NDBRSON. Decorator and Painter, 'M, High Street. ( "piCK AND SHOVEL MEN (2) WANTEE -*- IC/ Day. Apply at once. KIN LOCI I, Three Kings Quarries or 'Phone 3066 (2 rings). 55 C 2 _ C O -N l> 'E N G I •N E E I Wanted. a" hhorongihly compoter iMiKTHAiNI-CAL RNGI-N.KEiß'for T>ositlon c SECOND at t.he piETONE WOOLIjEi: JIILIjS ApT'liennts to slate age. exr>cr . encp. (juallfli-atiuu.-i aud refereuces. Goo opportunity for capable 'man.—Apply 1 writing to T.ILE WKLIJ.NOTO-X W-Aai Lr:,N 'MIFG. CO., LTD., Jervote Qunj Wellington. 54 CiECOND OFFICER WANTEI b For BARQUE RAUPO. Apply G. W. HEWS, Agent, 001 .10,, Fort Street. CJED-DON METMORIATj TEC3TNICA ° COLLEGE, AUCKLAND. App'lcntlons are invited for tlie Positio of Chief Clerk (lady) In the Otilca of tt College. salary, £.'t per \vc< > Further particulars can be obtained fro ttxo uuderstgued. GEORGE GEORGE, Director. Wellpsley Street Enst, September 1. 1020. » QIEVEKAL YARD JIANDS WANTE: FOR AUOKLAND MILL. Apply KAURI TIMBER CO., Fanshawe Street. 2C Yy'ELL-ESTABfcLSHIvD FIRiM, JUS STARTING LAND DEPARTMENT In connection wllh their Existing Busines REQUIRE TUB iKER VICES OF A REALLY FIKST-CLASS MAN, To Take Charge and Manage this Department. Successful applicant must know the bus ness thoroughly. Applications will be treated as strictl conlideuti-1. Applicants to state salary and commi slnn required, and to forward full partici lars as lo qualifications, etc.. to REAL ESTATE, DO 020, STAR. ■y-OUNG MAN, SIM ART AND ENERGETI - 1 - With Knowledge of Periodicals and Publishing. Good Salary and Prospects to the right ma Applications to, be made in writing, wit particulars of experience, to THE MANAGER. GORDON AND GOTCH (Australasia), Lt Bo_ iB4, G.i'.O., Auckland 2( yOI'TH, KMART, WANTKi ■*■ About 16 years of age. STORE AN.D OFFICE WORK. A. YOUNG AND CO., t 30, Fort Street. "VrOUTHS (3), FOR PICKING OVE ■*• POTATOES. FARMERS' UNION TRADING CO., Produce Department. ! 553 Fort Street.