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BOARD AND RESIDENCE. A CCOIIMODAXION, Erst class. — Mona "• Houee, 12, Lower Symonds 3— 203. D 4 BOA'Rl) and Residence required, by cleri. njoveriiment, S'.ll!, STA'itr 191 T>UAliJj and Kesldence wanted by busiD uess girl.—Terms to Clerk, SS2, STAR. 534 BOARD "wanted for 2 ' little girl's going "to scliool; state terms.—Hoard, IS, STAR. T>OAIiIJ aud Residence wanted in superior ■*-* Louie by professional man and boy 12 yrars.—Hoanl. iISS. STAR. 100 TJOAHD and Kesideuce wauted (by respec- ■*-• table working man, near lit. Edeu Station.—W. My KJc" Rd. s«{ "I>OARD and Residence wanted for young - 1 -* man attendinc University. — State terms, etc.. to Student, 1, STAR. 032 "OOAKD n.'id Residence, private family, -*-* wanted by respectable younp man.— State terms, Railway Clerk, 913, STAR. BOA.RD and ResidenceTivanterd" l>y 2 youn; buHhiess ladles, near town, with relineil famUy; double bedroom prfff IR.U., 8. STAiR. , 348 "OOARU or Partial Board, witn private **-* family; comfortable home, every convenience: suit two gentlemen, friends. — Adilross STAIt. 505 OARD RosideiTce, or Room with Part Beard, -wanted by lady at business all day; private family, any suburb. —Terms to Urkent. tmi. STAR. . A 3 IBVOXTORT, King's Parade or near — I'lain-livim; Han wa-nte Board and Residence.—Civil Servant, Devon-port P.O. 57 G.EXT wants Board ami Residence In pood suburb —Terms to 'Striincer, —X, fe\L AH. HOMKLY Young Couple will give reasonable (Board to m.c; child no objectlin. Address at STAR. H2 T ApY, expecting, wants Board, l'onsonby U or Heme Boy —Terms to N'ursinc Home, c/o Pnkekohe T.O. 120 ARRIED Couple, going to business, want Board private family, within 2nd section.—Address STAR. 47 ROOM, turn., with Ced and Breakfast, -wanted, by elderly gentleman, vlcinity ■of Belmont preferred.—B.. 933. iSTAR. 21 " fpHE CARLTOX," 18, Liverpool St.— -*- Board and Residence; Ist section.— Phone 325. B
APARTMENTS WANTED. T>EU Slttlngroom wanted by m.c, at bus ■*-* ness all day; Grafton preferred.IWrite Business, 883, STAR- • 4 BED or Sitting-room, double, furnishei fireplace wanted. —Terms and fu address -urgently to Superior, 030, STAR. S FLAT, 2 rooms, required by Saturday refined m.c. no children: replies mv: Btate terms.—.Taefr. 579, STAB. 3 MAN' wants Room, vlolla practice. alKii 2 hours nightly.—Terms. BT7>, STAR. ' OOIIS, 2 or 3, unfurn., by m.c, Pol sonby.—Write X.V.. 5. STAR. 1: "DOOM, unfurn., wnnted, handy to Gillett -JL* , Motor Garage, Albert St.; terms etc. T.A.,,9V2. STAR. ___ 1 EOO-M, sunny, unfurnished, to re-spectab : person; ioanl out; private family.Address at STAR. S BOOMS, bed ' and bed-sittiug, furnlshe wonted, vicinity ltemuera; reasonabl Phone 393 ft (4 rings). OOMS (1 or 2), turn., s-rnall cottaj where Ivaby not objected to; Devonpc pref.—Urgent. 9.13,. STAR. ROOM wanted, ivlth -breakfast, o weel must be near city ami respectable Particulars to Room. 974. STAR. EOOMS W) -Baa kitchenette, waul urgently by 2 adults; or wanlti n small fiirn. 3inu*=p. — .Hpsppi-tahle.7. STAIR.: jT'O HONt'S for Z Rooms or Flat, separ: 3i/-J kitchenette, for m.c.—Bonns, 8 fc-TAK. j APARTMENTS VACANT^ TJEDKOOIt (double) and Dining Rooi -D furn.; no children.—s, Wood St., Po sonby. IB£.Di\UUiL, front, furnished, single; g2 etc.; suit business lady.—o6, Newt ; IM.. St. Eud. 1 ' I »j-.u siuii.groom, furnished, with kltcht: -t* ette, c.1.. ' gas stove, phone. —Ck thorpes. ":s'2. Ponsunby Kd. ~ BIBDiUOOM. to Lett, suit young man; so washing an-d breakfast if desired: .tern moderate. —Address at .STAR. 1. BED Slttingroum, suit 2 friends during day; also Single Bedroom, brea fast or full board. —Address a.t STAR. ' EDEOOM, comfortable; geutl-eman.; b< and breakfast, or board; few mlnuti Symonds St.—9, Sunnyside Rd., Mt. Ede I . — DEVONI'OKT. —Two up-to-dete Rooit larg-e dining, fireplace, front bedrooi ' snnny.—Address nt STAR. ■ TT'LAT, furn., 11 or 3 rooms, self containe " Immediate possession.—.'l7, Sentinel li< FLAT, suuny. unfurn., balcony, pas stove; luiin. Symonds St, Id eec; suit m.c — Address'at STAR. . 12S F~LAT, balcony, furn.; all convs., own meter: sunny.—"Tlrt View," Narrow Neck. —Phone Mβ. Devnnpnrt. r>3 ■piaCAT -- fnrn., .or just new; trams ptnp door: e'pt\ litht: cult burino-s man 0rm.c.— 229. Poneonny Rd. .'.T) Ft'illX. Room, ?ulr 2 steady men: c.1.; no tnm fans —1(U. V!<-toria St. TV. 13 r\ RAFTO.S RD.—Half Large House, Vαfurnished, solf-c<jntained; private entrance and ualconv; lovely views.—Address at STAR. i^o "V'lDil Itooin, suit 2 business girls; separatd beds, with board, 00/ each.— Address at .STAR. • 141 : TWXSO.NBi".—Rooms furui*hed) 1J- ilnuble, single, aiul sitting-room: use ot workshop: ynii-t home.—Address STAR. 74 IXJO-U. furn. or unfurn., all cony.—l, Col- * llugwood St.. Punsonby. 53 TJOOOI, lnrge. sunny. iinfurnUhed, -all ■*•" conveniences; no children.—Address at STAR. 5G9 ROO-IIS (2), partly furnished: use corns.; suit m.c, no children. —43, Norfolk St., j Punrouby. 5.13 E-OOMS, 2or 3. unfurnished. I; se all ■ coDVS.; no children.—lß7, Victoria Rd.. Devonport. - 122 ROOM to Lot. furn., single, close Three l.anife and tram; private family.— 2, Russell St. 133 (■OOOiVIS Uil, furn., lied and dining; all I-" , pouts.: adults only; no tram fares.— ; y>. ffpllln;twi St. 04 ROO-.M. suuny, ur.furn., to respectable person; bnard out; private family.— I Address at ST.VK. 59€ hp'oOM. ni'-e. verandnh, to Let to elderly ■" lady, in return for light services.— I Ilr-moiy. rt'_>. ,STA't. KJ TfCOII, front, furn., with fireplace, ■" h. and '•.. bntli: use of all convs.—l2. ; Mplrosp Street. Newmarket. 08C j "DOOM, partly or unfurnished, suit elderlj I-" lady: terms moderate. n\ , "HiiTit'.s, Stationer. Three Lamps. 571 EiOO'iW (J!), large, unfurn., iv suburbs suit adult family cr would let for stor age: 3/ti a room.—Address at STAR. 08AGENCIES WANTED. rpKAVELLEH, working whole New Zea -*- land, wants few jrood lines on com , mission; big business getter, splendid ere ' dentials..—Salesman, 11, STAR. 10i PIANOS •WANTED. , T>IANO wanted, nny make; borer nc 1 i: object; -tap price. — Piano, Jiewtcm . l≥ PIANO, secondhand, for country school little borer no objection.—Write School C <;.i\o. IS j ' T>IANO, gorKl, Becondhaml. f=nltar.le foi .I -L country hall; not particular to make.- ---! \\rlte Country, G.P.O. 1!
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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952Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 1
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